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Approved Species Valarians

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High Commander of the Lilaste Order
  • Intent: to create an oposition and event species to generate some conflict/ story driven villian for other players of the board
  • Image Credit: N/A
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: N/A

  • Name: Valarian
  • Designation: Sentient
  • Origins: Unknown (Formerly from the destroyed planet Valaria)
  • Average Lifespan: Potentially immortal (due to their regenerative, gelatinous nature)
  • Estimated Population: Unique (Only one known survivor remains)
  • Description:
    The Valarian is an amorphous, bio-organic entity that can manipulate both organic and mechanical hosts to serve its will. Its natural form is a greenish-brown, gelatinous mass, constantly shifting as it moves and absorbs new materials. After a catastrophic experiment by the Rakatan Infinite Empire, a single Valarian evolved into a parasitic hive mind capable of controlling both biological and mechanical entities.
Organic hosts remain alive but are subjected to a horrific transformation. The Valarian alters their physical structure to optimize them for combat, creating grotesque warriors that serve its cause. However, the infection is not absolute; inflicted individuals can resist the Valarian's control. With strong willpower, outside intervention, or specialized treatments, the host may regain autonomy or even cure the infection. Fighting back against the Valarian's influence is a constant struggle, and while difficult, it is not impossible.

The process of controlling mechanical hosts, such as droids, vehicles, or starships, differs from the biological method. When interfacing with technology, the Valarian uses its bio-organic mass to physically connect with the target's systems. It injects a network of organic tendrils into the machinery, directly interfacing with the circuits, data pathways, and power sources. The tendrils secrete a specialized bio-conductive substance that allows the Valarian to manipulate signals, override programming, and gain control of the technology. This process can be resisted or disrupted if the machine has robust security protocols or if there is external interference.


  • Breathes: Does not require air. Can survive in space or in hostile environments.
  • Average Height of Adults: Variable (default humanoid form is 2 meters)
  • Average Length of Adults: N/A
  • Skin color: Greenish-brown
  • Hair color: None
  • Distinctions: The Valarian is a shape-shifting bio-organic mass capable of controlling both organic and mechanical hosts. Organic hosts remain organic, but are fully controlled, trapped in their own bodies. Mechanical hosts, such as droids, vehicles, or starships, are assimilated and transformed into grotesque, bio-mechanical hybrids that serve the Valarian hive mind. The creature is capable of interfacing with machines, hijacking their systems to turn them into living extensions of itself.
  • Races: None
  • Force Sensitivity: Non-Sensitive (The species is neither Force-sensitive nor Force-dead but exists outside the influence of the Force).


  1. Dual Control: The Valarian can take control of both organic and mechanical entities, using them as extensions of its body. Organic hosts remain fully conscious but are unable to resist, while mechanical hosts are corrupted into bio-mechanical hybrids.
  2. Shape-Shifting and Liquefaction: The Valarian can change its form at will, adapting to various environments or combat scenarios. It can also liquefy to pass through tight spaces or interface with technology.

  1. Vulnerable to Fire: Fire can cause significant damage to the Valarian's gelatinous structure, making it one of the few weaknesses that can destroy it if exposed long enough.
  2. Extreme Cold: Freezing can immobilize the Valarian, halting its ability to spread and infect. It can be preserved indefinitely in a frozen state, making cold one of its few effective deterrents.
  3. Force Sensi


  • Diet: Carnivorous, though it also consumes mechanical parts and energy sources to grow and evolve.
  • Communication: Communicates through telepathy with those it has absorbed, though it can mimic the speech of others using their vocal patterns. It can interface with and control machines through direct physical contact.
  • Technology level: It does not use technology of its own but can hijack and control advanced machinery, such as vehicles, droids, and starships.
  • Religion/Beliefs: None
  • General behavior: The Valarian operates with cold, predatory intelligence, constantly seeking to expand its biomass by consuming both organic and mechanical entities. It uses its living hosts as scouts, soldiers, or tools, keeping them fully conscious but helpless. The machines it controls are warped into bio-mechanical extensions of itself, further enhancing its versatility. The Valarian adapts rapidly to its environment and will wait patiently for the right opportunity to strike, leveraging both flesh and technology to ensure its survival.​
The Valarians were once a simple, pre-sapient species that evolved on the planet Valaria, a remote and largely unknown world in the galaxy. The species, gelatinous and amorphous by nature, had little to no intelligence, existing primarily as territorial, carnivorous entities that consumed small organisms and adapted to their environment by shape-shifting. They had no need for complex technology or societal structures, living in symbiosis with their natural surroundings. Despite their primitive nature, the Valarians possessed a highly unique and adaptable biology, making them subjects of interest for external powers.

