Valiens Nantaris
Head Admin
Valeria Aetani, the light in the darkness
NAME: Valeria Honoria Severina Aetani. Goes by the first and last name, and Val as a shortening.
FACTION: The Levantine Sanctum.
RANK: Jedi Padawan.
AGE: 18.
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 1.7m
WEIGHT: 61kg
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Dark
SKIN: Pale/Tanned
Valeria Aetani is of average height and build, though fit and well trained enough to be strong and nimble. She tends to wear unconventional Jedi garb which frees her up to move during combat. Though she often wears a robe when she is at the temple she discards it before battle. Other than that she is entirely practical in her dress. She has her hair cut short and wound into short braids so it does not impede her.
Valeria Honoria Severina Aetani was born on Pylos to a relatively noble family in the years before the planet was rediscovered by the outside galaxy. Her parents butted heads frequently with the ruling Saelari family in a feud going back decades.
Once the Republic emerged and brought Pylos under its sway Aurelia Saelari emerged as a foremost figure, rising to become the first Chancellor of the Republic. Aurelia though was not a woman given to much honour and used her new power and wealth to ruin her opponents on Pylos. The Aetani family were one such group, banished from Pylos and hounded in the Republic, Valeria’s parents Severus and Honoria took her into sanctuary on Tython. The choice was quite by accident, but when it became clear that Valeria was Force Sensitive it became a very useful position to be in.
And so at the age of ten, after spending most of her life on the move or in anxiety, Valeria was taken in by the Jedi Order as an apprentice. Over the next eight years she grew rapidly, learning the tenants of the Jedi Order.
Finally at age 18 she was assigned a master, but during a New Order attack he was killed and Valeria was found and taken in by her current master [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] of the remote Levantine Sanctum.
None yet.
None yet.
NAME: Valeria Honoria Severina Aetani. Goes by the first and last name, and Val as a shortening.
FACTION: The Levantine Sanctum.
RANK: Jedi Padawan.
AGE: 18.
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 1.7m
WEIGHT: 61kg
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Dark
SKIN: Pale/Tanned
- Aspiring Duellist. Valeria has all the makings of a powerful duellist down the line. Her hand/eye coordination is exceptional, and she is adept at using a single and double bladed lightsabre.
- Young and strong. Valeria has grown up constantly being tested, and her physical conditioning is very strong. For her age and physical aspects she is very strong and agile.
- Paragon. Valeria has been trained from a very young age to be just, honourable and fair. She is extremely loyal, even if she conceals it behind wit.
- Quick Witted. Valeria is above average intelligence, especially in the field of technology and electronics.
- Melee Combatant. Valeria is strong in the Force, but she lacks control over the more esoteric aspects of the Force, especially higher and more rare powers. Her grasp of telekinesis and mental aspects is not great.
- Only human. Valeria is only human, and thus she is vulnerable to wounds, injuries and sickness like ‘normal’ people.
- Sheltered. Valeria grew up in a sanctum and lived a sheltered life. She is thus rather naïve about people, and finds it hard to sift truth and lies from others when they speak to her. She also lacks what could be called ‘street smarts’.
- No scholar. Despite being knowledgeable with tech, Valeria lacks an interest in scholarly pursuits. She does not have a great amount of knowledge about science, history beyond what is necessary for her tasks.
Valeria Aetani is of average height and build, though fit and well trained enough to be strong and nimble. She tends to wear unconventional Jedi garb which frees her up to move during combat. Though she often wears a robe when she is at the temple she discards it before battle. Other than that she is entirely practical in her dress. She has her hair cut short and wound into short braids so it does not impede her.
Valeria Honoria Severina Aetani was born on Pylos to a relatively noble family in the years before the planet was rediscovered by the outside galaxy. Her parents butted heads frequently with the ruling Saelari family in a feud going back decades.
Once the Republic emerged and brought Pylos under its sway Aurelia Saelari emerged as a foremost figure, rising to become the first Chancellor of the Republic. Aurelia though was not a woman given to much honour and used her new power and wealth to ruin her opponents on Pylos. The Aetani family were one such group, banished from Pylos and hounded in the Republic, Valeria’s parents Severus and Honoria took her into sanctuary on Tython. The choice was quite by accident, but when it became clear that Valeria was Force Sensitive it became a very useful position to be in.
And so at the age of ten, after spending most of her life on the move or in anxiety, Valeria was taken in by the Jedi Order as an apprentice. Over the next eight years she grew rapidly, learning the tenants of the Jedi Order.
Finally at age 18 she was assigned a master, but during a New Order attack he was killed and Valeria was found and taken in by her current master [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] of the remote Levantine Sanctum.
None yet.
None yet.