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Approved Location Valkan Citadel

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  • Intent: To Resub the Residence and Seat of power of House Nargath
  • Image Credit: [X]
  • Canon: N/A
  • Links: -
  • Structure Name: Valkan Citadel
  • Classification: Palace
  • Location: [X]
  • Affiliation: House Nargath
  • Size: Massive 12.2 square kilometres, 58 square kilometers full domain.
  • Population: Heavy
  • Demographics:
-14.000 maintainance and serving staff
-12.000 Security detail
- space for additional 1500 occupants and 10.000 additional serving staff

  • Accessibility: It is easily found, as it is not far from major landmarks such as the Carrion Spire and the capital city of Eriadu. Though the gardens are publically accessible, they and the private palace complex itself are guarded around the clock by the extensive House Guard.
  • Description: A classical looking palace complex, expanded over the thousands of generations which have lived and worked within its walls, surrounded by lush and beautiful gardens, which form a stark contrast with the otherwise heavily polluted industrial areas of Eriadu.
Botanical gardens: Within the extensive gardens of the Valkan Citadel, there is a massive glasshouse which holds some of the galaxy's most beautiful and rare plants, open for public visits all around the year.

Citadel Gardens: The gardens of the Valkan Citadel are a sight to behold, with sculptures of each of the former rulers of House Nargath and various works of art, walkways and large venue areas for recreation.

Valkan Citadel: The citadel itself is the epithome of grandeur, House Nargath's absolute show of wealth and power, with a palace that spans the size of a small city on its own, with its highest point reaching upward of fivehundred meters, using various expensive materials, durable granites and marbles, noble metals and stained glass, the palace is a show of the pre-industrial, pre-militaristic era of Eriadu, but even with its old appearance, it holds a very modernised interior which blends the modern elements of places such as Coruscant with the more classical aspects such as Naboo.

Inner Wall: The highest wall of the citadel, closest to the central area of the citadel and acting as it's final layer of physical defense.

Outer Wall: The walls that denote the current limits of the Valkan Citadel, encompassing not just the citadel, but also the gardens, the Valkan Guard's barrack complex, the multitude of storagehouses and silos, the exercise fields and facitlities and the maintainance and repair facilities.


Security Personel:

  • Outer perimeter: N&Z Security Roughly 4,000 men in rotation
  • Inner perimeter: Valkan Guards|Personal house guards, Roughly 2,000 men in rotation
  • Total Security Personel capable of being mustered on command: 10-20,000 men within reach.
Security Meassures:
Reserve Meassures:
Building security:
  • 45ft reinforced duracrete outer walls
  • 65ft reinforced duracrete inner walls
  • Impervium reinforced durasteel gates
  • Manned and unmanned security posts at each gate
  • visual and audio security
  • Underground maglev repulsor lift train routes.

The Security of the Valkan Citadel is handled by three divisions, consisting out of Eriaduan Military personel which is assigned to guard duty outside of the palace's perimeter and is in charge for the security and law enforcement up to the Valkan Citadel's walls, but not within the palace grounds including the gardens. The Gardens and palace grounds, the gardens and the public parts of the Valkan Citadel are the operational grounds for regular security personel, usually consisting out of hired security firms and legal paramilitary organizations, but also consists out of locally hired men and women who have past the scrutiny of the third and final division's assessment of them. The inner circle and private wings of the palacecomplex are the jurisdiction of the Valkan Guard, which consists out of elite members recruited straight fromthe Eriaduan military academy or men and women who have passed the recruitmet process on some other way.

Though the gardens and most of the outer parts of the palace have no additional protection, the Valkan Citadel itself is surrounded by a 15m tall durasteel reinforced, granite wall with guard posts at the three public entrances and around eighty guard towers armed with a quad laser gun each to ensure a minimum of safety from outdoors hostilities. The walls themselves are also equipped with several military grade shield generators on four outer points to allow for a shield to be erected in case of aserious planetary emergency.

The palace itself has an underground hangarbay with ample space for around two hundred Gala Mk III starfighters , with the exit of the hangarbay hidden within the mountainrange behind the palacecomplex, allowing for a hard to detect counterstrike or launch of the assets if the Citadel is ever in immediate danger.


The Valkan Citadel has its origins in the primitive days of Eriadu, when the humans that had been spending their time on the planet were still facing eachother in tribal context over the planet's own resources. Around 14,000 BBY, a small outpost had been built to safeguard soldiers from the Nargath clan from the dangerous mountains beyond which the Tarkin Tribe lived which were considered the greatest rivals of the Nargath clan. This outpost, being recognised for its solid position and proximity to both fertile land and great hunting grounds began to slowly be upgraded into an actual fortress of sorts, ending up as a mainstay powerbase for what was now the Valkan Nation, ruled by the Nargath clan as kings.

Eventually though, around 10,000 BBY, eriadu and especially the Valkan nation changed and with the incorporation into a larger system of planets, the nations on Eriadu were quickly dissolved, with the nobility more a style rather than an actual show of power. As such, the Nargath House no longer used the Valkan fortress as a military powerbase and began to slowly transform it into something more polyvalent, a place where they could live in luxury and leisure, where they could properly conduct business, and yes...where they could still have some sort of powerbase.

As it so happened, several of the Nargath family members tended to become quite wealthy and influential on a galactic scale, with the family delivering a multitude of senators to the old republics, generals and admirals to both the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire, with Arcosius Nargath fashioning a new wing to the fortress and beginning the expansion of the complex which would continue for almost two thousand years. Upon his death, Arcosius was interred into a newly built Mausuleum on the ever expanding grounds of the fortress.

In 874 BBY, the fortress was given a second additional wing and the central building was heavily expanded. This year also saw the introduction or more precisely reorganization of the House Nargath's chosen guard into the Valkan Guard, denoting that they are bound to serve not simply the members of House Nargath, but more specifically those who claim the Valkan Fortress (now citadel) as their home. New barracks were erected on the grounds and additional training fields and facilities, storages and armories were being added onto the grounds.

In 735 BBY, the then ruling head of House Nargath created what is now known as the "Inner Wall" to set a perimeter for the fortress' upper limits...something later generations blatantly ignored when expanding again.

In 483 BBY, the citadel itself had long taken up all the space within the inner wall, with its gardens, imposing, yet elegant buildings, etc. As such, the guard housing, the storage and training facilities were relocated to outside the inner wall, prompting the start of the construction of the 'outer wall'.

In 239 BBY, due to some labor shortages and issues regarding the growing unrest, the outer walls of the Valkan Citadel were completed. Building began on an underground facility to stretch across the entire territory to house additional Valkan guards and allow for the guards to monitor the whole terrain if necessary.

By 43 BBY, the now Valkan Citadel would reach its peak and would remain in this form for centuries.

However, with the disappearance of Credius Nargath, former Marquis of Valkan and former head of House Nargath, There were some issues. WIth the Nargath House's fortune dwindling due to bad business and flawed oversight, not to mention their loss of both political and corporate power didn't do the family nor the Valkan Citadel any favors, but nowadays, the family has seen a ressurgence and the Citadel has been restored mostly to its former glory, though the signs of the palace's age can still be seen.
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This is an overall neat sub that looks about good to go! I just have two notes:

The link for your Peltast Mk I interceptors appears to be broken.

Secondly, the final piece of the template (historical information) appears to be missing. Please include a description on the structure's history. How it came to be created and why etc


Credius Nargath Credius Nargath
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