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Approved Tech Valdarán | Coup de Grâce

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E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S



  • Classification: Experimental Bomb | Superweapon || NB: The ratings are intentionally underbalanced.
  • Size: Extremely Large
  • Weight: Extremely Heavy
  • Explosive Type: Iadrium | Different chemicals
  • Delivery Method: Self-Propelled | Self-drilled
  • Effective Range: Extreme
  • Area Of Effect: Extreme
  • Damage Output: Extreme

  • Valdarán is equipped with the best possible Environmental sensors and scanners, with these help it can always detect what rock or mineral layer is in front of it.
  • The data from the sensors is analysed by Sérhannaðar Artificial Intelligence as Droid brain and it can immediately modify the drilling angle, speed, and guide the bomb to achieve the most optimal result possible. And if necessary the Valdarán will use mining laser too.
  • In addition to numerous physical protections, the bomb is also equipped with excellent Electronic Countermeasures (ECM) and Electronic counter-Countermeasures (ECCM) protections, which helps it to remain functional in the event of an attack. And it also has De-ionizer.
  • The Valdarán travels underground after launch, making it very difficult to deactivate or neutralise it.
  • The basic idea of the bomb was based on an ancient experiment when the old Sith Empire saved the planet Makeb from destruction. The bomb was originally designed to stop or slow tectonic movement on planets with extreme earthquakes and prevent planetary catastrophes. The Eternal Empire and the HPI Consortium modified this method.
    • The bomb contains two types of explosives. It contains a very small Iadrium, this is where the detonation begins, it explodes first. Its explosion also detonates the warhead full of chemical agents and the force of the explosion disperses these agents throughout the planet's core.
    • The actual damage of the chemical substances is nothing, if the explosion does not occur in the planet core, then it has no effect on the environment or living beings. However, it immediately sets off various effects and chain reactions in the planet's core.
    • It slows down the flow of the planet's core, which will stop as a result. At the same time, gravitational waves start from the planet's core, their combined effect causes strong earthquakes on the planet's surface; it also causes sensible gravitational effects and electromagnetic storms too. Depending on the planet volcanic activity starts, and the tremors could cause tsunamis.
    • The gravity effect is very similar to the Gravity well, and the bomb is acting like a Gravity well projector. Such a device was built under the bomb's frame, inside the bomb which is remaining active after the warheads blown up and actually the warheads' explosion activates this device.
    • As the planet's spin slows and then stops due to changes in the core, the magnetic poles disappear, the atmosphere collapses and escapes and all air on the planet ceases. Gravity decreases or increases due to gravitational waves.
    • But while these are happening, the effects in the core and the ever-increasing gravitational waves literally tear the planet apart, eventually disintegrating into an asteroid field.
  • The time between the start of the effects of the bomb and the final uninhabitability and death of the planet is hours at best, but rather days or weeks. That way, residents still have plenty of time to escape. It's a slow death throe, not a quick and painless solution. It depends on the planet's size. Smaller planets will die sooner, the larger later.

  • Coup de Grâce: If the bomb explodes in the core of the planet, then the various chemicals inside it will start various processes in the core of the planet, which will end up with the processes of the core of the planet stopping, while also creating gravitational waves. Among other things, it causes the planet's rotation to slow down and stop, causing further catastrophes, and eventually the forces of nature and gravity tear the planet apart, destroying it completely.
  • Well Defended: Both its physical and electronic protection are excellent, providing great protection so that the Valdarán can reach its destination with certainty. And thanks to the perfect Skuggalegt polymer layer, the sensors are almost not able to detect the superweapon.
  • High-Technology: It is equipped with the best possible and most modern technology.
  • Drilling and Speed: It may not look fast due to its size and weight, but the drill bit and the technology it uses can move very fast deep underground. And the drill heads are very hard and resistant, essentially able to drill through any earth's crust, very quickly.

  • Easy Spot: Due to its size and weight, it cannot be moved after installation without the help of a Frigate-sized transport unit. For this very reason, after installation, but before the launch, it can be a very easy target.
  • Only in the Core: Even though the bomb has huge damage, even though it affects a huge area, the chemical substances in it have no effect on anything in space, on other ships, vehicles, or even in any other environment. The bomb only has an effect if the chemical substances are meets with lava, but mostly with the core of the given planet
  • Lack of Weapons: Although the Valdarán is made of extremely resistant materials, which make it difficult to destroy it, a concentrated, very powerful EMP/Ion attack can destroy its systems, and last but not least, despite its size, it does not have defensive cannons or similar protection. If it is attacked, it cannot fight back.
  • Takes Time: After launch, its effect is not immediate, on the one hand, it has to drill into the core of the planet, it's speed depends on the size of the planet and the thickness of the earth's crust. After the explosion, the chemical agents must also work. It may even take hours up to weeks for the effects to take effect.
  • Stop the Beast: Focused attack on the drill's head, or on the engine could be very effective. If the drill is damaged, there is a very high chance, it will not be able to drill through itself on hard layers, or if the engine is damaged, it will stop, because it has no drive to propel the Valdarán forward. Not to mention it is a very big bomb, if it starts to drill itself into the direction of the core, it will leave a very big hole behind itself. Anyone can send rockets/missiles after it through to the hole, and that will definitely hit the engine and damage it. This can cause explosion with very high chance, or to stop prematurely due to the lack of bomb propulsion.

