Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Valt Aythrodox

Name: Valt Aythrodox (Derived from his original Tuskan name Va'lt Ayt'ttr doix)
Race: Tuskan Raider
Age: 25
Height: 6'1 feet/
Weight: 89 kilos
Eyes: Unknown (Wears mask all time)
Hair: No hair
Skin: Unknown (Mask Again)
Force Sensitivity: Yes with very little experience due to not knowing and the natural Tuskan lack of extreme focus needed to really develop it. With a decent master maybe he could learn to use the force



As a Tuskan would be Valt is incredibly good at hunting down a variety of animals and sentient beings on most forms of terrain using many trusted techniques of his people to find what he needs, if there is a slight hint of activity around an area he'd find it, in space however he cannot do this due to his inexperience with tracking spaceships.


Living on the very desolate world of Tattooine was hard with all the bandits and other Tuskans providing alot of danger to the lone warrior with the less threatening Jowas stealing whatever they think looks interesting or worth something. This part mostly extends to his gaffi stick as it is what he feels most comfortable using despite the many close calls when he's came into contact with blasters.


Difficulty of communication-

Valt has been learning galactic basic for a little while now though does suffer misunderstanding due to the way his species speaks, right now he mostly speaks in short sentences with a heavy slur when speaking some words, mispronunciation is a common issue aswell

Lack of technical knowledge

Spaceship? more like magic flying piece of metal, that's the level we're talking here..he can use but barley fix a ship beyond basic areas and did you know that blasters are demonic death beams?


Valt is a little bit over the average height for a Tuskan though doesn't tower over anything and is usually clothed in his long and worn Tuskan garbs that have been cut and patched up due to years of abuse and wear as the same with his mask which barley resembles the traditional headgear of his home planet with many pieces of metal added to it for the purposes of armor and more protection from heat.

On his body is usually his Gaffi stick either held in hand or on his back via a strap, it's at a length which can be held in one or two hands..with the bludgeoning end at one and a sharp needle like blade at the other end which for the most part is kept in good condition with little rest or signs of age.


Born on Tattooine to two hopeful parents and named Va'tt the young Tuskan had a moderately happy childhood among his father and mother in their isolated village a few miles north of a large city where traders would go into with their ships daily to exchange for goods.

This city had been a focus of Valt's childhood as he wished to explore it despite the forbidden nature of conversing with foreigners outside of rare interactions with travelers (Usually to beg for mercy)

And one day his dream came true at age seventeen when he used his Bantha to quickly charge the few miles into the town. It was broad daylight with his first experience there being one of awkward stares and muttering.

By some stroke of luck the boy found his way into a bar and sat down at the counter, the bartender reluctantly walked over and politely asked what he was doing here to which the boy replied with a confused turning of the head, he was kicked out after a few repeats of that conversation.

Valt couldn't be happier.

He liked his home but this was different! full of color and intrigue!

These repeat travels continued until he had no desire to stay on tattooine! he came to the conclusion that he could leave if he found a way.

After a few years of learning languages and how things worked his dream came true in the form of a very tolerant pilot who allowed him on board to watch some exotic animals he was transporting around.

At the end of this journey it turns out he traveled no further then another stop on the other end of Tattooine, the man had tricked him into giving free labour for an impossibly long distance ride.

He was sad, abandoned..all on his own with only a few farmers in the area.

To this day he stays in the local town..Moving around waiting for a chance to leave..and pursue a life better then this one.


Tuskan Garbs and Mask.

- Gaffi stick

(Feel free to tell me what you think!)

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