Valen Pelora
New Member
Name: Valen Pelora
Race: Mirialan
Age: 26
Height: 6’ 1’’
Weight: 185lbs
Valen stands slightly above average height with a slim athletic build attributed to the life of Jedi. As with all Mirialan, despite their close resemblance to humans, the defining difference is the pale green color of Valen’s skin. At a quick glance he might pass as human but a closer inspection reveals the tell tale green hue, while not as dark as many of his species it is unmistakable in clear light. Valen keeps his light brown hair cut short and in rare bout of vanity will often style it in popular fashion.
There is nothing outwardly remarkable about Valen’s appearance. He would pass as a simple citizen on nearly every planet. If you saw him outside (in plain clothes) the Temple you might give him a passing glance and then quickly forget the face as your mind wandered to other thoughts. Perhaps the only feature that would set him apart are his light blue eyes and Mirialan tattoo markings. As is the custom of the Mirialan people Valen has a tattoo on his face and hands for each substantial bench mark in his life. The tattoos are often times geometric in nature and Valen is no exception. He has three tattoos; one on his face and one on each hand. The first tattoo is a series of diamonds made into a pyramid on his chin. The bottom row is three diamonds near the bottom of his chin and they ascend towards his lips. The two on his hands are matching and are simple four diamonds connected at the points to form a square on the top of each hand.
Most often Valen wears the traditional brown robes of the Jedi with the standard clothes beneath. When in a situation requiring a different ensemble he will most likely wear a simple outfit of black and greys fitting whatever is needed.
As a young boy Valen was often shy and withdrawn having a difficult time connecting with other younglings and his teachers. He was a dutiful student and eager to learn but found his confidence abandoned at the most inopportune times, because of this he began to prefer allowing others to take the lead in class and training. Despite his limitations Valen did find he could quickly grasp many of the Force techniques and teachings faster than his fellow students. Where he lacked in physical combat and confidence he made up for his tireless hunt for knowledge and grasp of the Force. It was his fast learning and love of education that got him noticed and taken as a Padawan.
Throughout his years training beside his Master, Valen slowly began to have more confidence in himself and express his ideas more vocally. His Master pushed Valen to believe in himself and have faith in his actions. He counseled the young Jedi to not fear being assertive and to lead when the chance arose. A turning point came during his trials when Valen was given no choice but to trust himself. After successfully completing his trials and attaining the rank of Jedi Knight the shy, often fearful and withdrawn youngling was gone. In his place was a smart, confident and reflective Jedi Knight. Years of being too afraid to speak up and second guessing his actions and learning to combat those fears helped mold Valen. Rarely does he act without careful thought, he handles most problems through careful reflection and won’t rush to a conclusion. His thirst for knowledge is as great as ever and he takes pride in discovering the many mysteries of the Force. When forced into combat Valen practices the forms most closely associated with his personality, Soresu and Shien focusing on protecting those around him and adopting a defensive stance. He will rely heavily on his strength in the Force while in battle.
However, there are times Valen still struggles to interact with his fellow Jedi. He often find himself at odds with his brothers and sister who prefer to swashbuckle about the galaxy solving their problems with Lightsabers rather than words. At his heart he is a diplomat and dislikes the use of violence even when necessary. Valen places far more confidence in himself now than in his younger years but is still susceptible to self doubt and prefers to avoid true leadership positions.
Birth place: Coruscant
Faction: The Jedi Order
Rank: Jedi Knight (Consular)
Lightsaber: Valen believes violence should only be used when there is truly no other alternative and his lightsaber reflects that belief. It is of simply make of the traditional silver tube as the hilt with small power button located where his thumb rests. There are black grooves around the top and bottom to improve grip and the outside cover is of a simple plain black design.
Color: Emerald Green
Practiced Lightsaber forms: Range 1-10 (1:Learning 5:Adept 10:Mastery)
Description: Valen is proficient with a lightsaber, like most Jedi, but prefers to solve disputes with mind and words. His true talents as a Jedi are related to his connection to the Force.
Shii-Cho - 4
Makashi - 1
Soresu - 3
Ataru - N/A
Shien / Djem So - 3
>>Sub-form Backhanded
Niman - 1
>>Sub-form Jar-kai, or Dual Wield
Juyo - N/A
Double Bladed Combat - N/A
Force-Sensitive Abilities or practices (1: Learning 5:Adept 10:Mastery)
Description: Valen's true talents as a Jedi is his strong connection to the Force and ability to use the Force. His Force talents are concentrated in healing and protecting his allies. Although, he will use his gifts to defendant those who need him is all else fails.
