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Approved Vehicle Varen Heavy Siege Tank

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Manufacturer: Olympian Armorsmiths
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Limited
Width: Very High
Height: Very Large
Weight: Extreme
Size: Very Large








  • Destroyer of Worlds - With its massive offensive weaponry, the Varen can destroy a multitude of enemies of most kinds and fortifications in short order.
  • Landdreadnought - With a very thick armor, versatile armor protections and shields, the tank will outlive a lot of punishment before going down.
  • All Around - With its turrets and mostly flexible weapon mounts, it can counter threats in most directions.


  • Tracks - Mines and fire focusing on the tracks can immobilise the tank.
  • Target - The size of the tank and its low speed make it an easy target for air support as well as artillery.
  • Logistics - To maintain this behemoth is incredibly challenging due to its size and weight, making battlefield repairs very difficult.
  • Wayfinding - The weight offers another challenge, making the use of many bridges and transports impossible.
  • Rear - Despite its size and serious armament, it lacks weapons pointing towards the rear and has a large blind spot directly behind it.
  • Volatile Core - The Sun Reactors, if hit and destabilised, can create a catastrophic explosion, destroying the tank and its surroundings.
  • Behemoth - Despite one of its destined combat operations being urban/tight terrain, its maneuverability is severely lacking.


The Varen Heavy Siege Tank is a new development for the Eternal Army by the Olympian Armorsmiths to be used in both pitched battles as well as sieges to break the enemy with superior firepower. Its arsenal of weapons is designed to bring destruction to nearly any type of adversary it might encounter. Its defensive suit made to outlast even most severe punishment from determined attackers.

Its multiple turret design is used to complement its ability to fight against multiple enemies and in multiple directions at the same time. Its main weapons designed to take out heavy enemy armor and fortifications while the secondary weapons are against lighter threats and can even be used against threats from the air.

With three Sun Reactors powering it, the Varen has an incredible strong power output to support its various weapons, shields and engines, with additional possibility to reinforce failing systems by conducting energy from one or the other.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: Intent: To create a tracked heavy siege tank for the Eternal Empire.
Image Source(s):

Technical Information

Affiliation: Eternal Empire
Model: Varen Heavy Siege Tank
Modular: Yes
Material: Various
Movement: Tracks
Armaments: VERY HIGH
Vehicle Type: Tank
Vehicle Role: Assault
Defense Rating: Very High
Traction Rating: High
Top Speed Rating: Low
Braking Power Rating: Very Low
Corner Speed Rating: Very Low
Speed Rating: Low
Acceleration Rating: Very Low
Balance Rating: Average
Maneuverability Rating:: Very Low
Energy Resist: Very High
Kinetic Resist: Very High
Sonic Resist: Low
Thermal Resist: Average
Radiation Resist: High
Minimum Crew: 3
Optimal Crew: 8
Passenger Capacity: 0
Cargo Capacity: Small
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