Vahtik De'Gorrei

I am Vargent Nordii, and this is my legacy.
Name: Vargent Nordii
Nicknames: Varge, Nord, and Windwaker.
Call-Sign: Nightblade
Home Planet: Coruscant
Faction: The Republic/Jedi Order
Rank: Jedi Padawan
Species: 75% Miraluka, 25% Borneck. Vargent had a fully Miraluken mother, meanwhile her father was only a half blood. The girl never bothered to ask what else her father was, and her partially Borneck blood is a mystery to her.
Age: 16 Galactic Standard Years
Potential Lifespan: Considering the girl's mixed blood, she'll likely live anywhere between 95 and 110 years. Due to the Borneck genes she inherited, she might live a bit longer. But seeing as she's mainly Miraluken, Varge will likely only end up surviving a decade longer then other members of her species.
Gender: Biologically and Mentally female.
Height: 5 feet 4 inches/1.6256 meters/64 inches
Weight: 125 pounds/56.699 kilograms
Eyes: None due to species.
Hair: Naturally a light brown, dyed purple.
Skin: A pale white.
Force Sensitive: Yes.
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Race/Species- One major visual difference that Vargent has from others is her lack of eyes. Instead of having them, the sockets where they would usually go on a near-human are covered in flesh, leaving little indents. Otherwise her species does not affect her appearance- though one might contribute her light skin color to her mother.
Hair- Originally a light brown, Varge has most recently dyed her hair a light purple. Usually she dyes it a different color every other month. Most of the time she keeps it short and loose, letting it hang just past her chin. Parted to the right, the locks are often quite messy, as the girl doesn't bother to fix them. After all it's not like she can see them or anything.
Mask- Not wishing for anyone to see her lack of eyes, the girl dons a mask of sorts, covering the lifeless sockets. In the past she has worn simple bandages wrapped around her face and tied in the back. Nowadays she wears a metal piece that has a similar shape to common sleeping masks. The cover is divided into five parts, with each one having a small purple gem located in the center of the line that separates them.
Body Type- Much to Varge's annoyance, she's not very tall. One day she'll likely grow out of it, as she's still fairly young. For now she stands a tad short, with a partially stocky, muscled build. In the past many mistook her for a male, given her broad shoulders and previously androgynous facial structure. Recently she's grown, making her more obviously female, along with starting to balance out width with height.
Modifications/Tattoos- Unknown to most, there is a tattoo of the Republic Insignia on the girl's right shoulder, surrounded with the Jedi code. Often this is hidden by a shirt or jacket, so only a few besides Vargent know of its existence. However many have seen the single rose that adorns her the back of her left hand, covering most of it. Besides these two the girl has no modifications.
Clothing- Seeing as Varge considers Jedi robes to be rather simple and boring, she only wears them when required to. When she does she chooses black and grey robes, while adding a intricate necklace and bracelet for flair. The rest of the time she dons combat boots (black in color), tight jeans (usually dark blue), a basic t-shirt or tank top, and a jacket. If it's colder outside the padawan will add a scarf and cloak on top, wrapping them around herself to stay warm. Due to her asthma Varge must also keep an oxygen tank with her, tubes leading up to little nubs that get attached to her nostrils. These help her breath, and come in a small variety of styles.
I Don't Like People- Being social is not something the padawan is very good at. Most of the time she keeps to herself, reading a book or observing others. The few times she actually tries to start a conversation, people seem to assume she's being stubborn or passive aggressive- which is not the case. Varge simply has trouble properly conveying her meaning. Kind of happens when you only talk to your trainer and maybe two other people on a regular basis.
Actions Speak Louder than Words- You know that whole Jedi thing with being patient and peaceful? Yeah, not exactly Varge's thing. The Miraluka prefers acting to talking, and can be quite impatient at times. Just one of the many reasons the council never sends her along on diplomatic missions. They learned the hard way that speaking wasn't her strong point. Vargent always prefers taking direct action over the long way, even if it means the chance of more people getting hurt in the process.
