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Valla Raez

Valla Raez



Name: Valla Raez
Faction: The Outer Rim Coalition
Rank: Judge
Role: In Training
Homeworld: Corellia

Species: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 26
Height: 5'4
Weight: 123 lbs
Force-sensitive: Yes

Valla Raez


Valla was born in Corellia's manufacturing district to a working class couple. Despite their financial struggles, and their location in the seedier part of the planet, her parents made sure that she was always taken care of while she was with them. When she was young, only a few years old at most, the New Jedi Order came for her, and received her parents permission to take her back to Coruscant to be trained as a Jedi. Due to her young age when the Jedi took her, Valla remembers little of her time on Corellia with her parents, and what few memories remain often only manifest themselves as dreams.

Her time with the Jedi was rather ordinary, and by the time she was of age she'd been assigned to Zabrak Jedi Master as his padawan. While adept at learning and understanding the ways of the Force, Valla didn't exhibit any kind of extraordinary talent or potential. During her time in training, her master made sure to give her a well rounded education as a Jedi. She was taught to have a steady control over the Force, while her lightsaber skills were honed to that of a true Knight — and she was able to hold her own in most reasonable fights. Valla did show an intriguing interest in mechanics, tinkering with droids, engines, and any other mechanical parts she could get her hands on. Though not a part of the typical Jedi training her Master did attempt to cater to Valla's interest some there, allowing her to tune and work on the ships they'd travel on, and even purchasing droids or trinkets for her to mess with.

It wasn't until shortly after she'd been Knighted that her life became something of note. Valla was part of a four Knight group sent to Kafane, meant to be a peacekeeping operation after reports of violence and instability in the planet's most populous settlements. The Jedi came under fire as soon as their transport touched down, and it was quickly apparent that the reports had been the bait for a trap meant to lure them out there by some local thugs looking to score trophy sabers. The Knights were unable to escape the planet on their transport, as its cockpit as it took fire from anti-vehicle weapons pretty early in the fight. The fighting was fast and brutal, and though the Knights were skilled they were horribly outnumbered and outmaneuvered. Through a stroke of luck, and the cover of smoke / debris, Valla managed to slip from the kill-zone that the thugs had established, into some of the nearby structures. She'd tried to bring one of her fellow Knights to safety with her, but he'd poked his head above cover during their flight and been cut down.

The thugs were pleased with themselves at having killed the three Jedi, and though they put up a short chase to find Valla, she ultimately got away. Over the next year and a half she ran, hid, and survived on the planet waiting for her rescue party. She would take odd jobs here and there for credits, food, or a place to live, but largely she just tried to stay safe and aware of incoming ships. Finally, after a year and a half of waiting, she felt another Jedi on the planet. She tracked down the man that she'd felt in the Force, believing him to be her rescue party, to the alarm of the male Jedi. He informed Valla that their entire team was assumed dead and that no effort was made to send a rescue party for risk of losing more Jedi. He'd come to Kafane for a potential youngling, not to rescue her.

The conversation with the Knight was Valla's breaking point, and it was that point in her heart that she stopped being a Jedi. From then on out she took whatever work she could find to scrape together credits, and eventually purchase transit offworld. When the time came that she could afford to leave Kafane, she picked Corellia as her destination — knowing nowhere else that felt like home. Corellia didn't treat her like any kind of home either, as she knew nothing about where to look for her old home, or even her parents' names. Corellia did offer a greater supply of work and housing, though, which allowed Valla to survive in a more comfortable manner at the least.

At some point while living on Corellia, advertising herself for work at the local spaceport, she came to work for Cotan Sar'andor. He spotted her while she sought out work, and quickly sensed her connection with the Force. He brought her aboard his ship to maintain the engineering, as well as to mentor into a new Judge. Presently Valla is a part of Cotan's crew, and nearing the completion of her training as a Judge.


Overall Valla is a mix of contradictions. She's not particularly outgoing, but those she's become acquainted with, or gotten to know, she's fairly friendly and personable. Due to her past experiences she's developed a pessimistic outlook on life, though she's not one to cast her personal gloom on those around her. Somewhat contrasting with her pessimism, her time training as a Jedi as well as her years surviving on her own instilled Valla with a sense of determination. If she commits herself to doing something, or decides something must be done, it is difficult to persuade her from doing so.

She's a passionate person, but tends to keep many of her feelings locked away inside due to the years the Jedi spent preaching to her about passion and uncontrolled emotions. This leads her to occasionally become 'explosive', as she'll keep things pent away until they surface in an outburst. The massive loss dealt to her when her team was killed on Kofane, mixed with the years of loneliness afterwards has made Valla rather restless. She doesn't like to stay one place too long, or get too close to any group of people, for fear that something will eventually take them away from her, thus making her place on Cotan's crew the longest she's stuck around in any one situation in years.


Valla's time training as a Jedi lead her to be in fairly good physical condition. Though she has a thin build, her rigorous training has given her decent strength and excellent dexterity. Before being marooned on Kafane she was in the peak of her skill as a Jedi Knight, and was very intune with the Force. After Kafane she's had less time to meditate and train, and her grip on the Force and her lightsaber work dropped some. Though she's still formidable with both, calling on the Force requires a bit more concentration and focus from her now, and her lightsaber form has grown rough and muddy. She swings more out of practicality and strength than she does form, making her a wild opponent for some, and a sloppy novice for others. She's also picked up a decent level of skill with a blaster, and has one of her two sidearms strapped to her thigh at all times when off the ship.


(2) Lightsaber (can clip together to become a saberstaff, or break away into two single blades. Hilt inlaid with phrik for shielding.)
(1) K-22 Bryar Pistol (main sidearm)
(1) DE-10 Heavy Blaster Pistol (alternate sidearm)

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