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Vanya V. Valentine | The Ravenous Black Wolf of The Sith

"Whats wrong my wolf, Don't you hear the hunt calling?"

  • Birth Name: Vanya V. Valentine
  • Clan Name: Valentine
  • Nickname: Red | V | Vivi
  • Alias: The Black Wolf | Bloodhound | The Huntress
  • Titles: Nightmother | Royalblood
  • Species: Vycan
  • Homeworld: Gothika
  • Residence: The Crimson Keep
  • Rank: Sith Master
  • Master(s): N/A
  • Force Sensitive: Yes
  • Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

  • Sexual Conduct: Bi-sexual
  • Faction: Millennium
  • Languages: Multi-lingual
  • Occupation: Shadoweaver
  • Gender: Female
  • Age: Unknown
  • Height: 5'11
  • Weight: 255lbs
  • Skin Color: ​Alabaster White
  • Eye Color: Piercing Blue
  • Hair Color: Raven Black
  • Voice Sample: TBA
Vanya V. Valentine, sometimes referred to by her allies as 'The Huntress' and to her enemies as 'Bloodhound' is a elusive and mysterious woman who appears to possess an unhealthy obsession with something known only as 'The Great Hunt'. One of the very last of a species that was thought to be wiped off the face of the Galaxy. While her origins are shrouded in mystery and the details about her her as a person tend to be layered in various rumors depending on who is spinning the tale there is a certainty that comes when the woman appears.

Blood is sure to be spilled.

This Gothic mistress is highly emotional and overwhelmingly passionate. She is an expressive woman that does not shy away from clinging to every emotion that can be felt or displayed openly. Vanya is cheerful, polite, and eerily whimsical which tends to throw people off to see a woman dressed in black. Contrasting against the way she carries herself and her line of work as a blood hunter. Her hobbies are vast and plentiful, having a particular passion for art in all its various forms should it be painting, literature, spoken word, music, and even dance. She oozes charisma and drips with such energetic gusto that she tends to rub people the wrong way. Having a blatant disregard for personal boundaries and social norms Vanya is a free spirit that operates with no oversight.

Vanya' personality can very easily be condensed down and defined by five key characteristics which she openly displays without even a hint of shame: Her hedonism, her blatant narcissism, her ruthlessness, her need to be validated in the eyes of the Allfathers, and her obsessive nature when it comes to 'The Great Hunt', the ritualistic hunting of powerful and dangerous prey within the galaxy. As a hedonist, she displays a certain passion for all things grandiose in nature. Enjoying opulence, extravagant displays of might, talent, entertainment, and pleasures of all kinds. She believes her happiness is the only thing she should pursue and as a result refuses to involve herself in silly political squabbles or great struggles as she sees them as beneath her.

As a narcissist, she clearly favors herself 'The Allfathers chosen', believing herself to be a champion of the old golds in which she desires to become one of. She thinks herself a deity, godlike in a sense as she cannot die unless she gods will it, and if she becomes a goddess herself she can will herself to live forever. Because of this Vanya is incapable of accepting any point of view other than her own and immerses herself in the belife that all other beings exist purely for her own entertainment. When roused or denied, she is fully willing to use force to achieve her goals and is not beyond feats of cruelty when she feels offended. Fundamentally, however, Vanya wants to love and be loved by those she favors. She is supportive of the dreams of others so long as they are not completely against her way of life, she motivates the victims of her hunts to fight passionately and never falter, and she even donates her wealth to various organizations purely because the happiness is causes.

In short, simplified terms. Vanya is a figure of contradictions. She is an empress of in her own right yet is insistent on supporting populism; she is capable of genuine altruism, very often acting out of selfishness should the mood strike her; She is self-centered but dotes on those around her lovingly rather they be enemy or ally; and she loves to spur on others to achieve their dreams no matter how good hearted and positive or grievous and gut wrenching.

Her willingness to fully embrace her hedonism comes from the fact she genuinely believes ones own happiness is more important than anything or anyone else. She wishes to revel in each small delight that crosses her path. She will even refuse to kill her prey or an enemy because she's enamored with a warrior who won't yield in the face of such overwhelming despair. It inspires her, it reminds her that people are strong and deserved to be cherished.

Being a Royalblood Vycan and one of the last of her kind, she seems less interested in killing her prey and more interested in indoctrinating them into her bloodline and religion. While she still hunts for the thrill and challenge of it, she seeks to rebuild what was lost and pleasing the Allfathers so she may be granted the status of a deity like she truly deserves.


Devour: Vanya possesses a strange ability inherited by her Vycan heritage which allows her to feed from the life force of sentient beings in order to gain physical and mental advantages. By consuming blood she can heal rapidly, eventually even regrowing a limb if on a steady diet for long enough, consume the memories of those she devours and gain temporary access to the skills and talents that said person or creature had in life. This trait does come with its own set it drawbacks and risks which are detailed further below but as a Vycan this is one of the primary traits she can be identified by.

Thrill of the Hunt: There is a reason her enemies call her 'The Bloodhound'. Vanya possesses extremely hypersensitive senses, her eyes capable of seeing in multiple different variations of vision, having natural night vision, thermal vision, and a couple others. Her eyes can magnify to see further distances in greater detail and her sense of smell and hearing are just as powerful. Capable of smelling a drop of blood from miles away and her ears capable of hearing a heartbeat through obstructions across large distances. Because of these enhanced traits she is considered an 'Apex Predator', once she catches a scent and is on the trail there is very little that can throw her off or fool her.

