Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Vala Melina

Vala Melina



NAME: Vala Melina
FACTION: Republic
RANK: Padawan
AGE: 16
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 1.7 m
WEIGHT: 52 kg
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: Fair


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum):
Describe in moderate detail the strengths and weaknesses of your character.

+ Perseverance: Though Vala is small and skinny, she is no quitter. Beat her, run her, break her, she’ll keep going until she can’t no more. She’s a fighter, just like her mother.
+ Affinity for Lightsaber Combat: She isn’t strong physically or with the Force, but she’s shown some promise with lightsaber combat. It is interesting to note that she is grasping Form V particularly well even though she isn’t built for it.

- Scrawny: Due to her small, skinny stature she has very little strength.
- Recluse: Having been passed over multiple times, she’s become withdrawn. She doesn’t have any friends and doesn’t like talking to others.
- Not ‘The Chosen One’: Vala shows some Force Potential but she is by no means a prodigy. Been passed up too many times to be considered that.

Vala is dressed in typical Jedi Robes but they were a little baggy on her thin form. Around her neck she still wears her mother’s dog tags as a reminder to always keep fighting. Her chocolate brown hair is kept in a ponytail held by a red bandanna though few people actually see it because she usually has her hood up all the time.

Vala Melina was born on Ord Mantell to military parents. Her mother managed to get out early to take care of young Vala while her father continued to fight, eventually dying with only one look their beautiful baby girl. Though her mother took care of her baby girl, her spirit couldn’t leave her out of the fight. She became a policewoman, defending her town. Unfortunately she did her job so well that it pissed off the underworld and attacked. The neighboring Jedi Temple got a call from her. The Jedi dispatched found the house littered with the bodies of criminals. Further exploration found a crying baby girl wearing a pair of dog tags and a bandanna next to the body of her mother. Finding the girl to be Force Sensitive, Vala was taken back the Jedi Temple to be trained.

Vala grew in the Temple, learning the ways of the Force and how to become a Jedi. It soon became clear to her that she wasn’t gifted in the Force. She struggled to grasp it but she never gave up on it. However the other Masters only saw the gifted students and took them to be trained leaving young Vala behind. As she watched more students get taken, the further she was left in the shadows. She grew withdrawn as she did the other Initiates gave her strange looks and started rumors of her as a failure, forcing her to be more secluded. It seemed as if she will never achieve her goal of becoming a Jedi Knight.

Vala never gave up though. She continued to practice on her own though she can’t progress further without a proper Master or a lightsaber. It’s only a matter of time before they transfer her into Jedi Service Corps.

However fate intervened in the form of a new Master: Jedi Knight Talon Vosra. Under the tutelage of her Master, Vala now sets her sights on the next big stepping stone of becoming a Jedi: to build a lightsaber! After participating in a few events, Vala finally deemed ready to build a lightsaber. She organized a mission where she and other Padawans would travel to Illum to visit the Crystal Cave. Under the guidance of Master [member="Talon Vorsa"] and a few other Jedi, the group of Padawans entered to find their crystals. Guided by the Force, she traveled alone done a tunnel to encounter a Force Specter of an alternate self. Vala and 'Other' Vala dueled and while Other Vala was strong, Vala managed to defeat her with the Force and found two lightsaber crystals, one blue and one orange. There in the Crystal Cave Vala built her first lightsaber using the blue crystal she found.

FORCE POWERS: (Skill Rating: Initiate, Novice, Adept, Proficient, Expert, Master)
Art of Movement: Initiate
Force Telekinesis: Initiate
Curato salva: Novice
Force Sense: Novice

Form I: Shii-Cho (Initiate)
Form III: Soresu (Initiate)
Form V: Shien/Djem So (Adept)

Lightsaber, Blue bladed
Double edged Vibrosword
Data pad
Com Link
Moro Dashi Robes (Inner Blue lining, won at Auction)
Manaan Robes (Dark Blue, won at Auction)
Dalaang Robes (White, won at Auction)




Post the links and the titles to all of your characters Role-Plays. To make things easier, post the link and name here as soon as you enter the Role-Play thread.

[Dominion] Spreading the Teyan (Republic Dominion of Seltos)
To be a paragon (OPEN Group Training Session. Padawans Encouraged!)
[Faction] Mission: Crystal Caves (Open to Jedi)
[Invasion] Operation Downfall: Carida [One Sith vs Republic]

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