Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Valis Marr


​Valis Marr

​Species: Human
​Sex: Male
​Height: 6'8 (2.07264 meters)
​Weight: 310 pounds
​Eyes: Yellow
Hair: None
​Skin: Pale
​Force Sensitive: Yes

​Strengths: Skilled with telekinesis(particularly force choke), A gifted lightsaber swordsmen gifted in form Form VII, highly adept at deflecting incoming blaster shots with his lightsaber, and due to miss size and muscle mass he has incredibly physical strength.

​Weakness: Reckless blood lust, arrogant, and unable to control his emotions.

​Born to two Sith on the planet Korriban, Valis Marr has a strong connection to the force. During his early childhood he began to demonstrate his force abilities. With strong concentration he was able to lift small objects and causally toss them around. Still to young to be sent to the Sith academy his parents opted to train him themselves. By the time he turned ten he had a higher control of his powers allowing him to over power anyone his age or slightly higher.

When he was old enough his parents sent him to the Sith academy where he gained his taste for blood. Due to the fact that both his parents were Sith lords, Valis was allowed to kill his fellow acolytes with indiscretion. Each kill made his connection with the dark side stronger and his thirst for blood increase. Marr was more than a match for his peers and would easily out shine them in there quest. Towards the end of his time at the Sith academy, Valis was deemed to dangerous for any Lord to take as an apprentice and to deadly to be trained there on Korriban.

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