Name: Urlock Gaur
Title: Anarch of the Sanguinity
Age: 32
Species: Human
Sex: Male
Head: 2,35m (after altering and in armor)
Heft: 376kg (after altering and in armor)
Physicalness: bio-chemical and mechanical transformed body
Body marks: excessive scars, augmented body size & muscle power
Sensibility: refined eye-sight, hearing and reflex-responses
Rating: warmongering and bloodthirsty psychopath
Values: strength, sacrifice, brutality & cruelty, victory
Despises: weakness, calmness, peace
Alligns: chaotic evil
Background: mistreated, indoctrinated, abused, violated - victorious
Interested in: war, power projection and expansion, religious crusading
Believes: the right of the stronger, ruinous powering (abusing to the maximum with no interest of re-usage)
Force Affinity: mediocre
Training: crude
Practice: master-levelled
Unarmed combat: champion boxing and wrestling (barbarian)
Ranged combat: pistol veteran, rifle veteran, large weapon rookie
Melee combat (blades): champion with knife & dagger, champion with sword (one- and two-handed)
Melee combat (blunt): master with maces and staffs
Ancient set of power armor
Holocron of Sanguinity
Combat knife
Look and demeanor
The Anarch is a cruel and intimidating giant, clad in a huge set of barbarian armor. The horrifying, nauseating smell of rotten blood and cinnamon which he seems to bear everywhere he goes, makes him an unwelcome and disgusted being. His face was maybe pretty once, but now deteriorated by scars, battle and ritual ones, stripped off all facial hair. The eyes are entirely of white color, the nose broken more often than one could count and his mouth full of teeth, metal implants which pierce the own flesh. Part of his altering was also the extension of his fingers, featuring three joints instead of two.
His voice is a whisper, croaky and guttural, causing an unpleasant feeling for those who listen. While he appears calm in most situations, he is a servant of his anger and hate, following his lowest instincts if something does not appeal and suit him. It is common that his servants or adjutants (there is no remarkable difference) do not have a long service time. He only bows to power and strength, does not listen to advice and sees his approach as the ultimate service to his beliefs.
Child of the Sanguinity
Urlock was born thirty-two years ago on the world Mephist, the core planet of the Sanguine worlds, a cluster of inhabitable planets in the range of a single system. His family were part of the common sect or cult called Sanguinity. A religion which was focused on blood, rage and strength.
There was no space for love or care in this society, only the hunger to be stronger and to serve the greater good, the Anarch. The Anarch is the first prophet and overlord of the Sanguinity.
Aside from learning basics like writing and reading, his very youth was marked by the pitched skirmishes with other children, teaching the first cold-blooded lessons of strength and combat. His first kill was his two-years older brother, breaking his neck to gain the blade he owned.
At the age of ten he was deemed worthy by the Magirs to be send to the arenas. A great honor.
The arenas and the schools behind them are savage and barbarian places, perfectly summing up the culture and religion the Sanguinity represents.
Urlock was send into the arena on his day of arrival, the ordinary ritual for newcomers to prove worthy. To become a bloodletter.
His first arena combat marked the beginning of his string of rise, a star of cruelty and brutality dawning. Nobody knew what would develop from this young boy who ripped the heart out of his opponent.
The training and fights were accompanied by continuous insults, taunting and violations by the scourgers, the trainers and instructors of the gladiator schools. They reminded him what he was bleeding for, that he was nothing in the face of the Anarch, that his sole purpose was honoring the Sanguinity with blood, his own or his enemies’.
Living through the physical and psychological torture, winning every fight with new glory, gaining experience and surviving the first four years, he became an Aspirant.
First Altering
Aspirants are those bloodletter which survive years of fighting and training in a noteworthy manner. They are sent to the Fleshforges to get physical augmentations, steroids, adrenaline stims and pain prohibitors implanted into the central nerve system, reproduced by the own body.
Their training only continues if the Aspirant survives the altering and the first fight. Once again the gladiator is sent directly into the pit, no time for rehabilitation or cure for the surged body. Surviving this duel means to get special training and be open for sponsoring, receiving gifts like equipment or special stims and potions.
Outgrown and out-experienced by most of the elder Aspirants, Urlock was rated as a weakling, an aspiring arriviste of a poor generation. He proved them wrong. One after the other, defeating them and delivering impressive shows of brute force and savage cruelty.