Telekinetic: 6
Telepathic: 5
Body: 6
Sense: 5
Protection: 7
Healing: 7
Destruction: 0
Specialized Skills:
No Specialized Skills
Attributes (5: Average 10:Near Perfection)
Description: Valen's strengths rest in his mind and connection with the Force. He is not unusually strong, fast or athletic. He is of above average intelligence and can lead when called upon.
Physical Strength: 5
Intelligence: 8
Speed: 6
Leadership: 6
Unarmed: 3
Melee Weapons: 2
Ranged Weapons: 1
Ages 0-3: Before the Jedi Order
There is not much Valen remembers of his time before the Order and most of that was told to him by the Jedi. Valen’s mother was a senator for the Mirialan planet of Mirial spending most of her time on Coruscant. Father than split the family apart Valen’s parents made the decision to raise their family on Coruscant and his mother would travel back and forth as needed. Valen was youngest of three siblings and was loved deeply by his family. At very young age Valen began to show signs of his Force potential and although they did not want to lose their son his parents knew it was their duty to take Valen to the Temple for testing.
It was then that the young Valen Pelora at the age of 3 was tested and taken into the ranks of the Jedi. With heavy hearts his family said their goodbyes and left knowing they had given the galaxy another protector. Valen would not be told his heritage until much later in his life and by then no longer had any attachments to a family he had never had a chance to grow with.
Ages 3 - 11: Jedi Youngling
As with all Jedi Valen’s training began the minute he was taken into the Jedi’s care. In his very early childhood he was taught less of the Force and more what one would find in a traditional school. He was taught to read, write and given everything a young child might need. As he got older and the younglings were split into groups the classical training continued but began to be interwoven with lessons on the Force and combat.
Valen’s time as a youngling was a pleasant as could be expected his days were filled with learning what it meant to be a Jedi and learning the tools he would need when someday out on his own. Unlike many of his classmates Valen was quieter and shy during lessons, he preferred to listen to the Masters teach rather than offer his own opinion. The other younglings were never outwardly mean and never bullied him but because of Valen’s more reserved nature he was often left on the outside looking in. His friends were the datalogs in the Archive, his late nights were spent reading about the Masters of old and the ways of Force. It was during those young formative years the Valen discovered his love devouring information and his knack for picking up Force techniques quickly.
The years past and the class grew as all children do each becoming more individual and wishing to assert themselves in new and interesting ways. Things stayed much the same for Valen, he was the ever present always dedicated student. He would complete his studies and then head straight to the Archives to continue learning whatever fascinated him that day. Unfortunately Valen was more of an outsider now than he ever had been, he had never formed the close bond and friendships and as all the younglings grew those bonds became closer and Valen became more isolated. It was hard for the young Jedi because it wasn’t that he didn’t want friend or that he didn’t wish to run amuk with the others but rather he had been shy as a young child and that shyness had only deepened the older they got because he was alone. Valen poured himself into his books and into his learning but this didn’t always translate into success. Valen was quick study and eager learner but he never could grasp the principles applied in learning to wield a lightsaber. There is an inherent confidence and attitude that goes along with true swordsmanship and it was an attitude Valen simply didn’t possess. Where he did well in traditional classes and learning of the Force he struggled mightily with learning the Lightsaber. Valen saw this as a failure and further withdrew in himself.
Being shy and quiet didn’t mean he went unnoticed. Many of his teachers recognized the fast mind and and profanity in the Force in small silent Jedi. This is what led the Bothan Jedi Master Tone Rork to inquire about the young Valen. Seeing a Jedi with potential if only he could overcome the obstacles in his own mind Master Rork took Valen as his Padawan learner and set about crafting a future Jedi Knight.
Ages 12 - 22: Jedi Padawan
Master Rork at the time of taking Valen as his Padawan was an accomplished diplomat, his skills lay at the negotiating table and he was responsible for several high profile deals. He was a constant student of the Force and placed great significances on respecting the power and mystery it had to offer. In his time with the Order Rork had successfully trained two other Padawan’s before Valen each performing well as a Jedi Knight and despite getting a little long in the tooth Rork had plenty left in the tank.
When first taking on his new Padawan Rork couldn’t get much more than a few simple yeses and nos or head nods out of the boy. It was clear the new environment and new challenges were affecting the young Valen and he didn’t quite know how to respond. After a week of getting very little from the boy Rork took Valen to one of the Temple’s secluded gardens and instructed the young Jedi to pick a spot and sit.
