Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Full Name
Valkoryen Sunfell​
Prince-Claimant of the Eternal Empire
Master and Protector of Zakuul​
High Justice of the Knights of Zakuul
Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud
Knight Commander of the Imperial Knights​
Eternal Empire of Zakuul
Eternal Empire of Kalidan
Imperial Knights​
Epicanthix [Gold-Blooded]​
Galactic Basic​
Force Sensitive
Force Alignment
Character Alignment
Lawful Neutral - Lawful Evil​
Voice Claim
Template Credit


"Ambition is a flame, feed it and it will warm You, guide You and protect You;
Feed it too much and it will burn, too little and it will die.
The darkness comes for all, but I shall burn it away.
An Eternal Fire lit eons ago I carry within Me;
Follow me or dare not to stand in My way.

Unknown is the origin of Valkoryen to public eye and research, a warrior, a wanderer from the world of Zakuul, He follows in the footsteps of heroes of ancient times and tales. Gods among mortals, paths to destruction and of redemption. He has walked in the realm of the Nether for the past years of His life, seeing, envisioning, combating what may lay beyond.

Fighting as a brother of the Imperial Knights in the wars against the Sith, pursuing the ulterior goals of the Wardens of the Shroud and embracing Knighthood of His proclaimed homeworld of Zakuul, Valkoryen is known to appear where He is needed, where He desires to go to further the ambitions solemnly kept to His own heart.

Justice. Order. Stability. Power.

Claiming neither the Light side nor the Dark side as His own, these goals and values are carried forth by His actions. He guides His followers with unwavering determination and sets out on a journey only He would know the destination. But the Galaxy is at war and neither Dark side nor Light side can claim a true superiority in ideals, corruption infected the minds and needs to be cut out, limitless hunger for power carves bloody destruction and requires adjustment, shadowy schemes pretentiously claim supremacy while idling in complacency. None of it can be permitted to persist, nothing can remain unchallenged.


Valkoryen stands as an exceptionally tall and powerfully built Epicanthix, towering at 2,61 meters tall. His physique is muscular and imposing, exuding raw physical power and regal authority. His face is classically handsome and noble, with sharp, well-defined features that reflect wisdom, determination, and stoic serenity. His eyes are pools of molten gold, seemingly capable of piercing through the souls of those who meet His gaze, conveying a range of emotions from benevolence to wrath. His long, flowing hair, of raven black color, frames his face, enhancing His regal appearance.

He frequently wears ornate, golden armor, a symbol of His status and advanced technology that provides immense protection and enhances his formidable physical abilities. This armor is intricately decorated with various symbols, such as the dragon of Zakuul and other iconography of the various orders and ideologies He served. He often dons a long, flowing cloak, of red color. Valkoryen wields a master-crafted sword, known as Dawnfyre symbolizing His martial prowess and potent in battle.

Valkoryen's posture is always upright and commanding, exuding confidence and authority with every purposeful and deliberate movement. His expression can be compassionate and fatherly, reflecting His role as a guardian of order, yet it can also become stern and unyielding, especially in the face of threats to His ambitions. He radiates a palpable aura of majesty and divine presence, both awe-inspiring and intimidating, a manifestation of His immense Force power.


Dragonborn or Gold-Blooded, Epicanthix Race
"While other races are more well documented, the Gold-Blooded of the Epicanthix are rather rare and have their own defining traits. While the species as a whole is rather tall-built, the Gold-Blooded are without exception on the higher end of this, by average standing between 2,40 meters and 2,60 meters tall. Their bodies seem to have a stronger average physique with a denser bones and a higher muscle density as well producing an exceptionally capable and resilient specimen. All members are are known to be Force sensitive with a strong connection to the Force itself and even stronger mental capabilities than their cousins."