Working his way up to the Sanguine elites within the arenas, Urlock adopted the name ‘Gaur’, the ancient form of gore in the Sanguine language. The fame was connected with more ‘comfort’ which only means better equipment and own slaves, there is no room for decadence, not for luxury and not for joy in this culture.
His renown grew, the advertisements for his fights were marked as the future Champions ones. Urlock liked that, but he was not driven by it. The indoctrination of the Scourgers worked. He was no smart and intelligent man, but definitely had the will to achieve, the desire for power and the lust for blood necessary to rise in the Sanguinity and to serve it. Urlock was totally believing in the culture and religion which he was raised to praise.
Slowly but firmly Gaur developed a certain goal, a plan one could cynically call it. It was during this later years, at the age of fifteen-sixteen that he discovered his Force sensivity. Accidently during a training session he was destroying several sparring probes with his pure rage, but without contacting and hitting them. They simply exploded. Force sensivity was known in the Sanguinity, but it was not considered special or noteworthy, though it wasn´t common. The disrespect towards life and natural flows and environment usually distorts the connection to the Force, unlike the Sith who embrace the Dark Side, the Sanguine world simply ignore such 'believe' as not belonging to their religion.
Gaur though saw this as an opportunity for himself, he had a power which was rare and could berefined. He didn´t know how, but he was trying. It was crude, while he couldn´t even manage to lift and pull or push, he could force people to obey his will, to shatter in fear or to simply wound and hurt their bodies.
Fighting through more stages and arenas, inspiring and entertaining the masses of the Sanguine worlds, Urlock finally made his way in to the large arena, the home of the champion and the best gladiators. Here the fights became nearly legend, taking some days even before one opponent would finish another. There was a fight when Urlock and his opponent were battling each other for 41 hours, pushed and totally high by combat drugs and stims, they were nearly slaughtering each other. With his guts only held in his belly by a hand, Gaur killed his opponent by opening his throat with his bare teeth.
The champion was a seven foot tall agumented monster, clad in a crude chainmail and armed with gauntlets of large claws, implanted horns covering his head. This one hasn´t been challenged by an aspirant for a decade now. His experience and victories were tales of the young, daydreams of gore and blades, of glory and valor in the name of the Sanguinity.
The current ruler of the fighting pits accepted the challenge. A boy of seventeen years challenging a veteran of the arena of two decades. Gaur was not fully developed, actually still in his late puberty, therefore his muscles and body was still one of a boy, rather than one of a man. Opposing a man in his mid-thirties, implants and augmentations, as well as steroids improving the already deadly abilities. Paired with the usage of stims and drugs this one was as fit as Gaur, as fast as Gaur and much stronger.
With thundering cheers and screams both combatants entered the fighting ground, hundreds of thousands of people were watching from the ranks, including the Anarch himself. Millions more were following the event via their screens at home. It was until then the most watched event of the Sanguinity.
Gaur knew that he wouldn´t last very long against this master of arms, he would have to use the confidence of the opponent against him. But there wasn´t much more thinking on Gaur´s side, his stims already pushing his reason aside and going into a red screen in front of his eyes. His view sharpened, he felt the hilt of his sword in his hand. He had another blade, a dagger attached to his battle belt. For this battle he chose a light armor, only a layer of blood-stained leather.
With a smile on his face he charged at the champion . . .
Second Altering
After becoming Champion of the Sanguinity, Gaur had the freedom of choice to do what he wishes. Acquiring money, renown and reputation he decided to further augment himself. The operations he went through took in total nearly two years. His growing body was excessively altered, not with temporary augmentations, but with serious interfering in his entire physiology, nerve system, senses and skeleton. From an expected size of slightly above 6 feet, Urlock was growing to the immense size of 7.3 feet, more than trippling his weight. His engorged body and appearance was ridiculous, the idea behind it unknown. But for sure, the best surgeons and medic personnel worked on it. They paid with their lifes. Not tolerating the possibility of someone becoming equal to him, the new Champion killed those who worked on his body for the past two years.
His entire appearance now was aimed to intimidate, to power and to win - doesn´t matter in which situation. The mass of people wondered why. They would find out, soon.
