Silver Star

Eve was on clouds. Her first outing with the young Recopian Padawan Tigris — the entirely bewitching young woman who had compelled and drawn her in so mysteriously — had gone off without a hitch. She had learned so much about her in a single day, and it had only affirmed how drawn to her she truly was, and Eve had started coming to conscious terms with herself that what she was feeling was an undeniable attraction. It was a realisation that shaken her with all sorts of feelings. The mere thought of it — not even mentioning the fact it was reciprocated by Tigris herself — made Eve melt into a blushing, fluttering ball of smitten chaos.
But something else had happened which Eve had completely shocked herself over. She had asked her to a second date. And not just any second date, but the upcoming Zinder-hosted ball she had heard so much about on the datafeeds. Silently, she scolded herself at how silly an idea it was in hindsight. She couldn't dance. She had no idea what one was supposed to do at these things. She didn't own makeup, she didn't own a dress, she just didn't do this kind of thing. Ever.
So panic set in.
Oh Eve, why do you always do this? You've really put your foot in it this time. You're gonna make yourself look like an idiot and ruin your chances with her and she'll never speak to you again and and—
She reminded herself of the mindfulness lessons Master Noble had been giving her, and sought intentionally to bring her awareness back to a centrepoint with gentle, rhythmic breathing. Then the solution came to her.
~Master, can I see you privately when you're next free? It's kinda urgent. Café?~
It was a simple enough message that Eve hoped wouldn't panic her Master, but she nevertheless wanted to convey the sense of urgency that had been rising within her in the following hours, and when Master Noble had agreed to come meet her, her mind suddenly started to feel more at ease.
She'll know what to do, she thought to herself as she sat at the corner booth of the temple café, finger tapping nervously against a fresh glass of iced moogan tea. She always does.
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