Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Vacation!! August 2nd-7th

Hello all as the topic says, I am going on a much-needed vacation with family. Will be traveling to Gulf Shores Alabama on a nice little road trip to see extended family. On the way will be hitting up Tennesee and Mississippi. Gonna enjoy some time away from work and Chaos for the time being. That means I will be enjoying myself when it comes to good seafood, and the beach. And it's the reason I am not participating in the current Invasion of Skor II. During the time I will be unplugged from both Chaos, and Discord. So if any one of you guys leave me any messages or such. I promise I will get back to them as soon as I get back, and I will be participating in the Invasion as well. So please try not to burn the place down, and to my fellow Imperials keep up the good fight! :)

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