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V.I. Galaxy Wide Tournament Round 1 (Gorg vs Shorn)

Lord Ghoul


The arena was entirely unspectacular. Flat flagstones of durable permacrete made up the smooth, even surface of the ringed pit. The bloodthirsty crowds watched eagerly from the stands, awaiting to be sated with their fill of sadism just as millions across the galaxy waited in front of their hologram projectors. Nothing drew the people of the galaxy more together than holovized violence.

A figure in sable armor made of overlapping plates strode into the arena; his face was hidden behind a helm, the spikes of which rose like a jagged crown upon his head. The gold inlay edging the armor flashed slightly in the light. Though his features were obscured there was little doubt as to his identity.

The Champion of the Cauldron had come again.

People called him many names: the Dark Herald, Thronebreaker, but Mikhail Shorn - though he loved the fear and apprehension those prefixes caused - hated titles, just like he hated all the sycophants watching these 'duels.'

Those cold eyes of his, a piercing light blue, surveyed the crowd. He held up a hand and waved, engendering a chorus of joyful screams.

"But you thought I hate everyone? Well, I do. I just looove that they looove me."

He smirked viciously beneath the helm, turning his focus onto his opponent. A Gammorrean.

"What farm did they pull you off of?" he said aloud, voice slightly muffled.

Why the hell was he here? He could think of at least a dozen other things he would rather be doing than Force-body slamming pigs, but....

"Alright, cash cow, pig, let's get this started."
Gorg wasn't nearly as intimidating. He wore no armor, other then the durasteel plates on his shoulders and a little metal helmet molded around his horns. Other then that, he just wore a belt and a leather kilt- which probably made him look all the more ridiculous. The Gammorean looked at [member="Mikhail Shorn"] as he entered the arena, and frowned. All that armor... he'd have to crack it open in order to get at the meat! Gorg sighed. He only caught a few of the words his oppenant had said- 'Farm', that's where they make food... 'You', that's Gorg! Gorg eats food. 'Cow' Food! 'Pig' That's what they called Gammoreans, right? He wasn't exactly fluent in basic. Or any language other then Gammorean.

<<"Gorg!">> Gorg snorted in Gammorean at his oppenant, before hefting his vibroaxe, his only weapon, into the air. As the announcer officially started the fight, Gorg let out a warcry in gammorean, and raced forwards to his target. Well, waddled.

<<"For FOOOOOD!!">>

(Gammorean vs Sith Lord. This should be interesting. :p)

Lord Ghoul

The raven haired Sith rolled his eyes as the boorish humanoid lumbered toward him. A sharp inhalation drew in a torrent of dark energy that crackled within him, begging to be released. He casually raised a hand, thumb pressed against his middle finger, and paused to let the smirk slashing across his face shift into a concentrated sadist's smize.

"Food?" Shorn said aloud, his voice picked up by the several drone holocams orbiting the pit and projected for the rest of the audience to hear. "Personally, I prefer bacon."

He snapped his fingers once.

At once, a world of power erupted from his body; unseen tendrils of the Force shot forth and bound up the Gamorrean's axe in a web of telekinetic pressure that built up in a matter of microseconds as Mikhail focused his will on splintering the weapon into ten thousand unrecognizable shards.

Once upon a time, Mikhail Shorn had used a lightsaber. That time ended as soon as he discovered he could chuck a man through a wall using only his mind. Using telekinesis, Shorn had dethroned Tyrin Ardik from Moridin's Sith Empire, slain Jared Ovmar of the Fringe, beaten Diana Moridena to near death, annihilated Darth Ferus, and bested a score of others. He'd shattered the Senate Dome on Coruscant and hurled an asteroid into a Star Destroyer.

How hard could breaking one vibroaxe be?

Gorg snorted in suprise while his vibroaxe crumbled into a millions pieces in his hand. [member="Mikhail Shorn"] was magic! The Gammorean turned to his oppenant, his eyes wide.

<<"Magic... man.">>

Suddenly, Gorg barreled forwards, attempting to tackle the Sith Lord with all his weight. Which, of course, woudld be useless as he'd probably just rip him apart.

<<"Gorg kill magic man! Gorg eat magic man! FOOOOD!">>

Lord Ghoul

The sound of splintering metal rang through the air like the chorus of a thousand discordant bells. The shivered bits of Gorg's vibroaxe fell to the hard flagstones below with soft pings. The expressionless black-gold helm betrayed none of the cruel satisfaction Mikhail felt in that instant. How long had it been since he reveled in destruction?

Shorn made a finger gun and pointed it at the charging Gamorrean's legs.


Unseen power roared from Mikhail, a dark river of energy which took the form of an invisible telekinetic sledgehammer. Mikhail directed this cimmerian blast of might at the calves of the boar-warrior; eagerly awaiting both the sight of the Gamorrean warrior being blown off his feet and the snapping sound which would indicate the tibias fracturing.


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