Rise to power
The policies and politics of the Sanguinity were rather simple: maintaining tradition and the power. There was no aim towards expansion, no increase in power, because weirdly enough, the Sanguinity did not feature a standing army and navy, just the private forces of some individuals. The arenas and fighting pits were the focus of the population, their culture and religion was at this not even considering to enforce the will and believes onto another civilisation. The Anarch was typical in his position, the de facto ruler, but only a figure of representation, not a true leader and lord.
Urlock Gaur had a different vision. The indoctrination took deep roots in his mind and heart, the now primary heart, and was joined by a totally unexpected influence. When he became aspirant he got a slave assigned, an off-worlder from the core worlds of the known galaxy. The developed some sort of relation, not friendship, nothing like that, but something which focused on talking. The slave was a grown man and had already learned the sanguine tongue, so they could communicate. Telling stories of large planets full of resources, of industry, of divided governments and differing philosophies, most aiming towards stability, peace and order, the view Gaur got on the galaxy was that of an incredible weak one. The stories of Jedi and Sith interested him, but he could only show serious interest in those called Sith, while the Jedi philosophy was disgusting.
As champion he held a significant influence within the population, so he used it. Preaching and making propaganda for his special cult, Gaur was often seen working with recruits of this cult, building up a force, not of gladiators, but of zealous warriors, following his word, his teachings and his doctrine. The recruitment numbers were exponentially rising. This was equally causing unrest as well as eagerness. The people 'drafted' were not available anymore for the arenas, at least, he decreed so. Parts of the population saw this course as one of working against the culture and religion, while, a larger part, saw this as the dawn of a new age.
Finally the Anarch stepped in, declaring to stop this army building. Gaur waited for this opportunity and challenged the Anarch to duel him for the title. The Anarch knew that he could not resist this beast of a man and therefore tried to trap and battle him with loyal gladiators. The first real pitched battle of the sanguine worlds developed and climaxed in the death of the Anarch and the annihilation of the loyal forces. Claiming his head as a trophy, Urlock Gaur took the title and was now ruling the Sanguinity.
The new Anarch established a new doctrine based upon the old, not changing it much, simply adding stuff. Including a 'church' for the belief which passively showed the superiority and greatness of Gaur. Furthermore he made the arena´s a possibility, not a necessarity, but instead set his cult to the stage of being the official standing army of the Sanguinity with the purpose to spread the sanguine doctrines to more worlds, subduing new planets and lesser civilisations. He revealed the purpose as part of a prophecy for the Sanguinity - it had to spread and show the galaxy its strength.
Interstellar travel was known, but largely uninteresting for the sanguine worlds. They were self-sustaining and could survive without trade and immigration. They neighbouring systems remained usually untouched due to the lack of a serious navy. Occasionally small marauder teams moved there and captured hostages which were turned into slaves. Slaves played a big part of the society doing majorly servant-duties.
Anarch Gaur´s first attack on the neighbourign system, with all forces he could rally, was equally shocking as well as surprising. The swift brutality of the army, supported by outdated ships totally catched the civilisation on the wrong leg. Annihilating their defence forces as well as causing significant damage to their fleet, the Sanguinity now had a new system under their control, with millions of people and the knowledge of traders and interstellar-going captains. They thought if they would share their knowledge and information, the sanguine forces would depart and leave again. They were wrong. So wrong. Installing an oppressive regime with Magirs of the cult spreading the Sanguinities doctrine among the population, Gaur had tasted first blood. Taking in the former enemy fleet, he swept onward into the next system. They heard about the attack and were rallying their troops, but it was a similar show. The brute force of the attacks was simply pushing the majority of the enemy from the field, by fear and the loss of courage at the sight of so much havoc, the new system capitulated. Only because of the influence of his lieutenants, the first who approached him did not survive, the Anarch stopped his advance. They consolidated their power in the conquered territories for the next years, defeating several revolts with such cruelty that the population was in such despair, it started to accept their fate.
Years later, the Sanguinity was spread across half a dozen systems with more than a dozen inhabited planets and billions of subjects. The army and navy were established as powerful factors and everything was sworn and indoctrinated towards the person of Urlock Gaur. The Anarch.
It was time he looked to the stars again . . .
