Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Manufacturer: Sundrake Forges
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Minor
Weight: Very Heavy
Melee Type:
  1. Sword
Size: Very Large






  • Valkyria Runes:
    • Valkyria Runes, they are covering the blade and are effectively wounding awakened spirits and demons from the Nether and Chaos.

  • Bearclaw - A massive weapon with the potential to deal large injuries in skilled hands.
  • Banished - With its runes it is capable to disrupt and wound spirits and demons from the Nether and Chaos.
  • Basic - The weapon is so simple and basic that basically nothing can get disrupted or break other than the blade itself.

  • Superficial - The runes are carved onto the blade and will loose their effect quite quickly the more damage they take.
  • Massive Weaponry - The Claymore is in fact, a claymore and is both heavy and large, difficult to handle and certainly slower than more nimble weapons.
  • Sneak - Due to the size of the weapon it simply cannot be concealed.
  • Techfiend - The weapon is made out of a relatively strong metal, but still is not made to resist lightsabers.

Forged for a rather small, reclusive order of retired veterans in Kalidan's mountains, the Ursine Claymore was originally crafted by their very own smiths as an enlarged Nelvaanian Longsword. They were remarkable and unique, some still adorning the Hall of Honour in their old stronghold of Silden. Based on their designs though a new, more streamlined but also higher quality weapon was designed. Supported and sponsored by Valkoryen Sunfell.

Now every blade is still a custom request but produced with industrial means of highly skilled weaponsmiths to perfectly suit the weapon to the wielder. The Claymores are the trademark weapon for the Ursine Templars. They require a high skill to be used efficiently in battle. But once a warrior has achieved a certain level of skill, this weapon will be wielded with the speed and finesse that can both bring down single and multiple adversaries.


Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a beautiful claymore for the new Ursine Templars.
Image Source(s):

Technical Information

Affiliation: Eternal Empire
Model: Ursine Claymore
Modular: Yes
Material: Various
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