Master Rork hoped to instruct Valen to look inward and see the the answers within himself. The young Jedi was instructed and finding strength from within rather than seek approval from without. As much as Valen meditated he struggled with setting aside self doubt. He couldn’t move past all that had plagued him throughout his young life. It was then Master Rork realized Valen could only grow away from him fellow Jedi, he needed to show his Padawan the galaxy. He needed Valen to grow an identity outside of the Jedi. For the next 10 years Master Rork and Valen traveled the galaxy working tirelessly as diplomats, mediators and arbiters. Valen learned a hundred ways to settle a dispute and visited more planets than he could name. There was no disagree too small to be deemed “unworthy” of a Jedi’s investigation. In fact, throughout this time Valen most enjoyed the trips to the backwater worlds. Far away from “civilization” in a town that had only ever heard of a Jedi there were the most interesting and meaningful resolutions could be found. Master Rork and Valen become well known in the outer rim for settling all manner of disputes.
It was during this time Valen truly found himself. Gone was the awkward, gangly Padawan who was uncertain of himself. In his stead was a man who knew his worth and worked hard to bring serve the people of the galaxy. Doubt and worry still crept in but Valen had learned to recognize those emotions and refuse to let them creep in.
Master Rork and Valen were traveling the outer rim, visiting afterthought towns on afterthought worlds when Valen was faced with his most difficult challenge, the loss of his Master. Master Rork had not gotten any younger, age was beginning to slow him down but when they landed on a small moon with a outlaw problem he couldn’t resist. He knew the townspeople would never be able to deal with the outlaws on their own, he and his young Padawan were on the only options. Valen and Master Rork did as they had so many times and traveled to meet the outlaws.
Unfortunately, the outlaws could not be bargained with. Talks broke down and turned to violence. Valen watched as his Master, the man who had shaped him into the Jedi he was, was struck down. At that moment he could have given in, given up, surrendered. He didn’t. Valen took everything Master Rork had taught him, everything 10 years together had instilled in him and he went to work. Through cunning, patients, and the power of the Force Valen defeated the outlaws and carried his Master back to the Jedi. It was upon his returned he was raised to the rank of Jedi Knight, as his Master was laid to rest. Yet Valen did not take on a Padawan, nor has he ever desired to do so, he finds his place is out in the galaxy doing the work his Master did. He travels from planet to planet doing his best to plant peace in the galaxy not with a lightsaber but with faith in the Force and faith in people.
Ages 22 - Present Day:
Valen has been working for peace since his raising to the level of Knight 4 years ago.
RP Sample: A Very Short RP Sample:
Mance Torell stood on the bridge of a Mon Calamari Star Destroyer, officers standing on either side of him with combat reports streaming in. The bridge was alive with activity but it was not chaos, not to him. It was efficiency and focus honed by countless hours of preparation and more battles fought than he could remember. His eyes flicked over the battle before him before switching to the holoprojection of entire field. He took a deep breath as his mind began to set to work, a beeping sound sounded to right, then to the left. He shook his head trying to focus, the beeping sounded again louder this time and all around. That wasn't a warning bell. What was it. It didn't make sense.
Mance woke with a start his com link buzzing beside him. Rubbing sleep from his eyes he turned over and grabbed the bud and placed it in his ear. With a groan he rose and donned his robe.
"Admiral?" The voice of his Administrative Lieutenant, Eric Colston, came through the com.
"Lieutenant I trust this is very important."
"Yes sir. You asked me to inform you when I can finished compiling the list of potential Jedi candidates, I'm sending it to your apartments now. I should warn you sir the list is short."
"How bad is it Lieutenant?"
"Worse than we thought sir. We have very little information on where the Jedi are located, even less on their activities and no idea their current makeup. They have done a impressive job severing relations. I managed to dig up a few old names, some that have come into contact with various units in the field, and those who have voluntarily assisted in a few higher priority missions. Overall there isn't much to go on."
"Your analysis?"
"The relationship between the Chief of State and the Jedi Grand Master appears to be the catalyst between much of the tension. It is not the rank and file but rather the leading parties. Given the information at this time I can make no formal recommendation on a given course of action."
"You have performed your duties well Lieutenant, get some rest."
"Gladly Sir, Thank you Sir."
The com link clicked off and Mance trudged to his desk awaiting the lists arrival.
