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Valut Amanya -- Balmora

Valut Amanya -- Balmora

“Power comes from within -- taking what others have within them is what I do best.”


Valut Amanya
Titles: Balmora, First Lord, Sword of Balmora, The Warrior Saint, Saint Shikhan, the Vashtori Savior
Faction: Vashtori Ascendancy
Species: Shard (Vashtori)
Age: 2488 standard years
Sex: Considers self male

5”, 6’4” in shell
Weight: 4 lbs., 266 lbs in shell
Valut at his core is a simple Shard, an orange-hued crystal the size of his shell’s hand. His droid body is powerful-looking but slim and elegant in design; coated in a black sheen, with glasteel ports on the front and head that emit an orange glow from the crystal held inside.

Force Sensitivity:
Force Affinity: Dark
Known Force Powers: Force sense, Telekinesis, Telepathy, Force jump, Mind Trick, Tutaminis, Force barrier, Force wave, Force Rend, Force Wound, Force Kill, mechu-deru, Force Rage, Force Scream, Force Lightning, Force Shock, Force Sight, Force Speed, Force stasis, Force Choke, Force Drain, Consume Essence, Force Shadow, Force Wind, Force Burst, Darkshear



Suited Up: Valut's suit is effectively the body of a droid, meant to sustain and contain him. While there are no particular special features, it does have ports for him to more easily absorb life energy -- and the body itself is a powerful tool in combat, leaving him with a shell that is faster and stronger than the standard human.
Absorb: Valut's power in the Force is sustained and increased by absorbing the life force of others -- after he's had a good 'meal', he tends to be able to overpower Force users that would normally be at the same level as him. Absorbing the essences of Force users is an easy way to get a power up for Valut.
Combatant: With the aid of his powerful exoskeleton, Valut has been able to practice his skills with the lightsaber as well as other close-combat skills, making him a deadly opponent to face head on.
Warmind: Valut has spent many years studying and watching the stars and how the various races fight; his tactical mind is a honed edge and he is more than capable of commanding military forces in space or on the battlefield.
Ambitious: Valut is intelligent, and once he sets his mind to something he can complete a task quickly and efficiently.
Patient: Patience is a virtue, and a Shard such as Valut has that in spades. With his incredibly long lifespan and unfailing confidence, the Balmora can achieve any goal given enough time.
Schemer: Valut is constantly hatching new plans and deceptions and is adept in such things.
Shard Advantages: Like all Shards, Valut’s electromagnetic sense gives him an innate understanding of droids and technology. In addition, Valut requires no sustenance or atmosphere to survive.
Balmora: A rousing public speaker and an awe-inspiring leader, Valut can win over the hearts of his subordinates easily and push them to fight harder in his name.

Unfriendly: Valut has little use for personal interaction with outsiders -- he makes enemies of just about everyone he meets, and has little skill in diplomacy with unfamiliar beings.
Reliant: To keep up his current state, Valut needs to consistently return to his vessel to keep his powers or directly consume the essence of other beings. Most of Valut’s abilities have some basis in the Force -- if he’s cut off from it, he suffers greatly.
Arrogant: Valut does not believe that there is anyone in the galaxy more powerful than him -- while it's true his skills are often unmatched he can be goaded into traps more easily.
Power-Hungry: Valut is obsessive in his search for knowledge and he craves the essences of powerful Force users to increase his own abilities.
Obsessive: Defeat is something Valut rarely experiences, but should it occur he becomes obsessed with gaining the power to defeat said enemy.
Direct: Valut does not hide his presence, and only retreats when he feels it is advantageous or absolutely necessary. He tends to make his presence well known wherever he goes -- and his presence in the Force is unmistakably dark and powerful.



Wisdom comes with age, and the Shard have long struggled to continue to age. Eventually there comes erosion, slow and painful, draining away the eldest Shards to the endless void of death. Few Shards wished to avoid such fates as Valut Amanya.

The crystal grew as part of a colony of the furthest reaches of the Shard communities on Orax, and was quickly identified as potent in the Force. The Shard was soon given the opportunity to be placed inside a droid and took it eagerly, learning quickly and using the Force to enhance the sensory experience. Soon after, though, Orax was subjugated by Imperial rule, and Valut fled to the Outer Rim.

The Shard traveled far and wide, encountering many other Shard. He was among the first to ally himself with the Alliance to Restore the Republic in hopes to liberate his homeworld. He fought, he flew, he killed, but most importantly he learned. Picking up little tidbits about warfare and combat, Valut became a staunch defender of Orax after its liberation. While he worked hard for his people, even serving as a Senator in the Galactic Alliance for the system at one point, it was obvious that most Shards disliked the idea of this corruption of their pure, patient, group-thinking form. He once more left the planet to wander.

His experiences in the next few centuries began his descent to the dark side. Wars, discrimination, and darkness always resurfaced -- and with the emergence of the gulag plague Valut felt the need to retreat from the galaxy proper.

He led an expeditionary ship comprised of independent Shards, which slipped towards the Outer Rim -- and promptly stumbled upon a vast fleet of hidden Sith warships. The future leader of the Vashtori Ascendancy stepped up and made an inspiring speech, leading the Shard -- the future Vashtori -- to have an almost fanatical devotion to the Balmora, Valut.

In the following years Valut continued what he did best -- commanded, fought, killed, conquered. But with new allegiances come new opportunities; as the Vashtori grew Valut’s power did as well. Soon enough he was the most powerful Force user the galaxy had never seen. The Balmora, commanding a vast starfleet and wearing a new shell now looks to the galaxy proper, prepared to cut a swath of new territory and create an Empire that will prove once and for all that the Shard are powerful -- and not to be trifled with.

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