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Character Vandar Tarkin, Carrion Lord of Eriadu


Vandar Tarkin

Eriadu Authority
Imperial Federation of Systems
Rimward Trade League

High Moff
League Councilor





142 lbs.


Brown, Greying




+ Ambitious:
Like Wilhuff before him, Vandar is an ambitious individual with dreams of reclaiming his family's former glory.
+ Analytical: Vandar has a sharp, analytical mind capable of quickly processing information and making split-second decisions
+ Vicious: Tarkin is a vicious hand-to-hand combatant, hardened by his time training on the Carrion Plateau.

- Vicious:
Tarkin's ferocity can impede his judgement on occasion, leading him to make decisions he would not otherwise make.
- Stubborn: It is difficult to shake Vandar from something once he puts his mind to it.

Vandar's familial resemblance to his ancestor Wilhuff is striking. Like Wilhuff, Vandar has sharp, gaunt features with piercing blue eyes and brown hair which has began to grey with age. On ceremonial occasions Vandar dons a uniform from the old Galactic Empire, though he can often be found wearing more practical attire such as a vest and military fatigues. On the occasions where he leads his men in battle, Vandar dons the same white and black scout trooper armor they do.

Vandar Tarkin is the patriarch of the Tarkin Family, an ancient family with a long history on the Outer Rim world Eriadu, as well as the planet's Viceroy in the Confederacy of Independent Systems. As an ambitious young Tarkin, he looks to the example set by the greatest Tarkin: Wilhuff, of course. Vandar has very much intentionally modeled his life after that of Wilhuff's, subjecting himself to brutal training at the Carrion Plateau.

He emerged a hardened man, and after returning home he began planning for the Tarkin Family to return to prominence. Searching the depths of the Tarkin family compound, Vandar found just what he needed: a hidden cache, created by Wilhuff during his time as Grand Moff. Within the cache was an armory of old Imperial weapons and armor, as well as several datacrons and datapads containing various speeches and communiqués by the Grand Moff. The chief among these communiqués was, of course, the famous Tarkin Doctrine.

It is with this Doctrine that the Eriadu Ascendancy was founded. "Rule through the fear of force rather than through force itself." Though of course, sometimes the application of force is necessary. For that, Vandar organized a strictly regimented force of
Army Troopers and Rangers, all of which had gone through the same training as him on the Carrion Plateau, to make them ruthless survivalists and instill in them his own values.

Eventually, the Eriadu Ascendancy was absorbed into the Confederacy of Independent Systems, with the Sith Lord Credius Nargath becoming its Viceroy. Vandar bided his time, building up his own power base while Nargath soiled his own, and when the time came that Eriadu's Viceroyship became open, he threw his own hat in the ring. He had garnered favor of several of the world's royal families, and for many the return of a Tarkin to the political stage was too good an opportunity to pass up.

Vandar won, and was elected the new Viceroy of Eriadu. With this new position, he began to make efforts to elevate his homeworld to an importance it has longed to have for ages. In the wake of the Confederacy's collapse, Vandar once again declared the world's sovereignty by establishing (or, rather, re-establishing) the Eriadu Authority, and strived to federate the Imperial factions of the galactic south for the prosperity of all within them. Tarkin hosted a summit on Eriadu some months later, inviting the disparate Imperial warlords of the galactic south to unite under a common banner, for the betterment of all and the advancement of Imperial interests in an area of space out of the Empire's reach. Though this summit was crashed by the leader of the Final Dawn, and later by Kyrel Ren himself to drag Sularen out, it was still an overall success, leading to the formation of the Imperial Federation of Systems with the backing of the Empire through Julius Haskler.

Over the years, Eriadu continued to receive harassment from the Final Dawn, and while they were able to manage at first the Dawn became more brazen. Eventually tensions reached their breaking point, and Tarkin made his decision: the Eriadu Authority would aid the Rimward Trade League in assaulting the Final Dawn shipyard over Seswenna, and then join under the League's banner. They were promised their relative independence, as long as they followed the League's Charter. There are those, of course, within the League who are wary of an Imperial, a Tarkin, no less, joining their ranks, and Vandar is aware that his actions will likely be under closer scrutiny, but it does not bother him. The name Vandar Tarkin will continue to stand, as it always has, for law and order first and foremost.






  • Seswenna Ascendant: Tarkin calls a summit of Imperial leaders to federate into a unified Imperial force in the galactic south. The meeting is quickly crashed by High Regent Marlon Sularen of the Final Dawn, but the summit is successful regardless and the Imperial Federation of Systems is formed.
  • Dark Force Rising: Having apparently not learned his lesson from the summit, High Regent Sularen sends Director-Admiral Dorian Sevanar and a Final Dawn fleet to raid Omwat, where they are met with stiff resistance from the Eriadu Authority and neighboring Rimward Trade League. (no longer canon)
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Constantinius Zambrano

Very promising character bio! Looking forward to seeing where you take him. :D

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