Race: Mirialan
Age: 26
Height: 6’ 1’’
Weight: 185lbs
Valen stands slightly above average height with a slim athletic build attributed to the life of Jedi. As with all Mirialan, despite their close resemblance to humans, the defining difference is the pale green color of Valen’s skin. At a quick glance he might pass as human but a closer inspection reveals the tell tale green hue, while not as dark as many of his species it is unmistakable in clear light. Valen keeps his light brown hair cut short and in rare bout of vanity will often style it in popular fashion.
There is nothing outwardly remarkable about Valen’s appearance. He would pass as a simple citizen on nearly every planet. If you saw him outside (in plain clothes) the Temple you might give him a passing glance and then quickly forget the face as your mind wandered to other thoughts. Perhaps the only feature that would set him apart are his light blue eyes and Mirialan tattoo markings. As is the custom of the Mirialan people Valen has a tattoo on his face and hands for each substantial bench mark in his life. The tattoos are often times geometric in nature and Valen is no exception. He has three tattoos; one on his face and one on each hand. The first tattoo is a series of diamonds made into a pyramid on his chin. The bottom row is three diamonds near the bottom of his chin and they ascend towards his lips. The two on his hands are matching and are simple four diamonds connected at the points to form a square on the top of each hand.
Most often Valen wears the traditional brown robes of the Jedi with the standard clothes beneath. When in a situation requiring a different ensemble he will most likely wear a simple outfit of black and greys fitting whatever is needed.
As a young boy Valen was often shy and withdrawn having a difficult time connecting with other younglings and his teachers. He was a dutiful student and eager to learn but found his confidence abandoned at the most inopportune times, because of this he began to prefer allowing others to take the lead in class and training. Despite his limitations Valen did find he could quickly grasp many of the Force techniques and teachings faster than his fellow students. Where he lacked in physical combat and confidence he made up for his tireless hunt for knowledge and grasp of the Force. It was his fast learning and love of education that got him noticed and taken as a Padawan.
Throughout his years training beside his Master, Valen slowly began to have more confidence in himself and express his ideas more vocally. His Master pushed Valen to believe in himself and have faith in his actions. He counseled the young Jedi to not fear being assertive and to lead when the chance arose. A turning point came during his trials when Valen was given no choice but to trust himself. After successfully completing his trials and attaining the rank of Jedi Knight the shy, often fearful and withdrawn youngling was gone. In his place was a smart, confident and reflective Jedi Knight. Years of being too afraid to speak up and second guessing his actions and learning to combat those fears helped mold Valen. Rarely does he act without careful thought, he handles most problems through careful reflection and won’t rush to a conclusion. His thirst for knowledge is as great as ever and he takes pride in discovering the many mysteries of the Force. When forced into combat Valen practices the forms most closely associated with his personality, Soresu and Shien focusing on protecting those around him and adopting a defensive stance. He will rely heavily on his strength in the Force while in battle.
However, there are times Valen still struggles to interact with his fellow Jedi. He often find himself at odds with his brothers and sister who prefer to swashbuckle about the galaxy solving their problems with Lightsabers rather than words. At his heart he is a diplomat and dislikes the use of violence even when necessary. Valen places far more confidence in himself now than in his younger years but is still susceptible to self doubt and prefers to avoid true leadership positions.
Birth place: Coruscant
Faction: The Jedi Order
Rank: Jedi Knight (Consular)
Lightsaber: Valen believes violence should only be used when there is truly no other alternative and his lightsaber reflects that belief. It is of simply make of the traditional silver tube as the hilt with small power button located where his thumb rests. There are black grooves around the top and bottom to improve grip and the outside cover is of a simple plain black design.
Color: Emerald Green
Practiced Lightsaber forms: Range 1-10 (1:Learning 5:Adept 10:Mastery)
Description: Valen is proficient with a lightsaber, like most Jedi, but prefers to solve disputes with mind and words. His true talents as a Jedi are related to his connection to the Force.
Shii-Cho - 4
Makashi - 1
Soresu - 3
Ataru - N/A
Shien / Djem So - 3
>>Sub-form Backhanded
Niman - 1
>>Sub-form Jar-kai, or Dual Wield
Juyo - N/A
Double Bladed Combat - N/A
Force-Sensitive Abilities or practices (1: Learning 5:Adept 10:Mastery)
Description: Valen's true talents as a Jedi is his strong connection to the Force and ability to use the Force. His Force talents are concentrated in healing and protecting his allies. Although, he will use his gifts to defendant those who need him is all else fails.