Cognitive Capacity
- Amplified by Zakuulan Project: Exarch technology, Valkoryen's mind and brain are developed far beyond ordinary cerebral standards and capable of digesting enormous amounts of data and information at extremely rapid pace.
Force Potential - Drawing from a rather incredibly strong potency and potential in the Force, Valkoryen is capable of wielding it with both power and precision, even manifesting certain physical attributes of it, such as a halo and the shine of His eyes.
Warrior-King - A man of war by necessity, Valkoryen has mastered many arts in this field, including the usage of a sword or lightsaber and the intricacies of command.

- A man of great ambition but even greater knowledge and power, Valkoryen regards most opinions and input as negligible, firmly believing to know better.
Isolationist - Exceptional by birth and craft, He considers His own company the most valuable and will rather contemplate a decision on His own than share the burden with those who could be of help.
Regality - While understanding complexities of commerce, politics and war, calculating means and costs in mere seconds, He is quite oblivious to the ideas and skills of survival or hunting.


While being able to be diplomatic and even friendly, do not get fooled by that notion. Valkoryen knows what He seeks and His ambitions and goals have ultimate prerogative. He bears Himself equally silent and calm, sitting in the corner and observing as much as He commands the presence in a hall if it is required. He offers deep insight to His own vision while revealing just as much and what is necessary to work with who He is talking to.

Valkoryen treats friends and foe equally respectful, not seeing a great deal of benefit in either being offensive nor casual with any one He encounters. It is a strong counterweight to what otherwise can be described as overwhelming arrogance, due to His idea of simply being right and correct, because he can treat and converse with anyone to explore their motives, to see their truths and lies without drawing His sword.

Nevertheless He is a crusader, a paladin of His own virtues who rather sees a world burn for them than offers it to what He knows is darkness and corruption.

- A universal foundation to create a working society, to build a realm on that can endure due to its citizens and people both being enabled and protected by it, rather than oppressed.
Order - Order can only be established through pure willpower, willpower which is extended by means of strength and power itself. To enforce justice, you need order, to create stability, you need order. To have peace, you need order.
Stability - Stability is the consequence of order and justice working as intended, it offers a respite from crime, war, corruption and darkness itself.
Peace - The final piece in the puzzle, the stepstone which marks an end to the journey when all others have been accomplished. To have peace between the sentient people of the Galaxy is to have a realm of own design.

Corruption - An infection, both literal and metaphorical which festers in the dominant powers and ideologies of the Galaxy. Credits, power, emotions, dogma all corrupt as they wield power given to them they either do not deserve or require outright purging. Complacency is as damaging as the taints of lust for ever more power, ideas of a democracy dominated by credits and banks as woefully unjust as the ramblings of mad demagogues dictating their Empires.

Darkness - Darkness is defined by the absence of light, light is created not by doing good at any cost but by doing what is right and necessary. Peace is a goal but not a tool, just as victory is a goal but not a tool. The Force is darkness, the Beyond Shadows brings forth the darkest deeds of sentience by its myriad of crimes, abominable actions and destruction of life. To annihilate or at least bar it is a necessity for civilisation to thrive without interference.


Zakuul - A primary angle to engage with Valkoryen is his place and claimed rule over Zakuul and its ancient ideology of justice and reverence for the original Eternal Empire. He will eagerly meet and treat with any member or those that associate themselves with such ideology and beliefs.

Eternal Empire/Wardens of the Shroud - As a former member of both and still maintaining his perspective of the Code of the Shroud, Valkoryen is very much looking to find and even reunite Wardens and members of the Eternal Empire of Kalidan. Their pragmatism and harsh brutality are impressive to him.

Negotiator - While wholeheartedly opposed to either dogma, Valkoryen seeks to converse and discuss means of the future with both Sith and Jedi alike. There is no doubt that he has a strong distaste for dogmatic views on the Force but it is in his interest to find out more about the Jedi and Sith from their within perspective.

Imperial Ambitions - Those of imperial nature and ideology are most welcome to interact, sharing plans, sharing resources and embarking on a journey together to build a Galaxy of order.

