Via Dolorosa
Amans In Tenebris

Name: Sarli Ra-Suutar
Formerly: Valo "Cricket" Porkins
Faction: Covenant of the Black Rose
Rank: N/A
Species: Human
Homeworld: Bestine IV
Nationality: Bestinian
Age: 25
Sex: Female
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 125 lbs.
Eyes: Blue/Gray
Hair: Dyed-Black
Skin: Caucasian
Force Sensitive: Nope
Mother and Father
Oldest Brother
1. Very Intelligent--- Graduated at the top of her class gaining two degrees, one in Chemical Engineering and one in Mechanical Engineering.
2. Deadly Shot--- With a Blaster in her hand, nothing is safe. (Poor Stormtroopers)
3. Book Worm: She enjoys reading, a lot. She enjoys learning about the past and the present; and things that are unknown to her.
4. Military Fanatic: She loves watching combat and strives to learn military tactics.
1. Very Outspoken: She will speak her mind and doesn't care who she offends. (Whiners sit in the corner)
2. Attitude: She knows she is better than everyone. Her attitude, or mood swings if you choose to accept that, keeps people from calling her "friend."
3. Fighter not a Lover: Unlike her older brother, Lugus, she loves to fight be it with words, fists, blasters, chairs, or anything that is not screwed down.
She is a witch with a capital B. She doesn't take crap from anyone and rather stand toe to toe arguing (or throwing down) than sit and have a drink with you. She hates men and woman equally. She can, at times, have bouts of kindness but those are as rare as seeing a jawa doing the electric slide. She hates magick and Force users, Jedi and Sith alike.
Master Rifleman: *******
Mechanic: *****
Demolitions: ****
Above-Average Pilot: **
Engineering (Chemical/Mechanical): **********
Farming: **
First Aid/Medicine: Learning
Novice: * - ***
Expert: **** - ******
Master: ******* - **********
She is the most beloved, since she is the only daughter, out of all her siblings. Unlike her oldest brother, whom she never met, and her older brother, Lugus, she was always pampered and catered to by their parents. In their eyes, she could do no wrong. And she played on that. She would cause all sorts of mischief that poor old Lugus would get blamed for. She did love her brother but she loved annoying him as well. So much in fact he dubbed her the nickname "Cricket".
As she got older, she began to become her own woman. Her attitude had changed and she began to become somewhat of prissy witch with a capital B. Soon after her brother Lugus left home, she applied for admission to one of the offworld universities and was accepted to Coruscant U. There she saw first hand the war and horrors bestowed upon the galaxy by the hands of the Sith. Also, she began to understand the Jedi were no better, despising both religious fanatics.
While at the university, she mastered in both Chemical and Mechanical Engineering while participating in a junior auxiliary that catered to the Sith looking for raw recruits. It was there she learned how to handle a blaster rifle and pistol; but she was only using them. She had no desire to join their cause or the Republics.
Afetr graduation, she joined an underground movement that she believed could make a difference in the galaxy. She was wrong. This organization was nothing more than a glorified band of criminals and thugs and when she found the opportunity, she left them and returned home.
She discovered that Lugus had joined the Republic Navy and was fighting the good fight. After a couple of weeks of debating with what to do with her life, she left her homeworld and joined the Republic herself. She met her first Jedi and after listening to his ranting and raving about galactic politics, she floored him ending up in jail. Her time lasted less than two hours when a Captain from the Republic military approached her and offered her a chance to fight the good fight herself. He had learned about her educational background and her brief stint with the JA for the One Sith.
Without hesitation, she signed up....
After spending some time in the galaxy, she found herself craving something more. Republic life was not working out for her, and without realizing it; she ended up with the Mandalorians. She began to learn their language and culture, while learning the ins and outs of what made them tick. She had found a new home, a new purpose, and decided that this was the life for her.
Training (Personal) 0/1
Character Development 1/2
Doms/Invasions 2/2