Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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NAME: Vallory



SPECIES: Sanguinius Vampirika/Vahla

AGE: 150

SEX: Female

HEIGHT: 1.62 metres

WEIGHT: 154 lbs

EYES: Lavender

HAIR: Black with white and grey streaks.

SKIN: Dark Grey



STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

Heightened Senses And Strength: Being part Vampirika, Vallory has heightened hearing, smell and physical strength.

Natural Force: Vahla have a natural force sensitivity, and have a history with the dark side.

Healing: With the Vampirika side of her she has accelerated healing from wounds, but no mortal wounds.

Cartilaginous: Vallory, being half Vahla, she has cartilaginous bones that give lots of flexibility. But, they are also very fragile.

Sun Allergies: Vampirikas are born with an allergy to ultra-violet rays, causing blisters and burning.

Combat: Vallory lacks many combat skills, except hand to hand and lightsaber combat. She lacks training of any kind.


Vallory has dark grey skin with lavender eyes, black hair that has streaks of white and grey and dark pink glossed lips. She has the body and face of a twenty-three year old. Vallory wears a full body suit of black Sullust leather at almost all times. On formal occasions, she will wear any sort of dress she can get.


Vallory was born into the Sanguinius Vampirika house of Sorenn-Syrush. She was born to a Vahla mother and a Sanguinius Vampirika father. She trained herself, not in the arts of combat but espionage, favoring the art of turning others against each other. She learned to hide herself between an innocent facade. For years, she had heard stories of others of Sorenn-Syrush, and one she admired was [member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"]. She wanted to be like her, and listened to every story she could about her as a child. Learning what she could about the Elder Vampirika.

Soon, she left for some time on a sort of 'pilgrimage' she made for herself, seeking out a place for herself in the galaxy. She took many jobs of espionage, trickery and spying. All using her looks and mask of innocence.

Eventually she received word of the Sorenn-Syrush headquarters being moved to another system, and that drew her attention back to the house. She began to head across the galaxy, back towards their headquarters, in the territory of the Commenor Systems Alliance where it had been moved to. Vallory had not visited the house for some time, so believed that time was due now.

Weapon: Her lightsaber whip





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