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Approved Planet Utopian Parallel

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Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
  • Capital City: District Zero
  • Planetary Features: Ecumenopolis Fortress world
    • A massive planetwide cityscape, with thousands of layers of labs, homes, warehouses, testing faciltiies and envinronmental levels with oceans, lakes, mountains, snow capped areas.
  • Major Locations:
    • Main Office: FOr matsu herself... a large office that allows her to observe various projects, communicate with her staff and facilities across the galaxies and even test out a handful of her own things.
    • Kalantas Spires: Advanced Terraforming and manufacturing spires that regulate the weather, and atmosphere. The images and effects looking more like IMperial Knights.
    • AI Core: Designed to aid in the use of the Aterno and regulate the planet assisting the organic personnel. The AI is strong and can feed information but it is there largely as an assistance. It can't violate the safety systems without authorization and is heavily specific.
    • Crown and Spears Hall: Set up for those who travel to the far galaxy, a merchant hub locations, a bank, a medical facility and various other things that are needed.
    • Jedi Chapter Houses: A locvation for the jedi order to be able to train and connect to the other temples themselves. A safe haven and means for the jedi to be able to test new equipment being developed.
    • District Zero: THe first district designed by Matsu, a home area for her oldest employees and serving as the largest meeting place on the planet.
  • Native Species: N/A
  • Immigrated Species: Human
  • Population: Crowded
  • Demographics: Largely Human and alien employees of Sasori and their families.
  • Primary Languages: Basic
  • Culture: Sasori has always practiced advancing sciences and understanding of the older technologies of the galaxy. They have fostered some of the best ideas and advancing what could be possible in the galaxy with Sor-Jan saying Sasori and its engineers often beat physics and reality with a metal bat to the kneecaps for their sciences. Matsu has fostered among the people a better understanding of the olderr civilizations like the gree, kwa, rakata and others that predated them or the celestials. Incorporating vong and other species technological knowledge to combine multiple fields of study. Her workers on the artificial world bring their families and have begun to develop must more. The people who want to go to other facilities or leave are welcomed to and sent back on regular vessels scheduled to go to different facilities and then from there they can go wherever. The jedi whom Matsu supplies is there and able to help with much testing. The different districts for living work together under the board of their own directors and Matsu, largely the Ike family which oversees much and has locations spread throughout eight galaxies giving them tens of trillions of employees and the world itself a population of several trillion thanks to their dimensional engineering which allows spaces to be much larger and house many more on most of the levels.
  • Government: Corporate Technocracy
  • Affiliation: Matsu Ike Matsu Ike
  • Wealth: Wealthy: A main producer of Sasoris massive products, designed to handle the largest orders in the several galaxies that Sasori has established trade with through their silver strands among the jedi.
  • Stability: High: Built using the latest technologies that have been developed by Sasori with high quality of life areas in medicine, food, comfort and research oppertunities.
  • Freedom & Oppression: INcredibly organized and cared for, Sasori built the world and continues to build upon it. Aallowing the workers with them in the world who control districts. All are employed by Sasori, all work to improve the company and are provided for home and salary.
  • Military: Designed using the battleships developed by Sasori and fielded for various jedi groups across the galaxy.
  • Technology: Highly advanced technologies, post scarcity as it uses converters and fabricators to provide food and water. Advanced mechanical fabricators for dimensional engineering and matter manipulation through reverse engineering ancient advanced civilization technologies and making them Sasori's own.
Created and settled by Sasori in the far galaxy. A distance from the force world of Peridea and far away from most others. They had developed the hyperdrives and means to get around faster with propriety lanes and vessels that were developed to be faster and stronger then others that made the journey to the extragalactic galaxies. THe Parallel was created similar to the Temple of Korman Lao in the unknown regions and added to as modular living spaces were stacked upon layers and layers. With sections added to mirror in many places Coruscant and Denon... with multipe levels upon levels each filled with living quarters, stores, food and water production. Planetary power plants for back up and defensive means. Matsu took care to build it largely secured and in secret away from many eyes as it would add to its protection while they developed other means such as stormseeds that would bring ships not using Sasori hyperdrives out of hyperspace.The world served them well and it was made only within the last few decades... there is not much yet in terms of origin or history.
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Matsu Ike Matsu Ike

According to the Planet Creation Guidelines:

Extra-galactic/Companion Galaxy Planets cannot be submitted to the Codex.

I will give you a chance to rework some of the aspects here so that it fits within the Galaxy. If that is not your intent please let me know and I’ll go ahead and archive this submission.
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