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Character Val Tessalisk

Val Tessalisk


NAME: Val Tessalisk




AGE: ~2000

SEX: Male


WEIGHT: 580lbs

EYES: Orange

HAIR: Bald

SKIN: Light purple


Personality: Val Tessalisk can best be described as having a wanderer/cowboy-esq personality. A drifter by choice, Val usually never stays in one city or world for very long, preferring to see the galaxy rather than settle down. Though he can form tight connections with others, Val is fully aware that he will eventually outlive them all. This fact was made painfully clean when the one who he considered his only true love had passed on from old age. As a result, Val is very hesitant to allow people to get close to him and vice versa. Val can also be a brutal and dangerous foe in combat, and often times his actions can be considered by others to be morally questionable. Val believes that in war or in dire situations, doing what's necessary often trumps doing what's right.


Val possesses superhuman levels of strength thanks to his Gen'Dai physiology, and possesses considerable resistance to injuries and attacks that would otherwise kill other beings. If his armor is damaged or removed, he can use his semi-amorphous physiology to create tentacles or pseudopods to grab and choke enemies. Lastly as a Gen'Dai, Val possesses impressive regenerative properties, able to regenerate whole limbs in mere moments. However these abilities do not come without their downsides: Though Val's regeneration is impressive, the more severe the damage, the more time it will take to repair. He can be effectively defeated for a time if he is blown to pieces as his body will require a significant amount of time to repair itself. Val can be killed if every cell in his body is destroyed, such as being disintegrated.


Val Tessalisk is a hulking individual standing at a staggering 7 feet in height. Val always wears a curvy, sleek red armor that gives him a humanoid appearance in order to give himself shape and to hide his true nature as a Gen'Dai. With his helmet removed, Val possesses light purple skin with dark purple veins visible under his skin. He possesses orange eyes and a slight underbite.


Val Tessalisk is a male Gen'Dai who's been around for roughly 2000 years, and is relatively young for his species. Though much of his memory has faded over time, he remembers many key things in his life such as his first kill, the first time he ever revealed his face to someone, and the many worlds he's visited. Val was also romantically involved with a force-sensitive at some point, however his extended life-span caused him to outlive her. Before death, his lover gave him a fragment of the Kyber crystal in her lightsaber which he promised to hold onto forever.

Equipment: Val primarily wields a modified BlasTech T-21B, equipped with a holographic sight, skeletonized sock and barrel, and a vertical foregrip for increased stability. Val also possesses a Kyber-Crystal necklace given to him by a long dead Force-Sensitive lover, and keeps it close on his person at all times; it is his most prized possession. Val also possesses a personally modified lightsaber originally taken off of a Jedi he had killed long ago, and has added a spiked knuckle guard and a metal blade at the bottom. Val prefers to use the weapon as a last resort and often sees it as nothing more than a trophy.







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