Beyond Shadows/Nether - Interacting with those who dwell or even originate in the Nether or Beyond Shadows is quite thrilling as he had his own experiences and life in the latter and returned with grave news. War is coming and it is fueled by the meaningless bickering of Force dogmas in reality.


Valkoryen sets out into the Galaxy from His homeworld of Zakuul. A galaxy in flames awaits a harsh hand to deal with it, Sith and Jedi require correction in equal measure. If they will accept such or if blades will be crossed, only time will tell.
An Unexpected Invitation [ONGOING] - Valkoryen Valkoryen meets with Grand Master Valery Noble Valery Noble on Zakuul.
Crusade to be Found [ONGOING] - Valkoryen Valkoryen meets with Moff Teckla Tane Teckla Tane and Knight Drenn Drenn on Muunilist.
Thread Title & Link [INCOMPLETE/COMPLETE/ONGOING] - Thread description

Summary Here
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General Skills
  • Reading, Writing
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • History
  • Arts and Culture
  • Languages [Epicant, Basic, High Nelvaanian, Huttese, Arkanian, High Galactic, Sith, ur-Kittât, Atrisian script, Cheunh]
  • Strategy & Tactics
  • Logistics & Planning
  • Politics & Diplomacy
  • Economy & Commerce
  • Philosophy
Combat Skills
  • Weapon Proficiencies
    • Swords
    • Shields
    • Lightsabers
      • Lightsaber Pikes
      • Saberstaffs
    • Blasters
    • Slugthrowers
    • Explosives
    • Claws
  • Unarmed Combat
    • Teräs Käsi
    • Echani Martial Arts
Force Powers
  • Control
    • Body Augmentation
    • Curata Salva
    • Tutaminis, Force Barrier, Force Deflection
    • Battlemind
    • Quey'tek Meditation
    • Force Resistance
    • Force Body
    • Force Valor*
    • Battle Meditation
  • Sense
    • Precognition
    • Force Sense
    • Force Sight
    • Telepathy
    • Drain Knowledge
    • Farsight*
  • Alter
    • Telekinesis
      • Force Pull/Push
      • Force Throw
      • Saber Throw
      • Force Grip
      • Force Burst
      • Force Shockwave
      • Force Repulse
    • Alter Image*
    • Doppelgänger
    • Mind Trick
      • Force Illusion
      • Force Projection
      • Mind Control
    • Force Healing
    • Stasis Stun
      • Force Stasis
      • Stasis Field
    • Electric Judgement
  • Meditation
    • Meditation of Emptiness
    • Moving Meditation
    • Floating Meditation
    • Healing Meditation
  • Crafting
    • Imbue Item
  • Plane-Wanderer*

Force Valor - Valkoryen's Force Valor ability is unique in its aspect of not only amplifying His own strength, speed, accuracy and endurance, but those who lay eyes on Him while doing so. A combination of His innate ability of Battle Meditation as well as the manifested ideals He fights for and those who decide to follow Him would fight for.
Farsight - To feel and understand the currents of the Cosmic and Living Force is a task insurmountable by all minds and even dipping into it with an idea of control requires concentration beyond mortal realms. Valkoryen has more than an aptitude for the ability and can often see and feel matters happening before they do.
Alter Image - A masterfully skilled illusionist and mind manipulator, Valkoryen can take many shapes and forms, both to represent Himself as well as to confuse or irritate an enemy. Or even to not irritate a friend and guide them on a path they must follow but do so on their own accord.
Plane-Wanderer - Through extensive meditation and concentration, Valkoryen can freely enter and roam various planes of the Force, the Nether, Beyond Shadows and even approach what is known as the World between Worlds. He seeks to master and further enhance these abilities to gain further control and even power.


  • Personal Gear
    • Armor:
      • Aegis of the Dragon
      • Laurels of Valor
      • Sunfell Plate
    • Weapons:
      • Dawnfyre
      • Talon of Izax
    • Various:
      • Amulet
      • Ring
  • Creations j


I. House Sunfell - Dragonborn of Zakuul
To be continued ...

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