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Character V Val Valerson | Better Call Val!


Height1.8 M.
Weight85 Kg.
Force SensitiveN/A


A Chiss Male with a rapidly receding hairline, V Val Valerson is quite unlike the rest of his people. Where Chiss tends to be toned and shaven, Valerson has a slightly pronounced Gut and a pencil mustache.




V Val Valerson is a man who has broken free of the constraint of such paltry things as morality, journalistic ethics, and sensible spending habits. All he concerns himself with is getting the story out on the holonet first to rake in all that ad revenue and sponsorships. However, despite his view that he no longer cares about being a proper journalist, Valerson has never outright lied or taken a bribe while breaking the news. Despite being offered massive sums of money from corporate interests or even receiving death threats he has still published his infamously scathing reports. The fact that he publishes said reports alongside images of scantily clad Twi'Lek celebrities... is another story.

He's also not a man afraid to risk his life to get a story, evidenced by willingly documenting battles and interviewing gangsters in person. Anything for the most outrageous click-bait stories.


-Luck: No matter what, Valerson always makes it out in one piece to publish yet another story.
-Lie Detector


-Lack of shame


V Val Valerson was born on Fondor as Brarodr'kya'ili to a working-class mother and father. His family was always constantly teetering on the edge of abject poverty. Brarodr'kya'ili's father worked extra hours in a hazardous factory to try to avoid this fate. The pit bosses were especially brutal and had no care for safety regulations. Brarodr'kya'ili's father was eventually bedridden. The family would have starved if not for a daring reporter exposing the horrible working conditions and getting the planetary government to step in. The Pit Bosses were arrested and a compensation package provided to ex-workers saved Brarodr'kya'ili from panhandling on the streets.

Ever since then, Brarodr'kya'ili had a desire to become an Exposé journalist. His dream came when he was employed by HoloNet News Service. He would proceed to unleash a fusillade of stories: the secret cartel of food price gougers on Corellia, embezzlement on Naboo, and the cover-up of two million X-wings being piloted by brave Ewok pilots by the GADF. However, these were all small fish. The Galactic Senate held the biggest catches. But he went too deep and uncovered something he shouldn't have.

On the eve of breaking the story, Brarodr'kya'ili was informed that HoloNet News had let him go in the face of a massive lawsuit being flung at him. Every single friend, college, and partner he made in his line of work immediately deserted him. The lawsuit rendered him destitute and he was publicly discredited.

With his reputation ruined, Brarodr'kya'ili was forced to change his name to V Val Valerson. He launched an independent news organization of his own on the Holonet, titled, where he was forced to resort to "click-baiting" in order to pay off his debts. Valerson lost all his shame and became cynical as he pandered to the lowest common denominator in search of the biggest pile of credits while also peddling nutritional supplements. He quickly gained an audience willing to hear the next celebrity scandal or see the most vile criminals in the galaxy being given a platform on his talk shows.

Yet maybe under all that cynicism, there still lurks a reporter wishing to return to his old self. If indeed there is still that honest man, it's buried deep.
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