Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Professor of Alchemy

[SIZE=12pt]Name:Warren Valik [/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Rank: Master Alchemist[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Faction:Lords of the Fringe[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Force Sensitive:Yes[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Strengths and Weaknesses:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt](S)Genius Intellect- Possesses extreme intelligence, revered throughout the empire.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt](S)Force Proficiency- Has a natural affinity for the manipulation of the Force[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt](S)Sith Alchemist- Valik is first and foremost an Alchemist, perhaps the best the galaxy has seen since the Gulag Plague. With this he can alter the materials of nearly anything to suit his needs, change the biology of beasts and monsters, synthesize interesting poisons, and even change the biology and appearance of people in a method not unlike plastic surgery.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt](S)Scientist and Engineer- Able to learn new things about the Galaxy and can use this knowledge to create and modify weapons, ships, enhancements, cybernetics, etc.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt](S)Psychometry- As a lucky Kiffar(genetically speaking), Valik is able to touch an object and see it’s past. As he has never been officially trained in this art, Valik is only able to see the construction and destruction of objects.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt](W)Limited Strength/Constitution- While powerful intellectually and psychically, Valik is significantly below average in strength, agility, and physical constitution, to the point where most Jedi/Sith with marginal training could defeat him in saber combat.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt](W)Adherence to the plan- Despite advanced intelligence, Valik is not very good at improvisation or adaption in any non-engineering/science setting(He can reroute a power converter without so much as a blink, but he can’t improv in a social or combat situation)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt](W)Lack of dedication- Valik is notably distant in any martial or Force training. “Why learn how best to swing a sword when I can build a bomb, push a button, and destroy a planet?” He would say.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt](W)Elaborate- Valik doesn’t really want to kill you. He wants to show you the marvels of destruction he has built so you can recognize his sheer genius, then kill you. Hence when trying to plot someone’s demise or best them in combat, he tends to take unnecessary lengths to show off his products.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Ship: Whatever I can scrounge, or build, up.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Valik’s parents were both Jedi Knights, having met and married each other through the order. On scouting mission in Byss Valik’s father and mother were both captured. His father was executed, and his mother was to be executed as well, but the Sith had a very fine Force sense, and could feel a second presence within the mother. The execution was put off, Valik’s mother was examined and determined to be a little less than a month pregnant. Valik’s Mother’s captors decided the child of two Jedi would be useful, and kept her alive for the next eight months. When Valik was born his mother had still refused to convert to the darkside, and was killed seconds later. Valik was taken to Korriban where he was put in an orphanage consisting of other ‘hopefuls’ who had their parents killed. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]From when he was old enough to walk he was raised to fight. He was shown to be strong in telekinesis and lightning relative to other students, but his lack of physical constitution and strength had him constantly losing battles and he was deemed a failure. Until one day when he was eight all of the boys and girls who bullied him simply blew up. The Sith ‘headmaster’ was furious, as he lost several promising hopefuls he wished to send into the Sith force, and after interrogating Valik discovered that he had held a bomb, figured out how it was built, then created make-shift bombs to kill all of those he hated. The headmaster did not believe him at first, and brought him a blaster, let him hold it for a minute, then gave him a bunch of parts to build one. It took Valik a few days, but he built a new blaster from scratch. The headmaster, still angered at Valik’s actions was adamant to stay displeased with the boy, and asked him why it took him so long to finish it. Valik told the headmaster it took him two or three minutes to see how something was built, so he only saw part of the process and had to figure the rest out himself. For the next week nobody dared to mess with Valik. The other children stayed away from him, threw fights when they were told to fight him, and if corned, did whatever Valik would tell them to do. It was marvelous, but at the ended of the week Sith Hydra officers came to pick him up, and he was taken to a school with about 15 other ‘geniuses’. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]It was chilling, vigorous, and exhausting, but Valik loved every minute of it. Every month they were given a bag of supplies and were told to build a gun, sword, energy shield, droid, ship model, communicator, all sorts of various things. At the end of the month all of the items were brought together and they were tested to see who’s product performed the best and the worst. The owner of the best project was given a new tool, the worst was put in a room referred to as “The Box” where troublesome students were ‘inspired’ to work harder. For the next seven years Valik’s product finished first, every single month. The other students resented him, making their ingenious creations look like primitive toys and they orchestrated a ‘prank’ and his creation was destroyed the day before the presentation. Valik complained that his design would have beaten everyone else’s anyways, but his Sith Masters only said to him “Life isn’t fair. If you are not strong enough to defend your creations it is your fault” and to ‘The Box’ he was sent, and tortured excruciatingly. For the next month Valik did nothing on his assigned project, not touching any of his tools, not sketching any designs, he didn’t even look at his given materials, he was only seen staring intently at The Box. His headmasters worried they had broken his mind for good, and the other students reveled in his perceived inactivity. When the month ended and Valik turned in no product, he was taken to the box again, where he waited, and waited, and waited, until the Sith Headmaster finally came in to see him.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“What did you do with the droids?” The headmaster asked furiously. “I programmed all of them to kill their creators. Did it work?” Valik replied back with smile and a glint in his eye. “Of course it worked you bastard! Those were fourteen of the Empire’s best scientists, all dead now.” He screamed, while striking repeatedly at Valik’s face. “You don’t ‘fourteen of the best’ You need the best.” Valik replied, before taking one of his gloved hands and pulling a plastic mask off of his face. “And neither your, nor anyone else, will ever torture me again.” Valik finished as the Sith Headmaster screamed, his body dissolving from the poison he left on the mask. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Though Valik expected the Sith Empire to send more people to torture him, they seemed to have got the message and sent not an interrogation squad, but a reassignment. Valik was sent to a laboratory Dromund Kaas, where he spent time developing various starships, droids, and weaponry for the Sith Empire while continuing his studies as a Sith Apprentice. Slowly Valik grew tired of his boring post, and limiting himself to technological dreams and desires of his superiors, so once Valik heard that there had been a change in regime he put in a requisition to be moved into a more independent role, one where he would be in command of all of his projects. [/SIZE]




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