Vam Rinav
Your Huckleberry
Vam Rinav

NAME: Vam Rinav
FACTION: Freelance
RANK: As a member of society, your character might have a rank that exemplifies his or her importance.
AGE: Twenty-seven
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5' 11"
WEIGHT: 175 lbs
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Blond
SKIN: Fair
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
-Quick Draw: Vam has found that in his line of work, getting the drop on an enemy could very well be the difference between life and death
-Ambidextrous: Why is he laughing? Because he knows something you do not. He... is not left handed! Vam is equally capable with either hand.
-Crack Shot: Vam is going to hit what he's shooting at 9 times out of 10
-Exceptional Dexterity: He might not be the biggest or the strongest, but he makes up for it with finesse and agility
-Charismatic: Working alone means being able to make friends/talk your way out of a bad situation
-Firearm Exclusivity: His skill with a blaster only extends to pistols. With anything else he is, at absolute best, mediocre.
-Scrapper: Vam is not exactly a skilled unarmed combatant. In a fair fight, the odds are significantly against him.
-Weak: Vam's physical strength is notably below average
-Impulsive: What's that? Plan ahead? Nah, let's wing it!
-The Demon Drink: Though not an alcoholic, he has two settings; sober and trashed. Casual drinking does not exist, unless more pressing matters are at hand
Perpetual smirk and/or cocked eyebrows. Relaxed bearing; loose, casual gait.
Early Life: 1-7
Vam was born in the slums of Taris to an inn/bar proprietor and a tavern maid. As an babe, he was fascinated by the colorful creatures that would frequent his parents’ establishment, watching in awe. From the day he could speak, he would chat up the bar patrons, asking questions and listening to all of their stories. It was the stories of the smugglers that amazed him most. He would sit for hours as they regaled him with (highly romanticized) tales of daring escapes, and successes snatched from the jaws of failure. He idolized them, but none more than Rothren. The grizzled human first came around when Vam was five years old. The man was a private freighter pilot, on planet while he was between jobs. His rugged appearance led the ever inquisitive Vam to approach him and, emerald eyes dancing with wonder, ask, “Are you a pirate?” The pilot laughed, replying with “I’m not just a pirate. I’m the worst one!” As if to emphasize his point, he growled at the small child. Vam scampered back a few feet, giggling, and came back. Vam liked the big “pirate”, and followed him around all the time. Rothren took a liking to the whelp as well, often letting him sit on his lap while he gambled with other bar patrons and introducing him as his “first mate”. As Vam grew older, he watched his mentor diffuse potentially deadly situations with a few words and a round of drinks. He rarely lost his temper, claiming that it was “better to make friends than to make corpses.” On those occasions when he did lose his temper, it was like a fire lit in his eyes, and most altercations lasted only a few seconds. He often drew his pistol, but Vam only saw him use it once. A Quarren thug, fancying himself some mobster, came to the bar, raising hell and demanding that the owners pay protection fees. Rothren stepped up and firmly insisted that the creature move along. The Quarren went for his blaster, but Rothren was too fast. He drew his scarred blaster and put a hole through the Quarren’s forehead. Vam saw that his eyes were shrouded as he returned to his seat and looked at him, puzzled. Rothren caught his glance and told him that though it was sometimes necessary, killing another being was never easy.
The Growing Years: 7-16
Life went on, with Rothren coming and going with each new job. Every time he returned, Vam would hug him as if he were a long lost uncle. As the boy got older, Rothren would teach him different things, like how to play (and cheat) at sabacc, how to fight, and later, how to shoot. It was a marvelous six years, until one day the grizzled pilot went off planet and never came back.
Vam sorely missed his friend. He found no joy in running around with the other children his age, and spent most of his time in the bar, asking patrons if they had heard any news of the rugged scoundrel. No one ever did. Days turned to months, months turned to years, and Vam lost all hope of seeing his idol again. He settled into an empty life, cleaning the bar for his parents.
He was fourteen the first time he got in trouble with the law. The inn had fallen on hard times, so Vam resorted to dumpster diving in rich neighborhoods. The nature of their excessive lifestyles led to a few nice finds, which he pawned immediately. However, dumpster diving isn’t the most lucrative career path, so he decided to try his hand at burglary. He scouted the neighborhood for a week trying to find a mark, spending another ten days observing their behavior. Finally, he noticed a pattern. Every night, at around the same time, the inhabitants would go out for several hours. Vam decided that this would be when he made his move. One night, when the marks left their home, he jimmied the locks and got inside. He found the bedroom quickly enough. He had counted on there being some nice jewelry. What he hadn’t counted on were the owners forgetting their event tickets.
That was the first night he spent in jail. It wouldn’t be the last. After that, he was brought in seven more times on breaking and entering, three times on theft, once on possession of an illegal substance, and four times on vandalism. The punishments were never too severe because of his status as a minor, but he did more than his fair share of community service. Life went on like this for two years. Then, tragedy struck.
On The Streets: 16-20
As Vam neared the end of his sixteenth year, his parents’
establishment caught fire in the middle of the night and burned to the ground. He got out, along with most of the guests, but his parents did not. Left without a home or a family, he was forced to scrape a living off the streets. It was a hard life, and he had to fight to stay alive. There wasn’t a night that went by that he didn’t go to sleep either beaten or hungry. When he fought, either for food or a place to lay his head, he felt no animosity toward his opponents. He understood why they were fighting, and did his best to leave them relatively unharmed. This in turn led to quite a few friendships. It wasn’t long before he belonged to a small network of around eleven other boys close to his age. They all followed a boy named Kirin, who was several years older than Vam. Together, the band of vagabonds scrounged a slightly easier living off the streets, teaching and learning from each other. It was Kirin who taught Vam to fight with a short blade. It wasn’t exactly quality training, but it was enough to get by in the slums. Vam stayed with his new “family” until just before his twentieth year. One day he was kneeling in the vacant lot where his family’s inn once stood. He often went there when he wanted to be alone. As he knelt, he heard the sound of someone, or something, walking up behind him. “What do you want, stranger?” He tensed as the stranger spoke. His voice was tinted with sadness, but it was eerily familiar. “I knew the owners well. They were good people.” Vam leapt to his feet and spun around. He was smaller than Vam remembered, and his black hair was now streaked with gray, but there was no mistaking him. His eyes flashed as he began to cry, and a smile broke across his face. “Rothren!” The man was surprised that this dirty looking youth would know his name, but upon closer inspection of the shaggy haired boy, he recognized him as his old first mate. Vam ran to the old pilot, the same as when he was a child, and embraced him. He then proceeded to ask why he had stayed away for so long, to which Rothren replied he had simply got caught up, taking job after job in the Colonies. After catching up, Rothren offered Vam the opportunity to leave Taris with him; a chance Vam jumped at.
Vam Raniv: Mercenary, 20-Present
Rothren and Vam made their way to the Inner Rim, taking whatever work came their way. The older mercenary lost his life on an escort job when a Kel Dor pirate attacked, intent on capturing their charge for ransom. Since then, Vam has worked alone. Now he hops from system to system, taking jobs wherever they come.
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