Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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This Friday I shall be leaving on vacation for about a week. During this time, it is extremely unlikely that I'll get any posts in.

I leave my guardian [member="Blazing Eye"] in charge of making sure all of my space fish are fed, and I kindly ask [member="Joza Perl"] to stop littering all over my possessions; at least until I'm back.

[member="Darth Erebos"] will be receiving my holo-mail, and clearing out my space email so that I'm not getting any spam. Seriously, I'm so tired of all these "I'm a poor Kathol Outback noble looking to reclaim his throne, and his infinite wealth." Pretty sure the KO don't even have nobles.

[member="Ghorua the Shark"] is going to be making sure that my liquor cabinets are filled, and kept in premium condition (hopefully).

All of the mercenaries involved in the Dominion I set up... keep dom'ing if you want that starfighter.
All of the Sith who mentioned getting involved in the Dominion, and then not actually getting involved. I'm watching you. Bewaaare!

To the Galactic Alliance I leave you my old virus ridden holocomputer filled with strange Twilek dances that would meet the fancy of even the famed Valiens whom won't actually be mentioned, because it's random, and he would be confused.

Anyhow. I think that about takes care of everything. I'll see you all in a week.
Please don't eat the furniture while I'm gone.
Abelain Narv'uk said:
To the Galactic Alliance I leave you my old virus ridden holocomputer filled with strange Twilek dances that would meet the fancy of even the famed Valiens whom won't actually be mentioned, because it's random, and he would be confused.
That's pretty devious.

Enjoy your vacation Abelain. ;)

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