Vano Roronova
RANK: Former slave
SPECIES: Chev near-human
AGE: 29
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6'1'' (185 cm)
WEIGHT: 200 lbs (90 kg)
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Brown
BUILD: Average
FORCE SENSITIVE: Force-attuned
Slave. Industrialist. Visionary.
Despite the liberation of the Chev species on Vinsoth from their Chevin overlords in 44 ABY, many Chevin criminals, warlords, and slave traffickers jealously hung onto their slave stock, despite the condemned odiousness of their craft. In the dark corners of the galaxy, on slave worlds outside of the eye of galactic politics, Chevin kept their slaves - diminished though their stock was - and continued to ply their wares at a reduced capacity. It was to one such Chevin slaver, on the planet of Nar Kreeta, that Vano Roronova was born into shackles.
An unassuming man, Vano appears much like a human, possessing brown hair with a streak of silver, brown eyes, and an average build.
If one were to look closely, though, his alien ancestry would become quickly apparent; Vano's fingers are just a tad too long to be stock human, his facial features too pronounced, and his forehead just slightly too sloped. Due to some human ancestry introduced several generations ago, Vano was born with eyelids (though still retains the thin film-like eye membrane common to his species), as well as the ability to grow (sparse) facial hair - which he vainly keeps styled with wax in a thin pencil mustache. His hair, mostly brown, nevertheless has a shock of silvery white (often mistaken for premature graying) that is actually an expression of Chev follical genes. Internally, Vano is all Chev, with two hearts, a long lifespan of three hundred years, and the technical aptitude common to his species.
Vano can often be found wearing black durasteel-toed grip-boots, brown durafiber trousers with plastoid kneepads, a black leather combination holster/utility belt, a tan long-sleeved tunic made out of a tomuon cloth and shell spider silk blend, and a navy blue synthmesh industrial coat. Vano's left arm is very plainly cybernetic, extending up to the elbow.
Utility belt:
• A few spare power packs, an emergency medkit, a single use gas binder (eliminates most common poisons), a standard rebreather (one hour supply), a small toolkit (fine-point laser stylus, tuning stylus, a micro-point, EMP circuit disrupter, diagnostic systems diverter, and scramblekey), one liquid cable launcher, spare rations.
• A HL-27 light blaster pistol, unmodified.
Prosthetic left arm:
• A combination Multi-tool hand and Cyberscanner; duranium construction, plated with high-impact plastoid and insulated with inert power insulator to prevent surges and shocks. Modified for increased strength (sufficient to break bone and dent/bend Durasteel), with magno-grip function in the palm, allowing for magnetic adhesion and the attraction of metallic objects at a distance of one meter.
(+) Natural brilliance:
The Chev racial aptitude for technology and engineering is renowned and has made the species a desirable slave race; in the case of Vano, however, with his eidetic memory, it has created an instance of sheer genius. Able to perfectly recall anything that he has seen or heard, Vano's impressive memory combined with natural aptitude has allowed him to far surpass his brethren in technical skill. Already a Doctor of Science (D. Sc.) at the young age of twenty nine, Vano attended the Mrlsst Trade and Science Academy through holo-presence, and is well versed in the broad academic categories of his field including engineering, mathematics, atomic and molecular physics, and applied bioscience.
(-) Never forgotten:
Vano's eidetic memory is a double-edged sword; every memory, no matter how terrible or traumatic, is remembered in perfect detail. This has caused no small amount of neurosis, depression, and anxiety when it comes to Vano's earlier life as a slave (indeed, all Chev are worried and paranoid of being re-enslaved, though Vano even more so), and often conflicts with Vano's deep-seated desire to crusade against slavers and their injustices. While adjusted socially, Vano is a known alcoholic and (mild) substance abuser.
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