Vant Dehringer
OCCUPATION: Spy / Infiltrator / Thief
FACTION: Agents of Chaos: The Coins
RANK: Copper
AGE: 14
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5 ft
WEIGHT: Average
EYES: Green
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: Fair
AGILITY: Very quick and agile, and can fit into small spaces easily. Difficult to capture.
STEALTH & SPY: Quiet and hard to detect. Able to easily move around undetected.
STAMINA: Ability to push himself hard for a long time
RECON: Excellent at recon and gathering intelligence.
FORCE AWARENESS: Has the ability to use the force to sense things that are wrong or out of place.
LOYAL: Very loyal to those he considers to be friends.
PICKPOCKET: Highly skilled pickpocket.
GRAPPLING HOOKS: Very good at utilizing grappling hooks to scale buildings or other structures.
PILOT: Has basic piloting abilities.
PHYSICAL STRENGTH: Lacks physical strength and can easily be overpowered if caught.
COMBAT: Lacks any real close quarters or weapon combat training.
MANIPULATION: Is susceptible to emotional manipulation
FEAR OF DARK SIDE USERS: Traumatized by dark side users, so he can become paralyzingly frightened if strong dark side users are present.
INSECURITY: Highly driven by a deep need for acceptance and recognition
SCAR: Has a scar on his left eye
Dehringer knows next to nothing about his family or his origins. All he remembers is growing up in a slave camp deep inside the caves of some deserted planet, where he was treated very harshly and forced to work long hours every day with his fellow slaves. It was here that he learned how to survive at any cost. He was constantly using grappling hooks to scale the sides of massive cliffs, looking for precious stones and minerals that he could report to the slavers. One day, as he was scaling a cliff side, he sensed that something was very wrong. He quickly grappled across the cavern to the adjacent cliff, and he turned just in time to see a massive rock slide collapse onto the slavers and slaves below. The entire roof of rock was starting to collapse, and now there was a hole above him where he could see sand and sun. With determination, he grappled his way up the cliff and out into the burning dessert landscape. He began to run as far and as fast as he could. He came over a sand dune and saw multiple speeders parked at what looked like the main entrance down into the caves. There was no-one there, as they had probably run down into the cave when the rock collapsed to help. Dehringer ran and jumped onto the closest speeder, and after a little bit of fumbling around with the controls, he suddenly bolted forward. He got his bearings and his eyes were finally adjusting to the bright sun. Looking up he saw a distant cargo ship coming into the atmosphere, and so he followed its path, knowing that a town and star port were surely close by.
The story is very long, but in summary, there was a smuggler in that town who took pity on the young boy and brought him onto his crew. Dehringer traveled for years with them, learning many helpful skills and being trained as a spy and a thief, which helped the crew in their shady dealings with many nafarious creatures. They were all scoundrels and misfits, but in a way, they had become a family. One day the crew was meeting a new client, but this one was unlike anything that Dehringer had ever encountered. His eyes seemed lifeless, and he had a strange weapon that glowed red, like a sword of dark light. Dehringer sensed something was wrong, but he was offering a big pay day for a seemingly small cargo, so the crew took the job. After securing the item, the smuggler smiled at Dehringer, saying "With this payday, we can finally get a proper ship." Dehringer nodded, but something inside him knew that it would not end well. The crew landed and met the strange dark man, offering him the item he had requested, but instead of payment, the red sword was released upon the crew. Dehringer picked himself up off the ground, dizzy from being flung across the room. He turned around and there was the man with the red sword, standing in the midst of the dead crew, holding the item in his hand. Dehringer froze with fear, knowing that he would soon kill him as well, but instead the man just looked at him and said "I will find you again, my boy." With that he turned and left the hangar, leaving Dehringer to grieve the loss of the only family he had ever known.

OCCUPATION: Spy / Infiltrator / Thief
FACTION: Agents of Chaos: The Coins
RANK: Copper
AGE: 14
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5 ft
WEIGHT: Average
EYES: Green
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: Fair
AGILITY: Very quick and agile, and can fit into small spaces easily. Difficult to capture.
STEALTH & SPY: Quiet and hard to detect. Able to easily move around undetected.
STAMINA: Ability to push himself hard for a long time
RECON: Excellent at recon and gathering intelligence.
FORCE AWARENESS: Has the ability to use the force to sense things that are wrong or out of place.
LOYAL: Very loyal to those he considers to be friends.
PICKPOCKET: Highly skilled pickpocket.
GRAPPLING HOOKS: Very good at utilizing grappling hooks to scale buildings or other structures.
PILOT: Has basic piloting abilities.
PHYSICAL STRENGTH: Lacks physical strength and can easily be overpowered if caught.
COMBAT: Lacks any real close quarters or weapon combat training.
MANIPULATION: Is susceptible to emotional manipulation
FEAR OF DARK SIDE USERS: Traumatized by dark side users, so he can become paralyzingly frightened if strong dark side users are present.
INSECURITY: Highly driven by a deep need for acceptance and recognition
SCAR: Has a scar on his left eye
Dehringer knows next to nothing about his family or his origins. All he remembers is growing up in a slave camp deep inside the caves of some deserted planet, where he was treated very harshly and forced to work long hours every day with his fellow slaves. It was here that he learned how to survive at any cost. He was constantly using grappling hooks to scale the sides of massive cliffs, looking for precious stones and minerals that he could report to the slavers. One day, as he was scaling a cliff side, he sensed that something was very wrong. He quickly grappled across the cavern to the adjacent cliff, and he turned just in time to see a massive rock slide collapse onto the slavers and slaves below. The entire roof of rock was starting to collapse, and now there was a hole above him where he could see sand and sun. With determination, he grappled his way up the cliff and out into the burning dessert landscape. He began to run as far and as fast as he could. He came over a sand dune and saw multiple speeders parked at what looked like the main entrance down into the caves. There was no-one there, as they had probably run down into the cave when the rock collapsed to help. Dehringer ran and jumped onto the closest speeder, and after a little bit of fumbling around with the controls, he suddenly bolted forward. He got his bearings and his eyes were finally adjusting to the bright sun. Looking up he saw a distant cargo ship coming into the atmosphere, and so he followed its path, knowing that a town and star port were surely close by.
The story is very long, but in summary, there was a smuggler in that town who took pity on the young boy and brought him onto his crew. Dehringer traveled for years with them, learning many helpful skills and being trained as a spy and a thief, which helped the crew in their shady dealings with many nafarious creatures. They were all scoundrels and misfits, but in a way, they had become a family. One day the crew was meeting a new client, but this one was unlike anything that Dehringer had ever encountered. His eyes seemed lifeless, and he had a strange weapon that glowed red, like a sword of dark light. Dehringer sensed something was wrong, but he was offering a big pay day for a seemingly small cargo, so the crew took the job. After securing the item, the smuggler smiled at Dehringer, saying "With this payday, we can finally get a proper ship." Dehringer nodded, but something inside him knew that it would not end well. The crew landed and met the strange dark man, offering him the item he had requested, but instead of payment, the red sword was released upon the crew. Dehringer picked himself up off the ground, dizzy from being flung across the room. He turned around and there was the man with the red sword, standing in the midst of the dead crew, holding the item in his hand. Dehringer froze with fear, knowing that he would soon kill him as well, but instead the man just looked at him and said "I will find you again, my boy." With that he turned and left the hangar, leaving Dehringer to grieve the loss of the only family he had ever known.
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