The idea of Valdarán first arose in the HPI Consortium following the events on the planet Hirsi. Although the company wanted to make a bomb that would only stabilize planets with very strong tectonic activity and save them and their population. Ironically, they used an ancient Sith solution used by the Sith Empire led by Darth Malgus to save the planet Makeb more than four thousand years earlier.

However, the project also caught the attention of the Eternal Empire and STRATCOM requested a weaponized version of this bomb. One capable of destroying planets. Earlier, in Tacitus's vault, there were plans for superweapons anyway, but not least this project arose because too many threats appeared in the galaxy. Among others, the return of Omni was such a cosmic-level threat. It was originally intended to be against him, but the final fight against Omni took place in the Netherworld after all, so the weapon was not used.

Since the ruler of the Eternal Empire is not the kind of person who would use such a weapon anyway, it is more of a strategic move that yes, the Eternal Empire has such a weapon. And if one has it, one might as well use it, because no one keeps such weapons gathering dust in the warehouse. However, it hasn't had to be used in recent years, against the Maw or anything else. However, recent events have come which cause it may need to be used.

The size and weight of the bomb are enormous, and it is equipped with the most modern technology possible. Both its physical and electronic defences are highly advanced and powerful to protect the bomb as best as possible until it reaches the planet's core. If the bomb explodes before that area, then it is actually ineffective. The chemicals in the warhead interact with the lava and the core of the planet and initiate processes in them. Precisely because of this, if someone succeeds in destroying the bomb on the surface, only the Iadrium and the flying debris will cause damage, not the chemical agents.

The reactions triggered by the explosion do not immediately destroy the planet, this is greatly influenced by the condition, age and size of the planet. For this reason, the effects caused by Valdarán take place and happen within a time interval of a few hours to a few weeks. So far, there is no known method to prevent it. However, since this superweapon is slow to take effect, there is still plenty of time for as many people as possible to escape if the Eternal Empire does end up using the bomb somewhere.

Because as the most famous saying of the Eternal Empire says:

The Jedi do what is right. The Sith do what they want. We do what is necessary.​

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This is a very interesting and unique take on a superweapon. There are just a few things I'd like to go through with you before we pass this through and you can get started on your annihilation.

Gravity Effect

My main question is how the gravity effect occurs? The changes in the core that result in the core's rotation slowing and even stopping and the disruption of the magnetic poles is understandable through chemical means, but to have the effect of gravitational waves buffeting the planet and tearing it apart would require a gravitational source to be created in the core that is powerful enough to disrupt the planet's own gravitational field. i'm not sure that the release of chemicals alone would be enough to accomplish this.

How do you intend to create these gravitational waves?


Most of the weaknesses provided are RP weaknesses rather than actual weaknesses of the submission, the main weakness is that the bomb is only effective in the core, however, given its near unstoppable nature, it is made of resilient materials" and is also designed to shrug off Ion, physical and electronic attacks. How can the opposing writers stop the weapon?

Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
John Locke John Locke

Thank you for the quick answer.

I imagined the gravity effects it is like to similar to the Gravity well, and the bomb is acting like a Gravity well projector. If necessary I can add this to the special features, such a device was built into the bomb's frame or inside which is remaining active after the warheads blown up and the warheads' explosion activates this. Maybe with this it can be explained better than the chemicals.

I never wanted to abuse it, and the defences are only very high to the EMP/Ion so far not extreme. Focused attack on the drill's head, or on the engine could be very effective. If the drill is damaged, there is a very high chance it will not be able to drill itself on hard layers, or if the engine is damaged, it will stop, because it has no drive to propel it forward. And it is a very big weapon, if it starts to dill itself into the direction of the core, it will leave a very big hole behind itself. Anyone can send rockets/missiles after it through to the hole, and that will definitely hit the engine and damage it. This can cause explosion with very high chance, or to stop prematurely due to the lack of bomb propulsion.

And yes, just like in the ships' case, the engine has much less defences than the other parts of the bomb. So the end of the bomb is a very good point to attack.
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