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Approved Melee Weapon Valery Noble's Lightsabers

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Manufacturer: Jonyna Si
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Unique
Weight: Light
Melee Type:
  1. Lightsaber
Size: Average


Artist link (Commission I own)

  • Bifurcating cyclical-ignition pulse: While not a Shadow anymore, Valery's history as one has made her want to work in any environment, underwater included. This upgrade allows the weapon to function when submerged in water.
  • No Dimetris-circuit: Cortosis will not make the weapon short out with this modification.
  • Crude Phobium emitter: An additional upgrade to benefit her more aggressive fighting style preferences. The double-bladed lightsaber is considered a more aggressive weapon as well, thus making it a useful upgrade.
  • Crystal: Valery's "Fire and Flame" lightsaber crystals are the core of the weapon's strengths.
  • No dimetrus circuit: Unlike standard lightsabers, cortosis will not make this weapon short out.
  • Bifurcating cyclical-ignition pulse: This double-bladed lightsaber can function underwater.
  • Resilient Materials: The materials used in constructing this weapon are all very resilient, allowing it to take several hits before breaking apart, even against a lightsaber.
  • Crude Phobium Emitter: Compared to standard emitters, these are heavier and more difficult to wield in a weapon.
Each hilt is meticulously crafted with an eye for both artistry and utility. The hilts are fashioned from a dark metallic material, their surfaces adorned with intricate, ornate patterns reminiscent of ancient floral designs. These patterns, highlighted in silver against the darker metal, give the weapons an air of regality, as if they were artifacts of a bygone era, steeped in history and tradition.

Adding to their appearance, a bold band of Electrum encircles each hilt near the top, providing a striking contrast to the somber hues that dominate the design, while also honoring a tradition for Jedi Masters. Subtle hints of purple and blue shimmer in certain sections, lending an otherworldly aura to the lightsabers.

The grips of the hilts are designed for both form and function, featuring ridged surfaces that ensure a secure hold during battle. These areas are finished in a darker, matte texture, emphasizing the utilitarian aspect of the lightsabers, while still harmonizing with the more decorative elements.


Out Of Character Info

Intent: A personal weapon for Valery Noble
Image Source(s):
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: Valery Noble
Model: N/A
Modular: Yes
Material: Songsteel hilt and Electrum band just above the grip
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