Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Manufacturer: Sundrake Forges
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Minor
Weight: Heavy






  • Bearskin - The armor offers a good protection against common damage types, though more specifically against physical attacks such as with standard melee weapons.
  • Watch - Its minor imbuement offers a limited protection against mind trick powers as well as fortifies the wearer against the confusion and terror of the not-mortal plane.
  • Battlesuit - The armor offers certain utilities which are helpful in most combat situations.
  • Dodge - Despite it applying for all classifications of a heavy armor, its distribution and individual fits allow for a rather flexible and agile fighting style.

  • Unsealed - While generally offering a good protection against the elements, especially cold, it is not suited to protect any chemical, biological or nuclear agents nor the vacuum.
  • Superficial - The runes are carved onto the plates and will loose their effect quite quickly the more damage they take.
  • Joints & More - The armor has significant weakspots at the joints, under the arms and the inside and back of the legs.
  • High Tech - Wearing the suit does not protect the wearer at all against Disruptor or ion based weaponry.

Forged for a rather small, reclusive order of retired veterans in Kalidan's mountains, the Ursine Templar Armor was originally crafted by their very own smiths and every set had a different design and details. They were remarkable and unique, still adorning the Hall of Honour in their old stronghold of Silden. Based on their designs though a new, more streamlined but also higher quality piece of plate was designed. Supported and sponsored by Valkoryen Sunfell Valkoryen Sunfell .

Each piece was still custom fitted to the wearer, but now it was improved with new materials, better industrial forging and made to encounter the fiercest of enemies. With runes carved into the armor to protect against the terrors beyond, with spirit animals engraved as inspiring companions and the pelt of the prey warming the warrior, the new Ursine Templar Armor was the first stone in a foundation upon which a wall to protect the living was built.


Out Of Character Info

Intent: Creating a new dope armor for a new unit for the Eternal Empire to go along with a coming story-line.
Image Source(s):

Technical Information

Affiliation: Eternal Empire
Model: Ursine Templar Armor
Modular: Yes
Material: Various
Classification: Multipurpose
Defense Rating: High
Energy Resist: High
Kinetic Resist: Very High
Sonic Resist: Average
Thermal Resist: High
Radiation Resist: Very Low
Other Resistance(s):

Force: High
Lightsabers: High
Disruptors: None
Ion: None

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