Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Valo Spar

Valo Spar

Faction: TBD

Occupation: Freelance Mercenary/Hit man
Species: Berchestian
Homeworld: Berchest

Age: 19

Height: 6' 5"
Weight: 219 lbs
Eyes: Yellow
Hair: Bald
Distinguishing Marks: Various characters tattooed on scalp

Skin: Caucasian
Force Sensitive: No



Perception: Valo Spar has a sharp eye and mind, rarely missing anything going on in the world around him. Subtle movements, speech patterns, noises, and changes in the environment around him are all picked up on. Foes find it hard to sneak anything by him, whether it be physically or mentally.

Deadeye: From short and long range, Spar always seems to hit his target. Growing up he would practice his shot daily on the vast crystalline formations on his planet. Over the years he became a master of both the sniper rifle and the pistol.

Charisma: Spar never shows any skin when on a job, and he only speaks if absolutely necessary. But when that helmet comes off he is one of the smoothest talkers in the galaxy. Comes in handy with the ladies, but on the job he'd prefer to just shoot first ask questions later.


Piloting: Spar has never flown a ship in his life, preferring to have a droid do the work for him. This has not been a problem for him in the past, but if he ever has to outmaneuver someone out in space it may just spell the end for him.

Lavish lifestyle: Saving money has just never been a thing for Spar. After a job is done you can find him blowing all of his money at the nearest harbor of hedonism.

Drugs: Drugs have been a problem since his his first job. Turns out being paid in spice can cause some problems in the long run. Along with his gun, he never leaves home without some sort of pick me up.


Born on the Inner Rim planet of Berchest to a poor blue collar family, Valo Spar grew up without much hope. When his parents were not at work, they were busy arguing and fighting. And when they did pay any attention to their children their affection would always be towards Valo's younger sister, Geena. The jealousy of his sister and disdain for his parents was enough to make him wish he never had a family at all. When he was not in town stealing food and trinkets from the shops one could find him sitting on the edge of the city, gazing out at the gorgeous orange waters of the Leefari Sea. Valo would always wonder what was out there. After all, he figured there was more to this universe than a forlorn family and a run down house. However, life continued this way on a seemingly endless cycle in his early childhood years. It was not until his teenage years that his life story really took off.

Valo would steel his first gun at the age of eleven standard years. He had been trying to join a little gang of ruffians who called themselves the "Hot Shots". The only membership requirement? A stolen gun. These guns were not used for robberies or murders, only for fun. The group of kids would head out to the cliffs and see who could shoot the tops off the many crystals adorning the coastline. Valo was new to the gang, but the rest of the kids had known him before. After all, they would all steal from the same stores in town. Valo quickly proved he was the best shot among the group. More and more kids who were not even a part of the gang would come just to see take out crystals in the far distance with ease. For once in his life, Valo actually felt fulfilled.

At fifteen years, Valo was still up to the same antics. He was a little old to be stealing from the market at this point, and the owners would often chase him out. They would chase him when he was younger too, only difference now was they actually wanted to catch him. Tired of running, Valo decided to change location. He had his eye on a gun shop in a wealthier part of town. A 766-T Type sniper rifle was on display right in the front window, and Valo wanted it badly. One day he decided to go for it. Another member of the Hot Shots came in and swiped the rifle while Valo smooth talked the owner behind the counter. The owner saw the kid running out of the store with the rifle and BAM! Shoots the kid, just ten years old, right in the back with his shotgun. Valo was on his way out the door as well when he witnessed this. After a few seconds of hesitation, with the anger visibly building up inside him, he turned back toward the owner and shot him right between the eyes. Dropping his gun in horror, Valo immediately ran out of the shop. There was a big commotion outside, and the familiar whistle of the local police was coming from all directions. Valo knew the city well, but not well enough to evade the police. Shortly after the shooting he found himself waiting for trial in a cell.

With a family as poor as his, bail was out of the picture. Valo Spar was to be charged with larceny and murder, bail being set at one million credits. This was one thing Valo could not talk his way out of. Punishments included life imprisonment, death, or banishment from the planet. His trial dragged on for six months, the prosecution pressing for death and his defense pressing for a free ticket off the planet. After considering the circumstances, the judge ruled that Valo was guilty of both charges but would be allowed to leave the planet on the premise that he would never come back. His family was distraught, but Valo seemed not to care at all. In fact it would seem as if those months in jail had changed him. His eyes seemed dead set, his face emotionless. He did not care to even say goodbye to his family on his way out. His ticket was booked for Nar Shadaa, a place he was sure work would be plentiful.

The Berchest government was so kind to not only pay for the one way ticket, but they also provided him with some money. Upon his arrival to Nar Shadaa he spent all of that check on two U-N 23 Pistols and a 766-T Type rifle. He immediately started taking small mercenary contracts. At first they were simple odd jobs, but once he was deemed reliable the dirty work started to come in. The local crime lords were impressed by Valo's efficiency, and soon he was taking hit jobs almost every day. Valo, who was now going by the name Spar, would always get his job done. In and out, no survivors, every time. No one would have guessed that he was only sixteen years old at the time. Valo stayed on Nar Shadaa for the next three years making a name for himself. He decided to leave only after a large bounty was put on his head by a deceased crime lord's widow. The galaxy was big and chaotic enough to explore he thought. After making his way off world, Valo would start fresh all over again. Hopefully this time finding some purpose in his life.

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