Mildly Impulsive- Don't be surprised if one second she's reading, and the next she's investigating a noise or poking something. Varge often comes off as odd due to her impulsive nature, as it causes her to do things seemingly randomly. That may or may not include: poking, humming, staring, running, yelling, exploring, and/or stopping mid sentence to go do something else.
OCD OVERLOAD- "Sorry about this, but you have a small piece of fuzz from a jacket stuck on your shirt, let me just... Ah, got it!" Yes, actual quote. The girl stopped her master mid-lecture to pick a small scrap of something off her clothes. This happens a lot more often than one would hope. OCD, how it is so... well, OCD.
Sorry, Did You Say Something?- Oh wow, that's a really pretty flower over there... Huh, did you say something? Ahem, Varge gets distracted pretty easily, and tends to miss out on important info. She can't help it, she's merely awed by everything around her. Especially cute little insects and arachnids with their cute little eyes and- *cough cough* I think you get the point of this.
Courage- Even in the face of danger Varge does not back down. Even in the darkest of moments, the worst of scenarios, she goes forward, appearing fearless. This is not true. She's not fearless, but that's not what courage is. Courage is knowing that some things are more important than fear.
Observational As Always- One of the Miraluka's more promising traits is her ability to notice things. While only being able to see with the force is an obstacle to this, she still manages to pick up the little things, mainly emotions, sounds, and ulterior motives behind things.
The Force Isn't just for Show- What's the point of being force sensitive if you can't use it? For most of her life Varge has been trained as a Jedi, learning to control her powers and use a lightsaber. The girl has focused on telekinetic powers (moving stuff around and the like), but has also devoted time to learning how to heal injuries. Unfortunately she has much to learn still, and is only a novice.
Physical Condition- Despite severe asthma she has managed to maintain an otherwise top physical form, being quite physically strong. Specific exercises have helped strengthen her lungs, and increase her previously weak endurance. While she still can't fight or run as long as others can, her strikes have become harder, quicker, and more accurate.
Asthma, the Bane of Varge- Lungs working ineffectively can be very, very troublesome- as in Varge's case. From birth she has suffered from a faulty respiratory system, causing lessened endurance, trouble breathing, and inability to enter/survive certain areas with tougher air. Nowadays she has to wear something to assist her in getting oxygen into her lungs. For combat situations she has her armor (link below), which can be worn in stressful environments as well.
Waiting Isn't Fun- Patience is a virtue, but it's one that Varge doesn't have. Waiting for long isn't something she enjoys, and when she fails to entertain herself she often attempts to rush into things or get them started early. Other times she just skips out on something entirely because she just doesn't want to wait.
Loner Nature- Unlike others the Miraluken girl can't call on allies (or at least not many), for she doesn't really have any. Having spent most of her time by herself she has made only a few friends, and hasn't attempted to make any more. Being alone is fine by her, however there are times when doing something alone is not an option. For her, it is often the only option available.
Childhood- Born and raised on Coruscant, Varge had a nearly normal childhood. Both of her parents were kind to her, and quietly accepted her force sensitivity. At a young age she was sent to the Jedi temple for training. Later on her parents would send a suit of armor to her, one she would later use to decrease how badly her asthma affected her.
Most of her free time was spent studying, earning her a reputation as studious, but annoyingly boring. That was fine with her, and she ignored her lack of friends. A few of the teachers had problems with her impulsive nature and dreadful case of OCD, but they managed and let her pass.
Teenage Years (In progress)- When it was time to start training as a padawan, Varge gladly stepped up and met her challenges with a level head. Unfortunately for her, the woman who was first to train her ending up leaving the order and turning to the dark side. This prolonged her wait to be taught, preventing her from furthering herself for quite some time.
Recently she has finally begun to attempt to be social, and has been notified a new master has been chosen for her.
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Ship: Need I remind you that Varge is pretty much blind? Do ya really think she'll be flying a ship by herself? If you do, well, you're wrong. She doesn't own a ship and probably never will. And now she's totally rolling her non-existent eyes at you for even reading this. Haha.
Notable Equipment:
Force Powers:
Novice: Force Pull and Mind Trick
Adept: Force Push and Sense Danger
Proficient: Empathy
Expert: Force Sight (Due to species)
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