Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Vallen Torrevaso

Vallen Torrevaso
Species: Zorren
Gender: Male
Height: 5’ 10
Weight: 230 lbs
Force Sensitive: Yes


A mix of Zorren and Echani, Vallen stands at a medium height and carries the distinctive eyes, fangs, and claws of his father’s heritage while also displaying the snow white hair and pale complexion of his mother. Like his father, Vallen has a naturally thin frame, though his focus on the more athletic parts of combat have thickened him out a bit.


None at the Moment


Vallen believes in two things, the code and his family. Raised as a young boy alongside his planet, Vallen often found himself vying for the attention of his father, rivaled by both his sister and his homeworld. Rather than being embittered by this, Vallen strove to prove himself worthy of his sibling rivalry, and the position that his father was grooming both him and his sister for, the position of Valde.

Vallen can best be described as driven, and headstrong, but fiercely loyal and compassionate towards those that have earned his trust. Like all Zorrens he fee;s the instinct to protect others.


  • Force Sensitive
    • Initiated into Veradune’s Vitae Sect, Vallen is a competent force user, focusing his abilities on physical improvement, minor shapeshifting, and some elemental control.
  • Zorren Senses
    • Vallen, like all zorrens, boasts excellent senses of hearing and smell.
  • Educated
    • The son of the Valde, Vallen never lacked in tutelage, being taught the basics of statecraft and the force from an early age.
  • Technology
    • Taking after his mother, Vallen grew up tinkering with droids and machines, becoming a dab hand in technological pursuits.


  • Headstrong
    • Compared to his twin sister, Vallen was always the more immovable of the Torrevaso children and finds it difficult to compromise with others.
  • Practical Experience
    • Vallen grew up being taught all the theories and hearing the stories of his father. However, most of his combat experience comes from small raids, rather than the warfare battlefields of his father.
  • Sensory Overload
    • Like all Zorrens, Vallen can find himself overwhelmed by unexpectedly loud noises or strong smells.


Born at the end of the Veran Dark Age, Vallen grew up with his planet’s recovery, watching his father build Veradune up from ruins. However, with his mother, Alexandra Feanor estranged fron the family in his infancy, Vallen and his sister Daella found themselves competing with the planet, the galaxy’s security, and each other for their father’s attention. Much of their time was spent with their grandparents, Garren and Carliah Torrevaso.

Early in their life, Vallen and Daella were told that one day they would likely inherit the title of Valde from their father, something which they both prepared themselves for with an array of tutors and lessons on subjects ranging from military tactics to diplomacy and statecraft. Practical experience would come as Vulpesen took a brief retirement from his duties as the Valde, allowing his children to both act as regents in his stead.

This plan however, would be thrown into turmoil as Vulpesen shifted the Veran government to something far more diplomatic, allowing for anyone to run for the seat of Valde as opposed to a hereditary system. Rather than become dejected or bitter, the twins took the challenge and focused their efforts on making a name for themselves. While Daella focused on the diplomatic aspects of the job, Vallen turned to the Armis Militia, learning all he could about how he might lead his people to victory in a galaxy all too often ravaged by war.

Now an experienced strategist and a leader, Vallen has been given orders from his father to expand Veradune’s influence to the Tingel Arm Coalition. His mission is simple. Aid in the fight against the empire and help create a galaxy defined by Life, Freedom, and Unity. He now resides on Kesh in the Vitae Precinct, working with the TAC’s leaders to coordinate aid from his people.
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