Telekinetic: 6
Telepathic: 5
Body: 6
Sense: 5
Protection: 7
Healing: 7
Destruction: 0
Specialized Skills:
No Specialized Skills
Attributes (5: Average 10:Near Perfection)
Description: Valen's strengths rest in his mind and connection with the Force. He is not unusually strong, fast or athletic. He is of above average intelligence and can lead when called upon.
Physical Strength: 5
Intelligence: 8
Speed: 6
Leadership: 6
Unarmed: 3
Melee Weapons: 2
Ranged Weapons: 1
Ages 0-3: Before the Jedi Order
There is not much Valen remembers of his time before the Order and most of that was told to him by the Jedi. Valen’s mother was a senator for the Mirialan planet of Mirial spending most of her time on Coruscant. Father than split the family apart Valen’s parents made the decision to raise their family on Coruscant and his mother would travel back and forth as needed. Valen was youngest of three siblings and was loved deeply by his family. At very young age Valen began to show signs of his Force potential and although they did not want to lose their son his parents knew it was their duty to take Valen to the Temple for testing.
It was then that the young Valen Pelora at the age of 3 was tested and taken into the ranks of the Jedi. With heavy hearts his family said their goodbyes and left knowing they had given the galaxy another protector. Valen would not be told his heritage until much later in his life and by then no longer had any attachments to a family he had never had a chance to grow with.
Ages 3 - 11: Jedi Youngling
As with all Jedi Valen’s training began the minute he was taken into the Jedi’s care. In his very early childhood he was taught less of the Force and more what one would find in a traditional school. He was taught to read, write and given everything a young child might need. As he got older and the younglings were split into groups the classical training continued but began to be interwoven with lessons on the Force and combat.
Valen’s time as a youngling was a pleasant as could be expected his days were filled with learning what it meant to be a Jedi and learning the tools he would need when someday out on his own. Unlike many of his classmates Valen was quieter and shy during lessons, he preferred to listen to the Masters teach rather than offer his own opinion. The other younglings were never outwardly mean and never bullied him but because of Valen’s more reserved nature he was often left on the outside looking in. His friends were the datalogs in the Archive, his late nights were spent reading about the Masters of old and the ways of Force. It was during those young formative years the Valen discovered his love devouring information and his knack for picking up Force techniques quickly.
The years past and the class grew as all children do each becoming more individual and wishing to assert themselves in new and interesting ways. Things stayed much the same for Valen, he was the ever present always dedicated student. He would complete his studies and then head straight to the Archives to continue learning whatever fascinated him that day. Unfortunately Valen was more of an outsider now than he ever had been, he had never formed the close bond and friendships and as all the younglings grew those bonds became closer and Valen became more isolated. It was hard for the young Jedi because it wasn’t that he didn’t want friend or that he didn’t wish to run amuk with the others but rather he had been shy as a young child and that shyness had only deepened the older they got because he was alone. Valen poured himself into his books and into his learning but this didn’t always translate into success. Valen was quick study and eager learner but he never could grasp the principles applied in learning to wield a lightsaber. There is an inherent confidence and attitude that goes along with true swordsmanship and it was an attitude Valen simply didn’t possess. Where he did well in traditional classes and learning of the Force he struggled mightily with learning the Lightsaber. Valen saw this as a failure and further withdrew in himself.
Being shy and quiet didn’t mean he went unnoticed. Many of his teachers recognized the fast mind and and profanity in the Force in small silent Jedi. This is what led the Bothan Jedi Master Tone Rork to inquire about the young Valen. Seeing a Jedi with potential if only he could overcome the obstacles in his own mind Master Rork took Valen as his Padawan learner and set about crafting a future Jedi Knight.
Ages 12 - 22: Jedi Padawan
Master Rork at the time of taking Valen as his Padawan was an accomplished diplomat, his skills lay at the negotiating table and he was responsible for several high profile deals. He was a constant student of the Force and placed great significances on respecting the power and mystery it had to offer. In his time with the Order Rork had successfully trained two other Padawan’s before Valen each performing well as a Jedi Knight and despite getting a little long in the tooth Rork had plenty left in the tank.
When first taking on his new Padawan Rork couldn’t get much more than a few simple yeses and nos or head nods out of the boy. It was clear the new environment and new challenges were affecting the young Valen and he didn’t quite know how to respond. After a week of getting very little from the boy Rork took Valen to one of the Temple’s secluded gardens and instructed the young Jedi to pick a spot and sit.
