Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Var upari

NAME: Var Upari RP:jedi survivor

FACTION: No faction

RANK: grey jedi

SPECIES: human

AGE: 24

SEX: male
HEIGHT: 5,10

WEIGHT: 77kg

EYES: blue

dirty blonde

SKIN: white tanned
FORCE SENSITIVE: his midichlorian amount is believed to be 15-17k

He’s been training as a jedi as long as he can remember he has always been a cunning warrior with his goal to be the best lightsaber dualist of all time he’s avarage at everything but his force ability and dualing has always been above the others he’s always been ruthless and showed some traits of the dark side but nothing to drastic
One day he went on a mission with his master when they have to go through an asteroid feild his master is hit by an asteroid and crashed into an unknown planet
(My character doesent see what planet)
As he looks at his masters ship an asteroid hits his ship then suddenly his ship skyrockets to a swamp planet he was knocked out hitting his head
When he wakes up he can’t see anything it’s all dark and his cock pit escape isn’t working so he resorts to kicking the window
After a lot of kicking it finally shatters letting him free he then falls out of the ship and lands on the floor afrer a high full as his ship is stuck in a tree with an injured leg he stumbles around the swamp he needs food eventually and a new ship so he can get off this planet the swamp is wet and sticky and humid then he sees a man..

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