Dark Paragon
New Member
Name: Vanik Ray
Faction: Mandalorian and Ltd
Rank: Initiate and N/a
Species: Human
Age: 21
Sex: Male
Height: 5'11", 1.81m
Weight: 185 lbs, 84 kg
Eyes: Blue/Gray
Hair: Brown with a redish tent
Skin: White
Force Sensitive: No
Biography: Born on a Mandalorian territorial planet and grew up with a typical Mandalorian youth, trained to fight and was taught by his father how to pilot his ship, some attempts barely escaping with their life. He unfortunately had trouble meeting and socializing with people other than his family and didn't have much friends. After his dad went MIA Vanik inherited his ship and weapons, left to Mandalore hoping to become a proud Mandalorian soldier like his father, and joined Justice Shipping Ltd.
Ship name: Titan
Class: YV-2400
Length: 18.65 meters
Width: 28.5 meters
Maximum Atmospheric speed: 800km/h
Sheilding: Equipped with Doubled-armored plating
Navigation system equipped.
Crew: 3
Minimum crew: 1
Armament: CEC 1D servo turret and two laser cannons
Able to hold 6 passengers, 150 metric tons of cargo capacity and 2 months of consumables, 2 escape pods.
Weapons: Two LL-30 Pistols and a W-90 Concussion rifle
Bounties collected:
This is my first character so please tell me improvements I can make and what I should work on.
Faction: Mandalorian and Ltd
Rank: Initiate and N/a
Species: Human
Age: 21
Sex: Male
Height: 5'11", 1.81m
Weight: 185 lbs, 84 kg
Eyes: Blue/Gray
Hair: Brown with a redish tent
Skin: White
Force Sensitive: No
- Can fend off on his own
- A great fighter
- An ok pilot.
- Has trouble with socializing with new people
- Young, Generally Inexperienced with most things.
- Stubborn
Biography: Born on a Mandalorian territorial planet and grew up with a typical Mandalorian youth, trained to fight and was taught by his father how to pilot his ship, some attempts barely escaping with their life. He unfortunately had trouble meeting and socializing with people other than his family and didn't have much friends. After his dad went MIA Vanik inherited his ship and weapons, left to Mandalore hoping to become a proud Mandalorian soldier like his father, and joined Justice Shipping Ltd.
Ship name: Titan
Class: YV-2400
Length: 18.65 meters
Width: 28.5 meters
Maximum Atmospheric speed: 800km/h
Sheilding: Equipped with Doubled-armored plating
Navigation system equipped.
Crew: 3
Minimum crew: 1
Armament: CEC 1D servo turret and two laser cannons
Able to hold 6 passengers, 150 metric tons of cargo capacity and 2 months of consumables, 2 escape pods.
Weapons: Two LL-30 Pistols and a W-90 Concussion rifle
Bounties collected:
This is my first character so please tell me improvements I can make and what I should work on.