Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Val Horne-WIP

NAME: Val Horne

FACTION: Galactic Empire

RANK: Intelligence Officer


AGE: 29

SEX: Male


WEIGHT: 133 Lbs

EYES: Yellow/Gold

HAIR: Dirty Blonde

SKIN: Caucasian


  • Agile: Long years spent running through the confines of cargo haulers and navigating his way through the tight, winding passage of maintenance tunnels has given Val a lithe and agile body, which he uses to run away from most situations that he thinks might be dangerous.
  • Clever: Val is not what many would call a genius, but he does have a keen mind. Rather than solving the great mysteries of the universe, Val prefers to think about the best way out of any situation he is in or the best way to get around and into places he really should not go.
  • Paranoid: Val has a habit of seeing everything that is happening in the worst possible way, and will tend to overreact to even the smallest changes in carefully laid plans. Sometimes this saves his life, and other times it costs him dearly in terms of material, or even reputation.
  • Immune System: Long years spent in space have compromised Val's immune system, and he is suspectable to the environments of most planets he comes across. He is forced to take large quantities of medical supplements to help his body combat even the most basic bacteria, and he will try his best to not go to planets.

Describe your character's physical appearance. While your avatar should represent your character's appearance, there might be some things not apparent in it for use in role-playing. Height, weight, eye color, hair color, and skin color may also be listed here.

Describe your character's backstory up to the point you started RPing him/her. Be sure to update this section as the role-play continues.

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