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Vanir Shaw

Vanir Shaw

Eye of the darkness

NAME: Vanir Shaw
SPECIES: Echani/Arkanian mix
AGE: 16

SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5' 4"
WEIGHT: 136 pounds
EYES: Sky blue
HAIR: Silver
SKIN: White



+ Physical strength: Due to his constant training, Vanir has strength uncommon for a person his age.
+ Intelligence: Vanir is witty, quick to think, and has increased intelligence thanks to his Arkanian roots.
+/- Darkness: A strange darkness inside Vanir strengthens him, but can also control him if he isn't careful.
- Sight: Due to hsi Arkanian heritage, Vanir has trouble seeing in the sunlight without eye protection.
- Stubborn: Once Vanir makes a decision, he sticks with it, for better or for worse.

APPEARANCE: With silvery hair and blue eyes, Vanir has an uncanny resemblance to his father Darren. Combining his strong build with his height, he has an athletic advntage over most, even at his young age.

BIOGRAPHY: Vanir Shaw was born on Arkania without ever knowing his father. Despite this, he had a rather decent childhood, if one could call not having a supporting figure 'decent'. Growing up, Vanir learned real quick that he wasn't wanted by his mother. Though their relationship was strained, she took care of him only because he couldn't do so himself. During all of this, however, she sent him to a school where he would learn how to survive in the 'real world', as she put it. At age fifteen, he became well proficient in swordplay, though there was still a lot of room for learning. He also developed skills that any normal twenty year-old would know, like basic business and a good sense in direction. By this time, Vanir's mother had prepared for him to leave, whichever way he saw fit. Not seeing anything left for him on Arkania, he decided to move off-planet. Buying a ship with the help of an all-too-eager mom, he left with haste to Coruscant, where he hoped to live a new life full of meaning and adventure. Once there, Vanir began having visions, dark ones. They hurt him badly, and he would even have nightmares because of them, Then one day, he noticed something most interesting. If he focused hard enough, he could shape those visions into a weapon. He had a strange power over darkness, but didn't realize until it was too late that it was really the darkness in control of him. He would fight it endlessly and try to hide it, but to no avail. Finally, Vanir decided to fashion himself a vibroblade in a effort to conceal the darkness inside him. This way, he would use the blade when fighting was a necessity, and not the darkness unless he absolutely had to. Even to this day, he battles a foe that unknowingly, was passed down from his father, Darren Shaw.

Lightsaber forms: (Novice, Adept, Proficient, Master)

Force abilities: (Novice, Adept, Proficient, Master)
Force push

[member="Solrune"] (Father)

YT-1200 Light Freighter



Eye of darkness, the boy of many talents

Vanir Shaw

Eye of the darkness
[member="Alexandra Cinthra"] Sure :) And trust me, you'd be wise to fear this dude. Seen him in action with other characters, barely escaped alive on one if it wasn't for luck and IC relations.
[member="Alexandra Cinthra"] Yes, Telekinetic Lightsaber fights are always fun. As well as a sith sword. I think it would be fun to fight against you.

Lets say that I fought Sith Emperors and survived.

Vanir Shaw

Eye of the darkness
lol, it all started when I was talking with Solrune's writer about KH and FF. The subject came up of possible cool playbys, and I decided to make one of Rikue, and relate him to Darren. But yea, Riku's my favorite too ^_^ [member="Darth Ferus"]

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