Their world changed forever when the Rakatan Infinite Empire, at the height of its power, discovered Valaria. The Rakatans, known for their experiments and manipulation of life forms to serve their insatiable need for control, saw potential in the Valarians. The Rakata believed they could mold the gelatinous species into a useful tool or slave race capable of serving the empire's goals. Valaria's ecosystem, rich in untapped organic and mechanical resources, only deepened their interest.

The Rakatans, fascinated by the Valarians' adaptability and form-shifting abilities, initiated a series of invasive experiments to elevate the species beyond its primal state. Through their advanced bioengineering and manipulation of the Dark Side of the Force, they attempted to fuse the Valarian biology with technological enhancements, seeking to create a sentient race that could serve as workers, soldiers, and more.

However, the experiments went horribly wrong. A single Valarian was exposed to a mysterious biological agent, a parasitic form that the Rakata had intended to control and weaponize. Instead, the Valarian's genetic structure reacted violently with the agent, triggering a catastrophic mutation. The creature began to consume everything around it, absorbing organic material and technology alike, growing exponentially in both intelligence and power.

As it consumed, the Valarian developed a hive mind, linking its growing biomass to a singular consciousness. It quickly became capable of controlling not just other Valarians, but also the technology around it, assimilating and transforming both organic and mechanical entities into grotesque extensions of itself. The hosts it absorbed were forced to remain conscious, trapped in their own bodies as the Valarian twisted them into living, breathing puppets. Machines and droids were similarly corrupted, their systems overridden and fused with the Valarian's bio-organic mass, creating nightmarish bio-mechanical hybrids.

In a matter of months, the Valarian had consumed the entirety of its home planet, converting both life and technology into a vast network of living, mechanical biomass under its control. The Rakatans, realizing the gravity of their mistake, attempted to intervene. They sent fleets to Valaria, deploying their most advanced weapons and troops, but to no avail. The Valarian horde, now encompassing millions of individual hosts and countless droid, vehicle, and starship components, proved too powerful to be contained.

Faced with the prospect of this bio-organic entity spreading beyond Valaria, the Rakata made the ultimate decision: they destroyed the planet. In an act of desperation, they unleashed a series of destructive measures, reducing Valaria to ruins in an attempt to eradicate the Valarian threat. The planet was obliterated, wiped from the galactic maps, and the Rakatans believed they had successfully eliminated the abomination they had inadvertently created.

However, not all of the Valarian biomass was destroyed. A portion of the bio-organic mass, separated from the main entity during the final assault, managed to escape. This surviving fragment drifted into the void of space, dormant but not dead. Over millennia, it has remained hidden in the far reaches of the galaxy, biding its time as it waited for the right opportunity to reawaken.

The last known Valarian now exists as a unique and dangerous entity, lurking in the shadows of the galaxy, forgotten by most but not entirely erased. Its consciousness is still intact, and it retains the ability to consume and control both organic beings and technology, transforming them into horrific extensions of its will.
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Laphisto Laphisto

Hello there! So pretty spooky and powerful sub we got here so just wanted to touch on a few things for the submission which I'll be outlining below:
  • Littlest thing first: You have the species name as Velarians but refer to it as Valarians throughout the rest of the submission.
  • Second thing: As written, it sounds like it would be an auto-hit or assimilation, or control, and we definitely don't want that especially for PCs. I would suggest limiting the language a bit or adding in something about resisting control or curing themselves.
  • I'd like to see a little more detail in how it can infect/assimilate droids and other technology as that would require, at least in my mind, completely different processes to assimilating and controlling organics, especially when this is an organic mass. I would suggest maybe looking into the Scourge in Star Wars for inspiration or perhaps coming up with a more concrete method of how it can control technology since a lot of different technologies would require different methods of control.
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