Name: Urlock Gaur
Title: Anarch of the Sanguinity
Age: 32
Species: Human
Sex: Male
Head: 2,35m (after altering and in armor)
Heft: 376kg (after altering and in armor)
Physicalness: bio-chemical and mechanical transformed body
Body marks: excessive scars, augmented body size & muscle power
Sensibility: refined eye-sight, hearing and reflex-responses
Rating: warmongering and bloodthirsty psychopath
Values: strength, sacrifice, brutality & cruelty, victory
Despises: weakness, calmness, peace
Alligns: chaotic evil
Background: mistreated, indoctrinated, abused, violated - victorious
Interested in: war, power projection and expansion, religious crusading
Believes: the right of the stronger, ruinous powering (abusing to the maximum with no interest of re-usage)
Force Affinity: mediocre
Training: crude
Practice: master-levelled
Unarmed combat: champion boxing and wrestling (barbarian)
Ranged combat: pistol veteran, rifle veteran, large weapon rookie
Melee combat (blades): champion with knife & dagger, champion with sword (one- and two-handed)
Melee combat (blunt): master with maces and staffs
Agitating, zealoting charisma (for his own kin)
Devastating combatant and commander
Merciless overlord
Pit fighter, duelist
Cold blooded leader and killer
Causing disgust of ‘civilised individuals’
Intelligent planning and advancing
Ancient set of power armor
Made millenia ago, the armor is powered by an ancient energy source, a minimised fusion reactor which is self-sustaining. The armor is seemingly poor maintained, rotting and with old blood on it
A bastard sword, two edged
Increased in size to fit his hand, with high power
Holocron of Sanguinity
Combat knife
Look and demeanor
The Anarch is a cruel and intimidating giant, clad in a huge set of barbarian armor. The horrifying, nauseating smell of rotten blood and cinnamon which he seems to bear everywhere he goes, makes him an unwelcome and disgusted being. His face was maybe pretty once, but now deteriorated by scars, battle and ritual ones, stripped off all facial hair. The eyes are entirely of white color, the nose broken more often than one could count and his mouth full of teeth, metal implants which pierce the own flesh. Part of his altering was also the extension of his fingers, featuring three joints instead of two.
His voice is a whisper, croaky and guttural, causing an unpleasant feeling for those who listen. While he appears calm in most situations, he is a servant of his anger and hate, following his lowest instincts if something does not appeal and suit him. It is common that his servants or adjutants (there is no remarkable difference) do not have a long service time. He only bows to power and strength, does not listen to advice and sees his approach as the ultimate service to his beliefs.
Child of the Sanguinity
Urlock was born thirty-two years ago on the world Mephist, the core planet of the Sanguine worlds, a cluster of inhabitable planets in the range of a single system. His family were part of the common sect or cult called Sanguinity. A religion which was focused on blood, rage and strength.
There was no space for love or care in this society, only the hunger to be stronger and to serve the greater good, the Anarch. The Anarch is the first prophet and overlord of the Sanguinity.
Aside from learning basics like writing and reading, his very youth was marked by the pitched skirmishes with other children, teaching the first cold-blooded lessons of strength and combat. His first kill was his two-years older brother, breaking his neck to gain the blade he owned.
At the age of ten he was deemed worthy by the Magirs to be send to the arenas. A great honor.
The arenas and the schools behind them are savage and barbarian places, perfectly summing up the culture and religion the Sanguinity represents.
Urlock was send into the arena on his day of arrival, the ordinary ritual for newcomers to prove worthy. To become a bloodletter.
His first arena combat marked the beginning of his string of rise, a star of cruelty and brutality dawning. Nobody knew what would develop from this young boy who ripped the heart out of his opponent.
The training and fights were accompanied by continuous insults, taunting and violations by the scourgers, the trainers and instructors of the gladiator schools. They reminded him what he was bleeding for, that he was nothing in the face of the Anarch, that his sole purpose was honoring the Sanguinity with blood, his own or his enemies’.
Living through the physical and psychological torture, winning every fight with new glory, gaining experience and surviving the first four years, he became an Aspirant.
First Altering
Aspirants are those bloodletter which survive years of fighting and training in a noteworthy manner. They are sent to the Fleshforges to get physical augmentations, steroids, adrenaline stims and pain prohibitors implanted into the central nerve system, reproduced by the own body.
Their training only continues if the Aspirant survives the altering and the first fight. Once again the gladiator is sent directly into the pit, no time for rehabilitation or cure for the surged body. Surviving this duel means to get special training and be open for sponsoring, receiving gifts like equipment or special stims and potions.
