Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Valara Tiall

Alana Sunrider

NAME: Valara Tiall
FACTION: Galactic Republic (coughkingdomofmanticorecough)
RANK: Commander
SPECIES: Carida Human
AGE: 39
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 1.88 meters
WEIGHT: 75 kg
Eyes: blue
HAIR: black
SKIN: Caucasian


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+\- Runs a tight ship: She is used to having her orders followed by those serving under her, and she expects it to happen. When not, she starts at irritated and if the insubordination continues, she will get angrier. On the flip side, it does lead to a well coordinated ship that operates efficiently.
-Burns colder than Hoth: When angered, she has a cold, calculated fury that will work to destroy its targets in a cruelly calculated manner.
-Impersonal: She has taken professionalism to be the ethic by which she loves in all aspects of her life. Great for a Naval career. Terrible for a personal life. She has no true friends, and hasn't had a romantic life since the academy.
-Lonely: Since she has no friends and little contact with her family, she is incredibly lonely since she spends so much time working as an officer. When confronted by this loneliness, she deals with it by working harder, which makes the problem worse.
+Conscientious: Always neat, professional, and organized in appearance. She plans ahead and ensures everything has the necessary supplies, plus a little extra.
Dedicated: She is devoted to the ideals of the Republic and completely loyal. It necessary, she will gladly die in its service.
+Cares for her crew: She'll sacrifice herself if necessary, but will not that ask that of her crew.
+High gravity: Coming from the high gravity world of Carida, she has a very solid physical structure and denser bones and muscles, making her stronger than the average human and more resilient to environmental effects, and must faster in low gravity environments.
+Unarmed combat: Given her physical composition, she has spent extra effort and time learning unarmed fighting techniques and how to best combine them with her physical advantages.
+Keen tactical mind: She has honed her tactical experience to be a very competent, if not exceptional vessel commander.

APPEARANCE: Being a woman of above average height and weight, she is a rather intimidating figure, especially with a rather imperial, calculating gaze. Her hair is kept short to prevent it from becoming a hazard, and is neatly combed and shaped to fit beneath her uniform cover.

BIOGRAPHY: Born on Carida to two instructors at the Academy almost ensured Valara would end up in the military. The question had always been which branch. Starting when she was young, she developed a fascination for starships and how they work, devouring every age appropriate holovid she could find on the subject. As she grew older, the complexity increased, and she settled on being a spacer, a small romantic streak hoping to be a smuggler. This horrified her parents, and they focused on convincing her to shoot for the Navy instead, and pushed her to prepare for an officer's career starting at nine years old. Feeling a little neglected by the two of them, and hoping this would make them love her more, she acquiesced and attacked science and mathematics with a fervor that would impress a Sith Lord. This continued into her teenage years, until she changed her mind to be a starship engineer instead. This led to a series of violent arguments with her family, until they settled on a compromise where she would join the Navy to specialize as an engineer. The arguments calmed down, but the rift remained and she closed herself off from her parents.

Entering the Academy found herself a sudden set of very high expectations placed on her, as the child of two instructors. This drove her to exceed those expectations because she simply had to be the best. Her commanding officer saw a great deal of potential as a command officer in her, and slowly persuaded her to focus on that instead of engineering. That background did allow her to squeeze more potential out of her ships and serve as a critical eye for new designs.

Eventually, she graduated in the top fifteen percent of her class and was assigned to serve aboard small patrol vessels focusing on anti-smuggling, particularly along the frontier. Her biggest accomplishment to date was to crack a major smuggling ring that involved corrupt personnel on the space station aboard the planet. She was promoted to a command position aboard vessels of the same size and continued to rise up the ranks due to service against the Sith Empire. She had a pleasant Core World station for a while until the One Sith rose again and captured Coruscant, and then attacked Carida. She has been reassigned a new ship to return to the front lines once more.

She has an officer's dinghy.

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