Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Urgent Meeting. Another Change of Heart?

It had been near a millennium since she last saw this planet. Ossus, the homeworld of the Jedi, the birthplace of the light. The female had decided that it was time to look at the Jedi. See if that was the path she wanted. She knew that the Jedi weren't going to force her to join again. In fact, they probably wouldn't let her. However, that didn't mean that she couldn't do her research and see what she wanted... which was obviously to renounce her status as Sith. Upon setting foot on the geographical features of the planet surface, she went to work on her lightsaber, and replaced the Qixoni with the Krayt pearl she kept near and dear. Now she doesn't have to worry about an unusable lightsaber. She knew that setting foot in the heart of the Jedi hive would attract the attention of many Jedi Masters. Who she wanted to get the attention of was [member="Corvus Raaf"], [member="Taeli Raaf"]. and [member="Kian Karr"], and she hoped that the radiance from the Qixoni gave them a sense of urgency.

"Maybe I will find what I am seeking here, if not I shall remain a homeless rat."
A wave of calm washed over Kian as he took another deep, steady breath. The Kel Dor knelt in the dirt along one of the running paths outside of the Ossus Academy. Kian had spent the morning jogging through the woods, clearing his mind for the days to come, and as was usual on his jogs, he'd found a nice spot to settle down and meditate. As the force flowed through him, Kian began to sense something on the edge of his consciousness. It took several moments before he even began to be aware of it.

It was a cold presence.....a dark presence.

It was faint, however, and certainly not something that would draw much attention. But Kian was rather sensitive when it came to the presence of the darkside and a bit paranoid at the best of times. Rising to his feet, Kian kept his eyes closed and honed in on the beacon of darkside energy. Kian made his way in the general direction of the presence, pulling his lightsaber around to the front of his utility belt for easy access and wondered if he was the only one who had noticed it.....

[member="K'sara Korr"] - [member="Corvus Raaf"] - [member="Taeli Raaf"]​
Corvus ran just before dawn and so by this hour had already finished a shower, breakfast, meditation and her first lesson. But she accepted that some of the older Jedi moved at a slower pace.

So she finished teaching the Younglings a particular meditation technique to help them centre themselves quickly and was about to walk back to the Academy from the Pavilion when she noticved Master Karr run past. As his motion had distracted her, she followed his journey and then sensed it. So she momentarily closed her eyes and entered Force Sight. Her range was ever expanding as she developed as a Jedi and she could sense a presence in the direction Kian was running.

She broke into a jog and followed him. The aura wasn't precisely dark but then it wasn't light either. It needed further investigation.

[member="Kian Karr"] | [member="K'sara Korr"] | [member="Taeli Raaf"]
A grin had begun to play on the half-Twi'lek's face as she used her Force Sense and saw two masters on the move toward her position. "Finally, I just might make some progress. Let me see if I can urge them more." She said and lifted the Qixoni with her left hand, and while using her Sense, she pushed some of her Force powers into the Qixoni to let its dark aura strengthen and pull them faster to the signature. Her eyes stayed closed, and she kneeled into a meditative stance. Now, she just had to wait.

[member="Corvus Raaf"] [member="Taeli Raaf"] [member="Kian Karr"]
@K'sara Korr [member="Corvus Raaf"] [member="Kian Karr"]

Taeli wasn't really looking where she was going as she walked, her nose was in a book after all. She was simply relying on her senses to keep her from crashing into anyone, and that was when she sensed a dark burst of the Force, almost like a beacon. Sighing, and closing her book with a snap, she looked around and saw a girl holding a some sort of gem and meditating nearby. Tucking her book under her arm, she made her way over to the girl.

"You know, sometimes you can just send a regular message to meet with someone instead of using a Qixoni crystal to gain attention," Taeli said, noting the crystal in her hand. Looking over, she could see Kian and Corvus nearing them. Again, a simple message sometimes. People could get the wrong idea by what the girl was up to.
"I'm but a blind woman. Even if I'm a force user, a blind person can only do so much. I used my wisdom to contact you, young master. Ah, the others are here. I came with a question. You three, would I be able to return to the Order, and be redeemed?" It was a simple question, but nonetheless she believed that being straight forward was the best route to take, seeing as they can tell she's ex Sith. "I release my ties to the Sith."

[member="Corvus Raaf"] [member="Kian Karr"] [member="Taeli Raaf"]
Kian arrived and saw that [member="Taeli Raaf"] had beaten them to the source of the signature. Bowing his head toward her, Kian's eyes fell on the young woman before them. She appeared familiar but Kian couldn't tell where, or if, he'd seen her before.

"Greetings." Kian said dryly, nodding his head towards the young woman. "You certainly know how to get our attention." Kian said chuckling, but as he said so he was reaching out with the force, sensing her signature and trying to determine her intentions for being here. He didn't feel any hostility or aggression from her, but Kian left his guard up none-the-less.