Outgrown and out-experienced by most of the elder Aspirants, Urlock was rated as a weakling, an aspiring arriviste of a poor generation. He proved them wrong. One after the other, defeating them and delivering impressive shows of brute force and savage cruelty.
Working his way up to the Sanguine elites within the arenas, Urlock adopted the name ‘Gaur’, the ancient form of gore in the Sanguine language. The fame was connected with more ‘comfort’ which only means better equipment and own slaves, there is no room for decadence, not for luxury and not for joy in this culture.
His renown grew, the advertisements for his fights were marked as the future Champions ones. Urlock liked that, but he was not driven by it. The indoctrination of the Scourgers worked. He was no smart and intelligent man, but definitely had the will to achieve, the desire for power and the lust for blood necessary to rise in the Sanguinity and to serve it. Urlock was totally believing in the culture and religion which he was raised to praise.
Slowly but firmly Gaur developed a certain goal, a plan one could cynically call it. It was during this later years, at the age of fifteen-sixteen that he discovered his Force sensivity. Accidently during a training session he was destroying several sparring probes with his pure rage, but without contacting and hitting them. They simply exploded. Force sensivity was known in the Sanguinity, but it was not considered special or noteworthy, though it wasn´t common. The disrespect towards life and natural flows and environment usually distorts the connection to the Force, unlike the Sith who embrace the Dark Side, the Sanguine world simply ignore such 'believe' as not belonging to their religion.
Gaur though saw this as an opportunity for himself, he had a power which was rare and could berefined. He didn´t know how, but he was trying. It was crude, while he couldn´t even manage to lift and pull or push, he could force people to obey his will, to shatter in fear or to simply wound and hurt their bodies.
Fighting through more stages and arenas, inspiring and entertaining the masses of the Sanguine worlds, Urlock finally made his way in to the large arena, the home of the champion and the best gladiators. Here the fights became nearly legend, taking some days even before one opponent would finish another. There was a fight when Urlock and his opponent were battling each other for 41 hours, pushed and totally high by combat drugs and stims, they were nearly slaughtering each other. With his guts only held in his belly by a hand, Gaur killed his opponent by opening his throat with his bare teeth.
The champion was a seven foot tall agumented monster, clad in a crude chainmail and armed with gauntlets of large claws, implanted horns covering his head. This one hasn´t been challenged by an aspirant for a decade now. His experience and victories were tales of the young, daydreams of gore and blades, of glory and valor in the name of the Sanguinity.
The current ruler of the fighting pits accepted the challenge. A boy of seventeen years challenging a veteran of the arena of two decades. Gaur was not fully developed, actually still in his late puberty, therefore his muscles and body was still one of a boy, rather than one of a man. Opposing a man in his mid-thirties, implants and augmentations, as well as steroids improving the already deadly abilities. Paired with the usage of stims and drugs this one was as fit as Gaur, as fast as Gaur and much stronger.
With thundering cheers and screams both combatants entered the fighting ground, hundreds of thousands of people were watching from the ranks, including the Anarch himself. Millions more were following the event via their screens at home. It was until then the most watched event of the Sanguinity.
Gaur knew that he wouldn´t last very long against this master of arms, he would have to use the confidence of the opponent against him. But there wasn´t much more thinking on Gaur´s side, his stims already pushing his reason aside and going into a red screen in front of his eyes. His view sharpened, he felt the hilt of his sword in his hand. He had another blade, a dagger attached to his battle belt. For this battle he chose a light armor, only a layer of blood-stained leather.
With a smile on his face he charged at the champion . . .
Second Altering
After becoming Champion of the Sanguinity, Gaur had the freedom of choice to do what he wishes. Acquiring money, renown and reputation he decided to further augment himself. The operations he went through took in total nearly two years. His growing body was excessively altered, not with temporary augmentations, but with serious interfering in his entire physiology, nerve system, senses and skeleton. From an expected size of slightly above 6 feet, Urlock was growing to the immense size of 7.3 feet, more than trippling his weight. His engorged body and appearance was ridiculous, the idea behind it unknown. But for sure, the best surgeons and medic personnel worked on it. They paid with their lifes. Not tolerating the possibility of someone becoming equal to him, the new Champion killed those who worked on his body for the past two years.
