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Uvrik Bralor


"You might can't put a number on it, but I can." - Uvrik Bralor
Name: Uvrik Bralor
Rank: Saboteur
Former Titles: None
Current Titles: None
Faction: Clan Bralor

Former Homeworlds: Yag'Dhul
Current Homeworld: Nar Shaddaa
Age: 28
Species: Givin
Sex: Male
Height: 1,87 m

Weight: 84 Kg
Hair: None
Skin: White
Eyes: Black Holes
Force Sensitve: No

Despite being part of a race most well known for their high intelligence, Uvrik comes of as suprisingly daft. Not because he isn't smart, but rather because his lacking ability to put feelings and ideas into words. Besides that he isn't directly lacking in empathy, but rather in tact. He doesn't knows when it would be better to stay quite, nor does he know when it would be better the speak. Compared to others of his race he is outgoing, emotional and adventures, but compared to anyone else in the galaxy he is a clam, closed of young man that seemes to be mostly unmoved by the things around him.


-Saboteur: Slicing, explosives and stealth are the key of Uvrik's skills. Some he knew from his time on his homeworld, and the rest he picked up with ease under his Mentor.

-Marksman: Uvrik isn't that great with a rifle or a handgun, but put a sniper in his hands and he will hit pretty much any mark. Partly because he is talented, and partly because he can calculte the course of the shoot in the time others needs to reload their weapon.

-Numbers and Tech: Give a Givin some numbers, and he will bring them to order. That is also true for Uvrik, who inherits his race's talents for math and technology, able to pick both up and understand them with little to no effort.


-Givin: As a Givin Uvrik inherits the traits of his people. That includes the ability to survive in space, a highly capable mind and extremly durable body. In return he has to consume a absurd amount of food to keep stay healthy and strong.


-Makeshift Mando: While he understands the values of the Mandalorians, his mentor was a bitter, aged cynic that failed to pass on the finer details of their culture. Thanks to that Uvrik knows little about the ways, language and history of them, besides what is common knowledge anyway.

-Tactless: Uvrik isn't really a people person. Not because he doesn't want to, but the way his mind works really clashes with that of anyone else.

-Bad with Money: For someone born to work with numbers Uvrik really can't handle his spendings. He has a tendecy to buy stuff he has no use for if the advertisment is right, and also often fails to see through a scam.

On first glance Uvrik looks quite scary to most other races of the galaxy, mostly because his face, like that of all Givin, is easy to be seen as a defromed human skull, with wide black holes where the eyes should be. Besides that stands at considerable height, not gigantic, but enough to look impressive when coupled with his general apperance. He almost always wears his own Beskar'gam with a helmet painted as a skull. While most of that armor is a selfmade design, the chestplate belongs to his old mentor and is the only part that is actually forged from beskar.

Early Years - From Home to Nar Shaddaa
Uvrik's early childhood could easily be that of most other members of his race. Born on the Givin homeworld Yag'Duhl as the son of two ship creators, belonging to a seemingly endless line of researchers, scientists and mathematicians. His parents had no doubts that their son would follow in their footsteps, keeping up not only the lineage but the most relevant cultural asset of his people.

From his early teenager years, Uvrik never really felt cut out for the life his people had planned out for him. Raised by Holovids, the Galactic news and the stories of the wild universe almost as much as by his parents, he developed a mind that looked at the stars and thought about travels and adventures, not about ships and technology.

When he was 18 he refused the call of his parents to take a job inside their company, talking about his desire to see the galaxy himself, to explore and life like the others outside their little isolated world. He still clearly remembers the words of his father, as he opened the door of his home one last time: "If you go now, this door will stay closed."

Uvrik's path lead him there were all without a home end up sooner or later: The dirty streets of Nar Shaddaa. While he had passed up the chance to work on ships and technology, he still had the skills and intelligence that made him cut out for that job. Yet his lacking social skills closed the doors into any legal work, and so he found himself doing oddjobs for the Crime Lords of the Smuggler Moon. Sabotage, repairs, whatever barley meet his skillset just so he could make enough to support himself.

It was on one of those jobs that Uvrik meet Karn Bralor, a girzzled, aged veteran of Clan Barlor. The Mandalorian merc was the first to see the talents slumbering within the young alien who wasn't really an exotic soldier but rather a child still in search of his place in the endless galaxy. While Uvrik took care of the more complex problems, Karn kept his back save during that time, and the two quickly became close friends.

It was out of question that Uvrik was more then a little intrigued by the warrior and his people, but Karn had grown bitter over the years and lost much of his interest in the petty struggles between the clans he had seen once to often. Still he did his best to pass on the ideals of the Mandalorians onto his new friend, feeling more and more happy in his postion as a mentor. Yet whie he found the Givin to be capable, he still had doubts if he was really cut out to be a real Mandalorian.

It was no secret that for all he could do, Uvrik wasn't really among the bravest of people. Karn feared that, should he adopt the alien into his clan it would do more bad then good.

That changed on what would be their last job. It was a simple task. Uvrik should slice a terminal inside a Hutt palace, while Karn would once again keep the enemy of his back. Things went south quick. First the terminal set of alarm, then Karn already took a blaster bolt into the stomach, followed by two more into the chest. Keeping a clear head in this crisis Uvrik picked up his dying friend from the ground and carried him outside while under heavy fire with a complete disregard for his own survival, and to saftey.

There Karn, to close to death to be saved, looked up to his friend, the proudest of smiles in his face: "We had a good run, kid. You're one of us now, Uvrik Bralor."
Uvrik avoids direct fights whenever possible. He feels most well fit for the jobs of a sniper or saboteur, either engaging his enemies on long range, or by sneaking behind their lines and undermining their efforts unseen. When using a sniper his precision is near perfect, mainly because he has the natrual ability to calculate a shoot without the need to rely on technology to do it for him. The same goes for explosives, as he knews how much he has to use for what without spending much time and effort to figure it out. When he isn't firing from a distance or blowing things up, he can also aid by either repairing the tech of his allies, or by secretly damaging that of his enemies.


[ ||| ||| ||| ||| ]
Apprentice - Lower Knight - Upper Knight - Master


Marksmanship [ ||| ||. ... ... ]
*Sharpshooting [ ||| ||| ||| |.. ]
Tech [ ||| ||| ||| ...
*Stealth [ ||| ||| |.. ... ]
Hand to Hand (Stealth) [ ||| |.. ... ... ]
Hand to Hand [ ||| ... ... ... ]
*Slicing [ ||| ||| ||. ... ]
*Explosives [ ||| ||| ||| ... ]

  • Basic [ ||| ||| ||| ||| ]
  • Mando [ ||| |.. ... ... ]
*= Natrually gifted or trained often

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