Cathul Thuku
Admiral, Therapy Command
Cathul had some of the more exotic stuff from what adventuring she did: a broomstick, a purple-bladed lightsaber, a yellow-blue beskar'gam that she mostly uses if she knew she would get a patient that would be likely to attempt to hit her. And man her load of patients made her hungry, plus she had the feeling, nay, she knew that she was going to meet someone she already met for some purpose other than Force-training or therapy. Unless she fought side-by-side with, or against, a patient, Cathul would usually refrain to attempt to meet with patients outside of therapy - all that they know about their patients is limited by what they say in therapy sessions. She sensed that he just wanted a woman for his womanizing ways, short-term or long-term.
"Su'cuy gar; although I never had you for a patient, I know we met each other on Katarr, but today we're meeting under different circumstances. There's this new Pizza Hutt location that opened on Mandalore, do you want to eat a pizza? We'll get some tihaar as well"
"Su'cuy gar; although I never had you for a patient, I know we met each other on Katarr, but today we're meeting under different circumstances. There's this new Pizza Hutt location that opened on Mandalore, do you want to eat a pizza? We'll get some tihaar as well"