His entire appearance now was aimed to intimidate, to power and to win - doesn´t matter in which situation. The mass of people wondered why. They would find out, soon.
Rise to power
The policies and politics of the Sanguinity were rather simple: maintaining tradition and the power. There was no aim towards expansion, no increase in power, because weirdly enough, the Sanguinity did not feature a standing army and navy, just the private forces of some individuals. The arenas and fighting pits were the focus of the population, their culture and religion was at this not even considering to enforce the will and believes onto another civilisation. The Anarch was typical in his position, the de facto ruler, but only a figure of representation, not a true leader and lord.
Urlock Gaur had a different vision. The indoctrination took deep roots in his mind and heart, the now primary heart, and was joined by a totally unexpected influence. When he became aspirant he got a slave assigned, an off-worlder from the core worlds of the known galaxy. The developed some sort of relation, not friendship, nothing like that, but something which focused on talking. The slave was a grown man and had already learned the sanguine tongue, so they could communicate. Telling stories of large planets full of resources, of industry, of divided governments and differing philosophies, most aiming towards stability, peace and order, the view Gaur got on the galaxy was that of an incredible weak one. The stories of Jedi and Sith interested him, but he could only show serious interest in those called Sith, while the Jedi philosophy was disgusting.
As champion he held a significant influence within the population, so he used it. Preaching and making propaganda for his special cult, Gaur was often seen working with recruits of this cult, building up a force, not of gladiators, but of zealous warriors, following his word, his teachings and his doctrine. The recruitment numbers were exponentially rising. This was equally causing unrest as well as eagerness. The people 'drafted' were not available anymore for the arenas, at least, he decreed so. Parts of the population saw this course as one of working against the culture and religion, while, a larger part, saw this as the dawn of a new age.
Finally the Anarch stepped in, declaring to stop this army building. Gaur waited for this opportunity and challenged the Anarch to duel him for the title. The Anarch knew that he could not resist this beast of a man and therefore tried to trap and battle him with loyal gladiators. The first real pitched battle of the sanguine worlds developed and climaxed in the death of the Anarch and the annihilation of the loyal forces. Claiming his head as a trophy, Urlock Gaur took the title and was now ruling the Sanguinity.
The new Anarch established a new doctrine based upon the old, not changing it much, simply adding stuff. Including a 'church' for the belief which passively showed the superiority and greatness of Gaur. Furthermore he made the arena´s a possibility, not a necessarity, but instead set his cult to the stage of being the official standing army of the Sanguinity with the purpose to spread the sanguine doctrines to more worlds, subduing new planets and lesser civilisations. He revealed the purpose as part of a prophecy for the Sanguinity - it had to spread and show the galaxy its strength.
Interstellar travel was known, but largely uninteresting for the sanguine worlds. They were self-sustaining and could survive without trade and immigration. They neighbouring systems remained usually untouched due to the lack of a serious navy. Occasionally small marauder teams moved there and captured hostages which were turned into slaves. Slaves played a big part of the society doing majorly servant-duties.
Anarch Gaur´s first attack on the neighbourign system, with all forces he could rally, was equally shocking as well as surprising. The swift brutality of the army, supported by outdated ships totally catched the civilisation on the wrong leg. Annihilating their defence forces as well as causing significant damage to their fleet, the Sanguinity now had a new system under their control, with millions of people and the knowledge of traders and interstellar-going captains. They thought if they would share their knowledge and information, the sanguine forces would depart and leave again. They were wrong. So wrong. Installing an oppressive regime with Magirs of the cult spreading the Sanguinities doctrine among the population, Gaur had tasted first blood. Taking in the former enemy fleet, he swept onward into the next system. They heard about the attack and were rallying their troops, but it was a similar show. The brute force of the attacks was simply pushing the majority of the enemy from the field, by fear and the loss of courage at the sight of so much havoc, the new system capitulated. Only because of the influence of his lieutenants, the first who approached him did not survive, the Anarch stopped his advance. They consolidated their power in the conquered territories for the next years, defeating several revolts with such cruelty that the population was in such despair, it started to accept their fate.
Years later, the Sanguinity was spread across half a dozen systems with more than a dozen inhabited planets and billions of subjects. The army and navy were established as powerful factors and everything was sworn and indoctrinated towards the person of Urlock Gaur. The Anarch.
It was time he looked to the stars again . . .