Master Rork hoped to instruct Valen to look inward and see the the answers within himself. The young Jedi was instructed and finding strength from within rather than seek approval from without. As much as Valen meditated he struggled with setting aside self doubt. He couldn’t move past all that had plagued him throughout his young life. It was then Master Rork realized Valen could only grow away from him fellow Jedi, he needed to show his Padawan the galaxy. He needed Valen to grow an identity outside of the Jedi. For the next 10 years Master Rork and Valen traveled the galaxy working tirelessly as diplomats, mediators and arbiters. Valen learned a hundred ways to settle a dispute and visited more planets than he could name. There was no disagree too small to be deemed “unworthy” of a Jedi’s investigation. In fact, throughout this time Valen most enjoyed the trips to the backwater worlds. Far away from “civilization” in a town that had only ever heard of a Jedi there were the most interesting and meaningful resolutions could be found. Master Rork and Valen become well known in the outer rim for settling all manner of disputes.
It was during this time Valen truly found himself. Gone was the awkward, gangly Padawan who was uncertain of himself. In his stead was a man who knew his worth and worked hard to bring serve the people of the galaxy. Doubt and worry still crept in but Valen had learned to recognize those emotions and refuse to let them creep in.
Master Rork and Valen were traveling the outer rim, visiting afterthought towns on afterthought worlds when Valen was faced with his most difficult challenge, the loss of his Master. Master Rork had not gotten any younger, age was beginning to slow him down but when they landed on a small moon with a outlaw problem he couldn’t resist. He knew the townspeople would never be able to deal with the outlaws on their own, he and his young Padawan were on the only options. Valen and Master Rork did as they had so many times and traveled to meet the outlaws.
Unfortunately, the outlaws could not be bargained with. Talks broke down and turned to violence. Valen watched as his Master, the man who had shaped him into the Jedi he was, was struck down. At that moment he could have given in, given up, surrendered. He didn’t. Valen took everything Master Rork had taught him, everything 10 years together had instilled in him and he went to work. Through cunning, patients, and the power of the Force Valen defeated the outlaws and carried his Master back to the Jedi. It was upon his returned he was raised to the rank of Jedi Knight, as his Master was laid to rest. Yet Valen did not take on a Padawan, nor has he ever desired to do so, he finds his place is out in the galaxy doing the work his Master did. He travels from planet to planet doing his best to plant peace in the galaxy not with a lightsaber but with faith in the Force and faith in people.
Ages 22 - Present Day:
Valen has been working for peace since his raising to the level of Knight 4 years ago.
RP Sample: A Very Short RP Sample:
Mance Torell stood on the bridge of a Mon Calamari Star Destroyer, officers standing on either side of him with combat reports streaming in. The bridge was alive with activity but it was not chaos, not to him. It was efficiency and focus honed by countless hours of preparation and more battles fought than he could remember. His eyes flicked over the battle before him before switching to the holoprojection of entire field. He took a deep breath as his mind began to set to work, a beeping sound sounded to right, then to the left. He shook his head trying to focus, the beeping sounded again louder this time and all around. That wasn't a warning bell. What was it. It didn't make sense.
Mance woke with a start his com link buzzing beside him. Rubbing sleep from his eyes he turned over and grabbed the bud and placed it in his ear. With a groan he rose and donned his robe.
"Admiral?" The voice of his Administrative Lieutenant, Eric Colston, came through the com.
"Lieutenant I trust this is very important."
"Yes sir. You asked me to inform you when I can finished compiling the list of potential Jedi candidates, I'm sending it to your apartments now. I should warn you sir the list is short."
"How bad is it Lieutenant?"
"Worse than we thought sir. We have very little information on where the Jedi are located, even less on their activities and no idea their current makeup. They have done a impressive job severing relations. I managed to dig up a few old names, some that have come into contact with various units in the field, and those who have voluntarily assisted in a few higher priority missions. Overall there isn't much to go on."
"Your analysis?"
"The relationship between the Chief of State and the Jedi Grand Master appears to be the catalyst between much of the tension. It is not the rank and file but rather the leading parties. Given the information at this time I can make no formal recommendation on a given course of action."
"You have performed your duties well Lieutenant, get some rest."
"Gladly Sir, Thank you Sir."
The com link clicked off and Mance trudged to his desk awaiting the lists arrival.