"We have a procedure for redemption." Kian said and turned toward Taeli, "Master Raaf has gone through it and could tell you a great deal about the experience I am sure. We require a probationary period, an interview with the Council, and some humanitarian work and supervision under a Jedi Knight or Master to.....keep an eye on your progress." Kian said, choosing his words carefully.

"We certainly believe in redemption." Kian said clasping his hands behind his back. "But we also believe in caution." Kian turned to Grandmaster [member="Corvus Raaf"] to see if he had missed anything.

[member="K'sara Korr"]​
She looked at the Kel Dorian, through her force eyes, keeping her self in high alert in case they had an ambush planned. With the clique she was with prior, she learned not to be too trusting of others, even peace keepers like Jedi. "Koh-toh-yah." She greeted a bit more formally. "I knew I could find you three here, I remembered who you were from your base invasion against the Assassin cult. The blind can only see so much, besides... Jedi need to have a little fun every once in a while. I figured that calling out to you all like this would make it a bit fun for you all. "I have sufficient training to be of use as a knight, and I have even decided to take up a student of my own to make up for my mistakes... to make up for disgracing my original teacher.... my best friend who was killed way back during the final battle of Yavin--"

"-- I know I'm old... perhaps I can even be considered a living relic of a long passed era. The force was with me, even as I sat Cryo-frozen on the moon, even as that Sith Lord freed me from my icy prison. Somehow, I managed to survive. The cryo made me blind, however.... Oh forgive me for my rambling... I didn't come here to talk your ears off like this." She bowed her head, and small, light indigo lekku softly bounced out of her hair.

[member="Kian Karr"] [member="Taeli Raaf"] [member="Corvus Raaf"]
Given the nature of the conversation, Corvus took a back-seat. Kian invariably took up matters of security and so she deferred to him. In her eyes, all Jedi were equal and specialism meant a lot more than any titles bestowed.

So she observed the dialogue and kept her own counsel. Three Masters were sufficient to deal with the matter - and in truth, Kian could probably manage it all by himself. But she wad here and if a helping hand was needed, she could always give it.

And she gave her sister a smile. Fortunately there were no lessons due, so she could give this young woman her full attention until the matter was resolved to Kian's satisfaction.

[member="Knight K'sara"] | [member="Kian Karr"] | [member="Taeli Raaf"]
[member="Corvus Raaf"] [member="Kian Karr"] [member="Knight K'sara"]

Taeli would be mostly silent as Kian talked, she just wanted to observe this person. She recognized her as one of Ferus's Sith Assassins, but she hadn't ever spoken to her before. Still, yet another Assassin had left his group for the Jedi, not a good mark on his member retention at this rate she thought.

Human and Twi'lek hybrid, that was interesting, and her scientific mind wondered how much of her took after the Twi'lek side with lekkus. The woman was speaking of an older time though, and that piqued Taeli's interest in her story. She didn't remember any final battle in the Yavin system though that resulted in Jedi deaths. Strange.
"Koh-toh-yah." Kian said back in his native Dorin and was surprised that the girl knew the formal Kel Dor greeting. Kian listened to the girl as she spoke, his head tilted sideways like a curious pup and his hand running up and down the spikes on his antiox mask as if he were stroking a beard.

"We would be glad to have you join our ranks....assuming your abandonment of the dark side is sincere." Kian said, no malice in his voice but rather just stating fact. "It would be a little premature for you to take on any students within the Order however." Kian said referring to what the girl had said. "I'm afraid that wouldn't be allowed until the probationary period has ended and you are deemed fit to join our ranks, officially." Kian added, wanting her to understand where she stood. Kian held no ill will for her, but the procedures that had been put in place were the result of deliberation and care and were followed whenever possible.

"But I've not doubt you will be ready soon." Kian said smiling beneath his mask. "Why don't you tell us a bit more about your time among the Sith?" Kian suggested, wanting to get the know more about where the girl was coming from.

[member="Taeli Raaf"] - [member="Corvus Raaf"] - [member="Knight K'sara"]​
K'sara let out a sigh. "Perhaps that can be done in tidbits, master Jedi. There is too much to discuss at once." Her glance went toward Taeli. "No Jedi were reported as casualties, because some things are better left in the dark and forgotten about. None of you tell your students or comrades everything, whether its to protect them or not." She rose to her feet and bowed. "The ones who wish to be taught by me actually inspire me to better myself. Is it odd that such has happened? Or has the same happened to you?

[member="Kian Karr"] [member="Corvus Raaf"] [member="Taeli Raaf"]
Corvus continued her watching brief, listening and nodding at appropriate moments to show she was listening - but essentially allowing Kian to lead the process.

And she needed to keep her focus intact as it would be easy for it to wander, to think about the day ahead, lessons coming up, missions to plan. But that would have been a disservice to all present, so she kept her mind on the present and allowed the conversation to flow between Kian and the newcomer.

[member="Knight K'sara"] | [member="Kian Karr"] | [member="Taeli Raaf"]

I appreciate we're keeping to a posting 'order' but given Corvus is just watching, I won't post again until called upon :)

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