Infectious: Vanya, as a Vycan possesses a natural venom which can be injected into the bloodstream of her victims via her fangs which have severe effects on the bodies of those she injects. Once the venom enters the bloodstream the victim suffers from loss of sight as their vision becomes blurry and out of focus, their hearing deafened and muddled and their minds groggy and jarred as extreme, agonizing pain consumes the body, often forcing the heart into cardiac arrest. Additionally, as a Royalblood her venom possesses a mixture of her own biological DNA which can also be injected into those she wishes to turn into Direbloods. She is capable of siring other Vycans like herself, although this ritual is extremely painful and most who undergo the transformation don't survive.

Blood of the Beast: Vanya, like many of her brethren has very potent physical abilities. Her raw strength far surpassing that of even the mightiest of Wookies and her reflexes sharp enough to snatch insects out the sky around her. These blessings are what allow her to go toe to toe with some of the most ferocious and dangerous prey the galaxy has to offer her.


Blood Curse: Because of the afflictions caused by her bloodline Vanya has a 'severe' weakness to the Light Side of the force. More specifically weapons imbued with the light side or force abilities such as 'Force Light' can be used to completely destroy her. Wounds caused by such things cause pain so intense and agonizing that it can put her into a coma or kill her outright. The price that must be paid for being a Royalblood it seems.

The Daywalker: Vanya, like all Vycan have a severe sensitivity to solar light which can cause great drawbacks to a Vycans body. Vanya herself suffers exceptionally when under the full gaze of the sun. Becoming very easily exhausted and fatigued when forced to venture into the light for long periods of time. Her eyes are also hypersensitive to bright lights of any kinds, completely blinding her and causing severe pain if flashed into her eyes. She commonly wears special sunglasses to prevent light from reaching her eyes but it still remains a very valid weakness. Additionally, her skin suffers from horrible burns should a direct beam from highly enhanced UV rays hits her flesh which can burn her like how fire burns humans.

Bloodthirsty: As a Vycan she is forced to feed regularly from sentient beings in order to keep herself healthy and fit. Failing to feed for longer than a couple days will result in her starving nearly to death and forcing her into a 'Frenzied' state where she sheds all humanity and becomes a wild, feral beast. Relying purely on base instinct to hunt and kill anything that moves and feed endlessly until she is fully replenished. When in this state she cannot distinguish friend from foe and loses all sense of logic. Additionally, who she feeds on is just as important. Should she choose to feed from someone with a terminal illness of some kind of blood defect she could end up poisoning herself. 'Dirty blood' as it is called causes a number of negative effects such as nausea, dizziness, blackouts and becoming physically weaker and sluggish.

Silver Lance: Like all of her brethren, Vanya does possess a vulnerability to weapons made entirely of Silver. It remains largely unknown 'why' this material is so effective against them but it is suspected that there are minerals within the metal that cause a severe allergic reaction to the nervous system of a Vycan. As a result of being struck with such a weapon Vanya loses her enhanced senses completely. Her advanced sight become blurry and out of focus, saturated with colors and sensations that make it nearly impossible to see, her ears ringing and preventing her from hearing and her sense of smell being comparable to humans if not worse.

Corrupt Senses: Vanya' advanced senses of hearing, scent, and sight can all be used against her should her prey be truly cunning. Flashbangs, stink bombs, or hyper sonic sound can all be used to cripple The Bloodhound and cause excruciating pain which can force her to back off and regroup.




Blood Maledict: Vanya is saturated in the dark side of the force, practically dripping with foul, toxic energy that can be felt with her sheer presence. Because of her lineage Vanya is has been drawn to the dark side of the force and has studied many Sith Teachings and dedicated herself to black magic, even taking study from the Dathomir Nightsisters. Overtime she developed her own potent force ability known as 'Blood Maledict', a dark side force ability that allows her command over the blood of other sentient beings in order to common wicked creatures and Sithspawn by using a mixture of alchemy and blood magic.

Phantom: Vanya has learned the lost force ability commonly known as 'Force Phase', a force power which allows Vanya to push her body through physical matter in order to bypass obstructions in her path. She uses this ability mainly for infiltration, entering buildings and locations she otherwise wouldn't be able to access through 'the front door'. Her ability is limited, but what she can do is significant enough to allow her the freedom to go anywhere and do anything without being pestered by security measures. Her ability to go ethereal has its own set of downsides and drawbacks but the benefits far outweigh the negatives.

Soul Devourer: Sometimes, taking a trophy just isn't enough to The Dark Huntress. Sometimes, she wishes to cherish her victims forever, and what better way than to forever carry them with you? Vanya utilizes dark Sith Magic to rip the souls from her victims after killing them and storing them into small stones known simply as 'Soul Snares'. Once she takes the soul she can transfer them into these stones and use them for a number of things. Either putting the soul into a display case to keep as a memory, or even re-purposing the soul in raising the dead and putting the soul into a wicked creature she conjured.

The Sight: Through the force Vanya is capable of linking her mind to lesser creatures such as birds or other small animals and connecting her vision to theirs. Allowing her to 'see through the eyes of others' in order to effectively scout areas and locate prey without physically having to trail them herself. She can use this ability to great effect when on the hunt or simply for intelligence gathering, making it difficult for her to be evaded. This power is derived from force abilities similar to Beast Tame and others.


Still working on this nonsense~

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