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Approved Species Vantasanth Leviathan, Classification: Terminarch

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  • Name: Vantasanth Leviathan
  • Designation: Sentient
  • Origins: Unknown Regions
  • Average Lifespan: bio-indefinite (see historical information)
  • Estimated Population: Semi-Unique last of their kind
  • Description: It has four red eyes, three long horns that branch out from its forehead, these act as conductors for its bio electrical system. It has two holes on either side of its head, these act as gas intake filters for consumption. It has a few whiskers, that seemingly have no purpose. Perhaps they are for attracting mates? It has many fins (flippers?) that line its sides along the length of its body. It has an orifice located at the far end of the body, it acts as propulsion and waste disposal.
  • Breathes: Type IV
  • Average Height of Adults: roughly 500 meters
  • Average Length of Adults: roughly 3,000 meters
  • Skin color: Teal, with black and red stripes, and yellow bands along its whiskers.
  • Hair color: N/A
  • Distinctions: Colossal, has volatile bio electrical properties that cause a red, blue, or green discharge, subsides on toxic gasses within nebulae.
  • Races: just the one.
  • Force Sensitivity: All
  • Bio electric discharge; acts as a defensive E.M.P. when being hunted by star ships.
  • Colossal; Leviathan class fauna.
  • Lethargic; mostly to conserve as much energy as possible, this megafauna can’t rely upon speed to escape any threats.
  • Bio electric limits; if it expends too much energy too quickly, it will curl up and begin a bio-indefinite transition. (See historical information)
  • Diet: Other; Aerovore: this megafauna has adapted to subside solely on gases from the surrounding nebulae. It seems to favor toxic gases such as methane, carbon monoxide, argon, or xenon (Among others). Some individuals had shown signs of minor allergic reactions to silicates, which would usually be found amongst space dust within nebulae.
  • Communication: This megafauna lacks a mouth, throat, and larynx. However, it seems to have a strange ability to make other living things feel its own emotions and physical feelings. This means those within reach will feel its paranoia, fear, pain, and despair. They may even experience its death for themselves. While this doesn’t harm anyone, it’s still an experience that can make even the most selfish of people question their actions. This has its limits, it can only reach roughly triple its length in distance, and it cannot make individuals feel things they are unable to feel. Ex: droids will not be affected, psychopaths won’t feel the emotions aside from maybe fear, and those who have been desensitized to pain will not feel pain.
  • Technology level: None
  • Religion/Beliefs: Nihilism (this is a good thing)
  • General behavior: Vantasanths are— were— relatively solitary creatures. They would only ever travel in pairs at most, if they had a mate.They formed deep emotional bonds with their mates, and this made loosing them more difficult to deal with. They were non-confrontational and would’ve opted to escape from danger rather than confront it. They spent most of their time drifting through nebulae simply consuming gases by using the force to draw in deeper breathes. They also used the force to gain more momentum while in complete vacuum. They made no sound on purpose, only the sound of gases being filtered and energy being dispersed. From birth, a Vantasanth would share these tendencies, as young Vantasanth pups would leave their parents behind after a mere week of bonding and protection. After a brief one month period, a pregnant Vantasanth would give birth to around 14-17 Vantasanth pups. Statistically, at least one of these pups would be a stillborn. Also, about 60% of all pups would be male. While Vantasanths do not differentiate in appearance, they do have biological genders, meaning that males and females may engage in unusual pairings without knowing. Though, they may not mind staying together when they realize what’s happened due to their emotional Bo, they will look for suitable mates anyway, for reproduction sake. It is mostly unknown how they would have attracted mates, but it is theorized that they would use their bio electrical discharge to create spectacular light shows that can be seen from an extreme distance. This actively worked against them in the end, as hunters from all over the galaxy to bag one of their bodies. Their flesh isn’t even edible.

Vantasanths were known for their bio-indefinite mortality, this refers to how a Vantasanth could regress their own bodies into a younger form when physically damaged or if they experienced stresses such as starvation, instead of dying it shrinks in on itself, reabsorbing much of its mass to give itself a boost in energy to give it better odds of surviving. This would be a very stressful process, and if interrupted it could lead to irreversible damage and possibly death.
Vantasanths were seen as a good omen, and if they were curious enough to approach your ship then you would have a chance to directly connect with them emotionally; you would feel their curiosity, and they would feel your wonder.
Vantasanths were presumed extinct around the time the Separatists came to power, but recently a lone male specimen was discovered in the Ssi-Ruuvi Star Cluster. Perhaps there’s hope for this immortal species after all…
I certainly wouldn’t bet on it.
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