Madness Is Sanity

- Intent: To Create A Virus
- Image Credit: XX
- Canon: N/A
- Permissions: N/A
- Links: N/A
- Scientific Name: Lymphocytic Choriosmeningitis Virus
- Abbreviation: LCV
- Common Name: Nova Decay
- Virus Family: Heliox Family
- Origins: Some Mid Rim Planets
- Other Locations: Parts of Wild Space (Some Planets)
- Description: [ Describe this virus at a glance. More in-depth descriptions can be added below. ]
- Morphology: The front of the virus resembles the frontal structure of a starfish, while on rear structure possess long, numerous tentacles.
- Size: 25 nanometres
- Color: Pinkish-Red
- Distinctions: [ Describe any unique traits that define what this virus is. Does it infect in an unusual fashion? Does it have a strange shape? Is it considered "living" or "dead?" ]
- Source: Synthetic
- Host Species: [ What species can this virus infect? (Ex. Humans, Near-Humans, Twilek, animals, plants, bacteria, fungi, etc.) ]
- Host Range: Medium
- Viability: [ What type of environment does it require? ]
- Lethality: High
- Severity: High
- Infectivity: Average
- Modes of Transmission: Airborne
- Incubation Period: Within Three Days
- Re-Infection: Once infected, and if surival has been acheieved, the once infected host can develop an immunity to the virus.
- Vaccine/Cure: [ Is there any known vaccines, cures, or antivirals available? Are there any potential side effects? If so, please list and link if possible.]
[ List any symptoms and effects that could be experienced here. Link, if necessary.]
- [ Provide, in list format, some strengths of this submission. 2 recommended. ]
- [ Provide, in list format, some weaknesses of this submission. 2 recommended. ]
[ Include a description of the founding of the virus, what it could be capable of, and its history thus far. Who d