defy the tyrannous stars

NAME: Varex
FACTION: The Sith Empire (nominally)
RANK: Dark Jedi Knight // Sorcerer
SPECIES: Vaemath (Tranquil)
AGE: 35
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 2.8 meters
WEIGHT: 120 kg
EYES: Burnt Orange
HAIR: None
SKIN: None
- Wraith: Varex is no longer simply Vaemath, his long term exposure to raw and unbridled extra-dimensional energies has stripped away his corporeal form and elevated his spirit into a coalescent self. Able to levitate and pass through most walls, by far the most significant benefit to this plane of existence is the ability to perceive entirely through the Force quite similarly to a Miralukan.
- Voidtouched: Chosen by the Dreaming Dark to serve as an instrument of chaos on this plane of reality, Varex's connection to the Force is innate and naturally potent. Able to channel many Sith spells efficiently, the ascended Vaemath has no need for trivial encumbrances such as battle armor and lightsabers. The Force is both his shield and spear.
- Metaphysical Core: While in many ways less or more than a normal Vaemath depending on one's point of view, at the center of the Dark Jedi's form is a very tangible core being. This is particularly vulnerable to supernatural forms of attack, abilities such as Force Light or Darkside tendrils, electricity or telekinesis. However, prolonged exposure to energy weapon barrages have also proven effective in causing the entity within mortal pain.
- Endless Rage: The very same natural connection which grants Varex such power to manipulate the Force, also renders him nearly impossible to control. Prone to irrational bouts of destructive furor, he views the Sith as just as misguided as Jedi in their pitiful attempts to bring order to a universe destined for entropy.
At a little under three meters tall, Varex towers over most other humanoids, but is in fact quite average in build for a Vaemath. Once rarely seen without the ceremonial yet eminently functional armor of his people, now he appears as a shadow of his species surrounded by crackling otherworldly energies. In the place of natural eyes, there are only roaring embers which, when viewed closely enough reveal themselves as miniature galaxies aflame.