Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Urwin Darmos

NAME: Urwin Darmos

FACTION: The Sovereignty

RANK: Chief Engineer


AGE: 23

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 2 meters (6.6 Feet)

WEIGHT: 80 kilograms (176 lbs)

EYES: Large red eyes, used for smelling.

HAIR: Bald, no hair.

SKIN: A mix of blue and green, with blue being more dominant.



STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

(+) Photographic Memory: Due to the species of Duros, he has a photographic memory allowing for many advantages in his engineering field.

(+) Engineer: He's been tinkering with things and designing/engineering for most of his life and is proficient and experienced in many fields.

(-) Unfocused: He often jumps from one thing to another quickly due to how unfocused he can get with multiple projects.

(-) Too Friendly: As an engineer, he should be paid for his work, right? Well, he's more gullible at times and often forgets to even ask for payment. He can be manipulated quite easily, but this does mean he gets behind good causes.

Urwin is a blue/green Duros male who often wears orange-tinted safety glasses. His eyes are quite large, and a dark red. Often, he wears a light black thin jacket, and the same colored pants. Under the jacket is a white shirt, that is usually stained with dust and oil from work.


Urwin started out as any Duros, in an egg. When he was very young, around 5 years, it was already evident he was curious and resourceful. He was making small toys for himself by basic materials found in the environment at this age.

His life wasn't very rough, and he lived a stable childhood. His mother's occupation was being a chef at a local cantina on Duros, and his father's occupation was unknown to Urwin. He assumed he did things with engineering, as he was usually dirty when he came home from work.

Urwin would find himself bored in his schooling, and would usually fail and go home to work on his small projects. His parents seemed to not have many objections to this, as they could tell he was very talented in what he was doing at home. He eventually made a functioning blaster pistol, that although not lethal, could stun someone. This was when his parents intervened, and told him he was not allowed to do anything regarding weapons. Urwin didn't listen, and ended up doing even more with them.

One day, Urwin's father pulled him out of the middle of schooling, and told him he was going to show him his work. Urwin's father led him out to a small sized cargo ship, and told him to get in. They took off and left Duros, and docked at a station not too far away. Urwin was shown by his father their cargo, which was illegal weapons and spices. Urwin was uncomfortable with the situtation, but said nothing.

Urwin and his father met with a group of Trandoshans. Urwin's father gave them the cargo and asked for his payment, but they pulled out blasters and killed his father. Urwin, in panic rushed back to their ship and undocked. The Trandoshans got into their ship and chased after him, firing on his ship. Several fleet ships of The Sovereignty ended up rescuing Urwin, and told them their cause. He eventually began working with them as their Chief Engineer. Urwin was the age of 22 when this happened.


His ship looks like this, with a one-seated cockpit and medium room in the back for cargo and supplies. Behind the pilot seat is the droid, who is only necessary for coordinated/tracking attacks. The droid also controls the cannon on the top of the ship, which has a cooldown. Under both wings is a basic blaster, with proton torpedo launchers above them. The launchers have cooldowns, which if not obeyed can be detrimental to the ship's main engines. It has no hyperspace capabilities.



ROLE-PLAYS: -- Still Going Still Going

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