Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Vacation? Away from the Little One? Yes!! LOA :)


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Came to the realization that in a few weeks I'll be flying far, far, far across the country with my hubby to check out a new city and see if we would like to move there in the next couple of years. My mother-in-law will be flying in in a couple of weeks to babysit our little one. Gasp! I'll get a whole week without an alarm clock for a whole week! We're flying out late May 19th-May 26th. I might not be able to post at all during that time. The rest of my month long holiday will be at home, so I'll be able to catch up then.

Just thought that I'd give everyone the heads up! Time is going by too fast. I have a house to :)


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Thanks. I certainly will! And hopefully I'll have that audio thread finished before I go.

[member="DarthHaze"] [member="sabrina"] [member="Darth Prazutis"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Will do! It's not for a couple of weeks though. I'll be trying lobster for the first time :)

[member="Matsu Ike"] [member="Darth Ax'no"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Tonight's the night! In 5 hours I'll be heading to the airport. It'll be red eye flights to the east coast from there. Thank goodness we just have one connection! We will have free wifi at the hotel, but I'm not sure how much time we'll spend there. So that means I won't be posting much until I return on the 26th (for those in Australia and the UK, it'll be the 27th).

[member="Rapax"] [member="Kyle Amedis"] [member="Tobias Larr"] [member="DarthHaze"] [member="Darth Erebos"] [member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"] [member="Thraxis"] [member="Vax'ildan"] [member="Hawk Solo"] [member="Matsu Ike"] [member="Asemir Lor'kora"] [member="Crix Meriet"] and all the rest :)


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Kyle Amedis"]

Hurry back? But I just got here....And after six hours, does that still qualify as a nap? We made it safe and sound though.

[member="Matsu Ike"]

Awww...I'll be back soon!

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