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Intent: Create an assault tank for KSLH Corporation

Development Thread: If Necessary

Manufacturer: KSLH Corp.

Model: T-42 Vortex

Affiliation: KSLH Corp. / Open Market

Modularity: Yes

Production: Mass-Produced

Material: Agrinium, Duranium, Quadanium steel, and Durasteel

Role: Assault Tank

Height: 2.4 meters

Length: 6 meters

Width: 3 meters

Weight: 54 metric tons.

Minimum Crew: 3

Optimal Crew: 5

Propulsion: Wheels

Top Speed: 75 KM/H


<> Laser Canon (2)
<> Flamethrower (2)
<> Blaster Cannon (Small version attached next to the hatch)

Squadron Count: 5

Passenger Capacity: None

Cargo Capacity: 0.40 metric tons.

Misc. Equipment:

<> Deflector Shield
<> Sensor Jammer
<> Standard Navigation System
<> Standard Communication System
<> Standard Computer System
<> Fire Suppression System
<> Standard Auto-Tracking System (used for blaster canon when not manned)
<> Headlights (2)
<> Spotlights (2)


KSLH Corporation was ready to begin making a name for itself. The T-42 Vortex assault tank was their first battlefield vehicle to be released into the open market. Testing the proverbial waters - the assault tank was pretty much a standard tank that essentially came with standard packaging. The only two special features that were not standard issued was the sensor jammer and the fire suppression system.

Weapon wise - twin laser cannons were calculated to be the main weapons. The cannons can fire in tandem or separately depending on the current situation. The cannons require to separate gunners. The twin cannons have a maximum range up to 121 meters but anything past that and the shots stray and begin to lose their gusto.

Mounted next to the hatch is the blaster cannon. The cannon was more associated with starships but it was modified and created smaller to serve a new role. The cannon can either be manually used or with the standard auto-tracking system. Unlike the twin cannons - the blaster cannon has a smaller range of effectiveness. Maximum efficiency sits as 46 meters. When manned, the accuracy depends on the gunner. When used by the auto-tracking system the accuracy is a bit dodgy.

Two flamethrowers were attached to the inner-side of the the laser cannons. The flamethrowers could be used to burn away debris or directed at foot soldiers. The flamethrower cannot be used when the laser canons are firing. The range of the flames when fired spread out into a 1.3 meter radius and has a range of only 5 meters. Because the flamethrower requires fuel to be utilized, fuel reserves require two-fourths (0.2 metric tons) of the cargo space.

The assault tank has a high speed making it cruise through the battlefield quickly - but it suffers from very poor acceleration. It takes the tank almost three minutes for it to reach it's top speed. At full speed it can break through most barriers - due to the front plating o the forward wheels - but at the risk of puncturing the wheels.

Primary Source: N/A
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