Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Vacation LOA through the 11th

As most of you know, between the Hurricane, work, and an upcoming vacation, posting has been scarce. I'm afraid this shall continue a little longer, until my vacation is over on the 11th! Yep, your resident Zambrano-Ren is taking a(nother) vacation.


I'll be working on a few replies over today and tomorrow, but no promises. As soon as it's over, I'll be returning full force, minus one job, and looking to finish the threads currently in progress and start a few new stories. Thank you all for being so patient with my crazy life recently :wub:

I'll still be floating around on Discord and the site so feel free to poke meh.

[member="Romi Jade"] | [member="Caehl Ren"] | [member="Samka Derith"] | [member="Darth Carnifex"] | [member="Sal Zambrano"] | [member="Darth Prazutis"] | [member="Dante Calgar"] | [member="Jaron Lesan"]

Sorry if I missed anyone :D
[member="Ara Zambrano"]

As always you know where to find me.

I hope you guys enjoy your time and do not worry about Chaos, we are not going anywhere.

Live, love and laugh...-And if that's too soppy, well... When you return we can kill things together.


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