Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Name: Vaas
Faction: Secret Invasion
Rank: Hunter
Race: Yuuzhan Vong
Age: 30
Height: 6'2
Weight: 230 pounds
Eyes: Yellow and black
Hair: black
Skin: Creepy Vong Skin
Force sensitive: Not yet


Insane: Being a religious fanatic and Dredge's personal assassin and guard dog, Vaas has spent his whole life in madness and death serving the overlord.

Skilled: As a elite Hunter Vaas Is a master in close quarters combat and most other forms of war and stealth related combat.

Force dead: like all other Yuuzhan Vong he is dead to the force making him a deadly opponent to force users


Manipulate and easy to anger: Being stark raving mad Vaas is rather easy to wrap your finger around in a fight or out of it. He was taught to follow orders but at the same time he is easy to anger.

Yuuzhan Vong weaknesses: Fire, crush gaunts, and all of the other various ways to kill Yuuzhan Vong

Appearance: As a hunter of the Yuuzhan Vong Vaas does not wear the crab armor gifted to him by the Vong. Instead his body is coated with creatures that allows him to morph and shape his body into whatever image he pleases thus his form constantly shifts.

Bio: Being born on Belgaroth the hunter known as Vaas spent his whole life under the thumb of the overlord Dredge to be trained up in the hunter caste of life. However unlike most of his brother Vass showed a deeper madness to him in the eradication of all he considered to be infidels. As a Yuuzhan Vong morpher he is not bellow using technology to get the job done. Being selected by Dredge himself Vaas' mission in life is to destroy the republic and other factions that stand in the way of the Yuuzhan Vong not by force but by covert tactics and picking them apart piece by piece.

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